Look good in the photo

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to be MORE PHOTOGENIC and Look Good in EVERY PHOTO
Video: How to be MORE PHOTOGENIC and Look Good in EVERY PHOTO


Do you feel that you are not photogenic and that you never look good in photos? Being nice in photos means knowing how to behave in front of the camera. With some knowledge of your body and understanding how you look good, you will also be nice in the picture from now on.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Preparing to have your picture taken

  1. Think about why you may or may not like certain photos. Study photos of yourself. When did you look good? When not? Can you tell the difference? Look at pictures of others and find out why they look nice in the picture. Some of the issues could include:
    • The exposure of the photo
    • Pinched or closed eyes
    • Wrong angle
    • Not your best laugh
    • Cosmetic problems such as blemishes, pimples or a haircut or item of clothing that doesn't suit you
  2. Practice posing in front of the mirror. The best way to discover your good corner or smile is to practice. Decide what position you look best in or how you want to smile.
    • See if your right or left half looks the best. Our faces are never completely symmetrical, so one side usually looks better than the other.
    • Turn your body so that you know how to sit or stand when you see a camera. You need to turn about 45 degrees for the most flattering pose.
    • Your hairstyle usually determines which side looks better, especially if your hair is asymmetrical.
  3. Wear the right clothes. Wear clothes that you know you look good in. Wear the right models for your figure. Know which colors go well with your skin and hair. This is very important if you want to look good in the photo. In general, solid colors look better than patterns.
    • If you wear patterns, choose them carefully. A pattern on your clothes can make you look worse in the photo depending on your figure. Small patterns can look busy and messy. Instead of wearing all different patterns, you better choose an element with a pattern.
    • If you want to look thinner, wear dark clothes. If you are thin, wear a light dress or a light cardigan.
    • But most importantly, you wear clothes that make you feel comfortable.
  4. Laugh, of course. A fake smile does not look good in a photo. It looks forced, and it doesn't suit your eyes. When a photo is taken, put on your most beautiful, natural smile so that you look your best.
    • To put on your best smile, you have to feel a certain emotion. If you're not happy, think of a happy memory, your favorite dish, or something else that makes you laugh.
    • With a real smile your eyes participate. Try squeezing your lower lids a bit. Then you smile a bit more naturally.
    • Place the tip of your tongue against the back of your upper teeth. Then of course you smile and you avoid a grin that is too wide.
    • Have someone outside of the picture make you laugh.
    • Practice in front of the mirror. Learn to feel the difference between a natural smile and a fake smile.
  5. Get the right make-up. You can make make-up beautiful (or very ugly) in a photo. Learn how to emphasize the right spots and you'll look good on almost any photo.
    • Rather use concealer than thick foundation. Use concealer on the problem areas on your face, such as the red spots on your nose or dark circles under your eyes. Put some concealer on the shadows on your face, which you can discover by tilting your chin down when you look in the mirror. Then put some transparent powder on your T-zone - forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. Those areas can be a bit fattier.
    • Frame your eyes with eyeliner so that they do not disappear in the photo. Combine that with mascara to make your eyes pop.
    • Put some blush on your cheeks to make them look less flat. Try pink, coral, or a peach shade on your cheeks. If you don't have blush, squeeze your cheeks just before you take the picture to give them some color.
  6. Bring your hair to life. Before posing, throw your head upside down. Then your hair will get more volume when it is set flat. You can also run your hands through your hair to do your part or to make it a bit more convex.
    • Be careful with styling products. Hair that looks wet or hard does not look good in the picture.
    • Keep frizzy hair under control so that there are no crazy peaks in the photo. Apply some wax or oil with your hands to keep your hair smooth.
    • Also think about how your hair will be in the picture. Don't let it hang on your shoulders. Rather leave it in front of your shoulders, behind it or over one shoulder. Practice in advance and decide what looks best.

Part 2 of 2: Learn how to look nice in the photo

  1. Tilt your head. When looking at the camera, don't look straight into it. Look just a little bit above or below it. Then tilt your head down or up a bit.
    • For a stronger jawline and less chance of a double chin, extend your neck and tilt your chin down. It may feel crazy, but it looks nice.
  2. Seek the light. Light is very important for a good photo. If there is no flash, find a light source that illuminates your face from the front, not the side.
    • Lamps, street lamps, a window or a hallway can all be good light sources if no flash is used. On the other hand, it can give a soft light, giving you flattering photos.
    • Move around the room to find the right light. Try putting a lamp behind you, above you or in front of you.
    • An hour after sunrise and an hour before sunset you have beautiful light for your photos.
    • Avoid lighting that creates harsh shadows on your face. That can accentuate imperfections and create ugly dark spots. Bright light can highlight wrinkles and other problem areas. The sun or bright light from above gives this kind of unflattering light. Look for light that gives an even glow from your forehead to your cheeks and chin. Take photos on a cloudy day, or use a lamp with a soft light.
  3. Tilt your body towards the camera. Turn your body at a 45-degree angle away from the camera, instead of taking the picture straight from the front.This pose will slim you down and create an angle that looks better in a picture.
    • Pose as if you were on the red carpet. Place your hand on your hip, turn your body away from the camera and your face towards it.
    • Rotate your torso so that one shoulder is closer to the camera than the other. Then you look thinner.
    • What you turn towards the camera seems greatest. If you don't want to emphasize certain body parts, make sure they aren't closest to the camera.
    • Keep your shoulders back and your back straight. Good posture makes a world of difference when you get your picture taken.
  4. Keep your body in the correct position. Instead of keeping your limbs straight and limp, you can bend them a bit so that some life comes into them. Bend your arms and keep them slightly away from your body. Then your waist gets a little more shape and it doesn't seem too thick there. Keep your hands relaxed and slightly bent.
    • Bend your front leg and put your weight on your back leg. Or cross your legs at your ankles.
    • Keep your arms slightly away from your body and bend them so that they appear thinner.
  5. Take lots of pictures. One of the best ways to look good in a photo is to take more than one! Even models have to get lots of photos taken before they get that one perfect photo. The more photos you take, the greater the chance that there will be a nice one.
  6. Feel confident. Be proud of yourself. You are unique and you have very beautiful characteristics. Focus on that, rather than what you think is wrong. By being happy and smiling sincerely, you will automatically get a beautiful picture.
    • Don't squeeze into difficult or awkward poses. Pose to flatter your body, but keep it natural. Being stiff makes you look uncomfortable, and that results in a bad photo.


  • Try different poses and decide which one looks best.
  • Feel happy if you have a photo taken.
  • If you don't like showing your teeth, don't! A smile with a closed mouth can also look very good!
  • Make your makeup look natural.