Finding out if another woman is bisexual

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What Straight Guys Get Wrong About Bi Girls
Video: What Straight Guys Get Wrong About Bi Girls


There are ways to find out whether another woman might be bisexual. Just know that there is no guaranteed way to determine this other than just asking her. Hasty conclusions can be risky. That said, with the help of confidence and candor, you can determine if another woman might be bisexual.

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Method 1 of 3: Watch her behavior

  1. Notice if she openly expresses her appreciation for other women. If the woman seems to generally value women, including their sex appeal, there's a chance she's bisexual. Does she always pay attention to what other people look like and comment in a sexual way?
    • As with any clue, she may simply admire the other woman without feeling sexually attracted. In addition, most women pay a lot of attention to what other women look like.
    • However, if she repeatedly says she thinks another woman looks attractive, she may be open to it.
  2. Remember that she may be attracted to women without realizing she is bisexual. This is not an uncommon phenomenon. While things are getting easier these days, it can be difficult for some people to admit to their friends or family (or maybe even themselves) that they are bisexual.
    • Trust your intuition. Sometimes you just feel something. You usually know when someone is attracted to you or someone else, right? Sometimes your intuition says more than a thousand words. Research has shown that more than 60 percent of women can be attracted to other women, so it's not that rare. Whether they do something with it is a different story.
    • Society encourages women to bond emotionally. That can turn into attraction in some women. Realize that sexuality can be very elusive. Research shows that women increasingly describe their sexuality as they age.
    • The tricky thing is that many platonic friendships between women resemble romantic relationships because they tell each other many intimate details and can spend hours talking about personal details.
  3. Think about whether she's doing everything she can to be around a particular woman. Does she always chat with you or another woman? Does she always try to sit next to that woman during encounters? These could be signs that she is interested.
    • If she does everything she can to interact with another woman in a way that you would with a partner, that's a sign too. Is she always standing by the field at that woman's soccer game, or does she keep popping up in the cafe she knows the other woman is often there? Is she trying to arrange it so that she can be alone with that other woman?
    • Does she keep sending texts and e-mails or often calls without talking about men? That could be a sign that she wants more contact.
  4. Find out if she is in a relationship. While some women are already in a relationship with a man when they find out they are bisexual, she could be even if she doesn't have a man in her life right now.
    • This is especially true if it seems like she has never had a man before in her life. Inquire about previous serious relationships.
    • Check out her social media. Is she posting pictures of herself with only male friends or lots of women too? Does she often seem to be surrounded by women who are not related to her? What is her body language like when she's with those women? These can all be signs.

Method 2 of 3: Talk to her

  1. Find out if she has had experiences with women in the past. Nowadays it is not surprising when a woman kisses a woman. If she talks openly about a previous experience with a woman, chances are she would do it again.
    • You will need to gather more information, such as if she liked it, who started it, and what the context of the event was.
    • If she likes or loved lesbian porn, that's another giveaway. If women love to watch women please each other, chances are she would like to know what that feels like herself.
  2. Try to hear about her feelings. Start very generally. Ask which celebrities she finds attractive and see if they include women. Or just ask directly which female celebrity she finds most attractive and why, and see how she reacts.
    • Raise up issues such as same-sex marriage and see how she responds. These kinds of issues can spark discussion, but bringing them up can help you get a better picture of her sexuality.
    • You can also say that you are gay or bisexual and see how she reacts. Note that bisexuality can be very confusing for some people. Maybe she's very vague about it, or she doesn't want to be labeled. Just try to extract information.
  3. Just ask her. The easiest way to find out if a woman is bisexual is to ask her. Do this indirectly at first, and if she's giving you more signs that she might be bisexual, ask her directly.
    • For example, start by asking her how she feels about bisexuality. Whether she's ever found another woman attractive. Whether she's ever kissed a woman.
    • If you show that you are open and genuinely interested in her experiences, without judgment or pressure, she may confide in you. Don't be too serious. Ask in a casual, light-hearted way.
  4. Know that there is a difference between bisexuality and curiosity about it. A woman can also be just curious, and like to explore her sexuality with someone of the same sex.
    • Such a person could be bisexual or just not sure. A bisexual person is clearly attracted to both sexes, not just curious about them.
    • Someone who is just curious can of course also find out that she is bisexual if she gains more experience. Sexuality can be very elusive.
  5. Don't say anything that might offend her. Bisexual women are often tired of clichés. Try to avoid generalizing a group of people and get to know someone as an individual instead.
    • Don't say she's probably actually gay, or bisexual because she wants sex with a lot of different people, or try to convince her that you can change her (to make her bisexual or straight).
    • Don't assume she's bisexual because she doesn't like men or because she's had bad experiences with men. Let her explain how she views her bisexuality. Let her describe herself and her experiences. Make her feel good about talking to you about it. Let her know that you have a lot of respect for gay and bisexuals and that you have many friends who are. Let her know that you are okay with that and that she can trust you.
    • Don't be too quick to judge her. The point is that even though there are ways to get directions, you can never be sure if someone is bisexual just by looking at them.

Method 3 of 3: Studying her body language

  1. Judge her mood and her body language. Know that men often convey their interest more clearly. Women give more subtle hints.
    • What mood is she in when she sees you? If she starts to giggle, is very happy to see you, and smiles a lot, that's a good sign. Does she ever show she's jealous? If so, like if you've been dating another girlfriend, it could be a sign that she's interested in you.
    • Does she want you for her alone, or does she only meet when others are around? If she always wants to be alone with you, she may want a little more from you.
    • Does she have an open body language (body turned towards you, palms up, feet facing you) or does she look closed (arms folded, palms down, body turned away from you, etc.)
  2. Watch what she does with her eyes. If you notice that she keeps seeking eye contact with you or another woman, she may be bisexual.
    • Maintaining eye contact can be a way to build an intimate bond and flirt. Also notice how much personal space she leaves between herself and the other woman. Is she trying to create a zone of intimacy?
    • Looking someone in the eye and then looking away is often a form of flirting. People usually do not look someone in the eye they only see as a friend.
  3. Pay attention to clues in her clothing style. Avoid stereotyping. That said, there are some clues you can glean from the way she dresses.
    • If she has an androgynous appearance, perhaps wearing a jacket and tie, she may have bisexual feelings. Other attire that may point in that direction include pants that hang low on the hips, Calvin Klein boxer shorts and a tight blazer.
    • Look for rainbow accessories or pins that show she came out of the closet. Certain hairstyles are also associated with lesbians, such as a shaved head. Short nails can also be a sign. But know that absolutely no sign is really reliable. Lots of bisexual women dress very differently. That is very personal.


  • Avoid putting labels on people. They do not do justice to the whole person.
  • Wonder if it concerns you. Sexuality is very personal. If you yourself are romantically interested in her, that's one thing. But if you're just curious, that's something completely different.
  • If it turns out she's not bisexual, don't take it personally. People are who they are. It is not a personal attack on you.