Looking cool in school

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to be the cool kid in school
Video: How to be the cool kid in school


Everyone wants to look cool, especially when you're in school with a lot of other people your own age. However, you have to remember that looking cool is going to be different for every person. It's about finding your own style and being yourself in a confident way. Don't fall for the movie stereotypes - find your own type cool and people will respect you.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Building a cool look

  1. Have fun with what you wear. It's cool to be creative and have your own style. Do not exaggerate. You don't want people to think you look like a crazy person, but you can develop a style that suits you. If you don't have to wear a uniform at school, try wearing something flashy. People will think it's okay if you're confident enough to wear it.
    • For example, if you have to wear a shirt with your uniform, why not try a brightly colored shirt? Or a tie with strange patterns?
  2. Get your outfit ready the night before school. This will help you look stylish during the day. If you're looking for something to wear quickly in the morning, you may look a bit sloppier than you intended.
  3. Go to the hairdresser. Don't stick with the haircut your mom gave you as a little kid. Try to find a haircut that you like and ask a hairdresser to cut your hair to look like this. You can even show your hairdresser hairstyles that famous actresses or actors have and ask them to copy them.
  4. Wear accessories. If you look good with sunglasses, wear one! The same goes for necklaces, watches or anything else. You have to assess what works for your specific outfit and style.
  5. Try to put your own personal twist on your uniform. If you have to wear a uniform in your school, you probably have a relatively strict set of rules to follow. Still, you can adjust this style in a way that suits you. Maybe you can wear a shirt in a flamboyant color or a certain tie. As a girl, you can wear dresses with different patterns that suit you. Try to make some adjustments to the uniform without getting in trouble. People will think it's cool that you want to defy the rules.
  6. Pick a style and stick with it. You don't want your outfit to be messy. Try to find a style that appeals to you and change it as you see fit. You may like the alternative style of Converse and corduroys.
    • For example, you might prefer to wear basketball shoes and a baggy sweatshirt. These are styles that go well together, and there are many more to choose from. Don't try to look like everyone else, but use certain styles as possible guidelines.
  7. Get fit. Unfortunately, when you're really out of shape it's a bit harder to be the cool person. That's not to say you can't, and you certainly don't need to have a six-pack. However, most people are more attracted to fit people.
    • For example, try incorporating aerobic exercises such as running or cycling into your routine.

Method 2 of 4: Looking cool at school

  1. Walk confidently. As a man, walk your chest a little bit forward, not in a ridiculous way, but in a way that makes you look mighty. Keep your eyes up and your chin up. This is a confident attitude and will make you look cool.
  2. Laugh. Don't confuse cool with aloofness. You can be extremely friendly and mysterious at the same time. You don't have to constantly reveal things about yourself. Just be kind to the people around you! Smile and wave to people in the hallway. The more people know you, the cooler people think you are. When you smile at people, they want to get to know you.
  3. Don't always sit up straight. You're not in the military; relax a little. It is considered nerdy to always have a perfect attitude. Sit back at your table and put your feet in front of you. You don't always have to do this, but it will help you look casual. If you really want to take it to the next level, you can also keep your hands behind your head.
  4. Lean against things. It's always cool to lean on things - the cool guys always do it in movies. If you are talking to a girl or boy in line for lunch, try leaning your shoulder against the wall while maintaining eye contact with the other person. Super cool.

Method 3 of 4: Adopt a cool personality

  1. Don't try too hard. This is essential. If it seems like you really want to be seen as cool, no one will think you are cool. Just try to stay calm. This is difficult, but you can do it.
    • For example, don't act too excited if you're invited to a party you really want to go to. Just say something like "That sounds good, man. See you there.'
  2. Be self-assured. Don't pretend to be concerned about what other people think. Confidence can make any type of style or personality look cool. People are attracted to people who are unconscious and sincere. Stop trying so hard to be cool and just have a good time. Act like a fool when you want to, be serious when you want to - just be yourself. Really. Everyone always tries their best to impress at school that you come across as original.
  3. Try to laugh and stay light-hearted. Don't take things too seriously. Your school days are a time to have fun. Try not to get as stressed out about things as everyone else. People will think you're cool if you never really care about a test, but you always look good. Keep trusting.
  4. Don't be afraid to break the rules. Make sure you know the rules before breaking them and don't break any rules that could get you in serious trouble. However, don't be afraid to stray outside the lines you've been taught to follow. People will think this is really cool. Don't brag about it, just don't be afraid to push the boundaries a bit.
    • For example, don't worry about breaking the uniform rules every now and then or being late for class.
  5. Be interested in others. If you want to make friends and look cool, you have to be interested in other people. Don't get caught up in your ego or your aura. It's all well and good to try to be mysterious, but you should also want to get to know your colleagues. If you have a good conversation with someone, the other person will likely tell your friends that you are a cool person. Don't shut yourself off. Be willing to have conversations with any type of person.
    • For example, don't be afraid to have conversations with children on the football team or with children who play theater. The more people like you, the cooler you get.
  6. Be humble and stand out quietly. Being quietly good at something is a classic characteristic of a cool kid. People will find you are good at it, and if you don't brag, they will think you are really cool too. It doesn't matter if you are good at something if you always talk about it. Excelling at something is a very important part of being cool.

Method 4 of 4: Do cool activities

  1. Practice a sport. Almost everyone likes to exercise. Just being on the basketball or soccer team doesn't make you cool right away. You have to earn people's respect by being good at it. Make sure to practice your talent. It's not cool to sit on the couch all the time.
    • Physical sports are often considered cooler.
  2. Excel at playing an instrument. Find an instrument and learn to play it! Once you are better you can join a band or start your own. People will find this very cool and you can even play in concerts or at your school talent show.
    • Try playing guitar, for example! A lot of people think that playing guitar is cool.
  3. Join a club or organization. Find something you are passionate about and join the club. If you are really into politics, you can join the political organization of your school. Try to get on the student council if your school has one. People will think you are cool when you are active and involved in the school community. Making your face known is a big part of being cool. Being an active member of a club can help you with that.
    • For example, if you're on the high school council or class representative, that's a great way to get people to think you're cool.


  • Wash your face every morning and evening.
  • Have fun with what you wear.
  • Wear the latest fashion.
  • Never be mean to your current friends just because you want to be cool.
  • Don't let trying to be cool change who you are.
  • Before going to bed, put perfume and a little soap on your clothes so that you smell good, but not too strong.