Looking Attractive (Girls)

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 3 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


If you worry about your appearance as a teenage girl, that's normal. But don't worry, being beautiful is just a matter of showing off your best qualities. To look attractive, start with the basics: develop a daily routine to keep your skin, hair, smile and whole body healthy, and feel confident with your posture and body language. If you want, you can also bring out your natural beauty with a little make-up, a fun hairstyle and clothes that flatter your figure.

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Method 1 of 3: Easy ways to look your best

  1. Spend five minutes on your skin every morning and evening. Consistency is key to maintaining beautiful skin, so commit to doing it a few minutes a day. This is how you do it easily:
    • Wash your face in the shower. Save time in the morning by combining your skincare routine with a shower. Wash your face quickly while you wet your hair.
    • If you're too tired to take care of your whole skin before going to bed, keep a stack of makeup remover tissues on your nightstand.
    • Try to moisturize your face day and night. Don't forget the normal places where wrinkles appear: the outside of your eyes and around your mouth.
  2. Shower every day. A quick rinse before starting your day will make you look, smell and feel a little more beautiful no matter what else happens. Try to establish a routine that takes no more than five or 10 minutes.
    • Wash your hair regularly. You don't have to wash your hair every time you shower - in fact, people with coarser hair should wash their hair every other day or even every three days. Be consistent no matter what works for you. Your scalp routinely produces oil for your hair, so make your life easier by sticking to the same schedule.
    • Trim and clean your nails once or twice a week. Your nails are the softest and easiest to work with when you just got out of the shower, so now is a good time to give them a quick trim. You will then have clean, representative fingers and toes without having to do a full mani- or pedicure.
    • Treat body hair. Shave in the shower and epilate as soon as you get out of the shower. The rule of thumb is to shave your underarms every day, your legs every other day, and pluck your eyebrows once a week.
    • Put on some deodorant as soon as you are done showering. This is also a good time to spray on some fragrance, whether it's a perfume or a light body spray. (But be a little thrifty and make sure not to over-spray!)
  3. Show a nice smile. Whatever else happens, your smile is one of your best features. This is how you keep a radiant smile:
    • Brush your teeth twice a day and floss every night. While you're at it, don't forget to gently brush your tongue - there can be a lot of bacteria that cause bad breath.
    • Use a mouthwash at night, and keep gum or peppermint handy to make sure you have a nice and attractive mouth.
    • Fight chapped lips. If you often have chipped and dry lips, you are probably dehydrated - drink water more often and you will notice the difference. If that doesn't help, keep some lip balm with you during the day.
  4. Keep your body healthy. You don't have to be a thin bar to look attractive, but keeping your body fit and healthy is worth it. Not only do you take advantage of them as you get older, the endorphins released during exercise also make you feel confident and beautiful.
    • Exercise. Movement doesn't have to be monotonous. If just the thought of a fitness school makes you shudder, consider taking up a sport or taking up an active hobby. Basketball, tennis, volleyball, and swimming are good options.
    • Exercise with a friend. By making it something social, you keep going to train. You're less likely to come up with an excuse not to run when you have to cancel your friend. Plus, you have someone to complain to while you exercise.
    • In general, try to stay active. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, or park a little further from the supermarket entrance. It doesn't seem like much, but even small increases in your movement will eventually show in your figure.

Method 2 of 3: More detailed help

  1. Bring out your natural beauty with makeup. Women in several cultures use make-up to make themselves more beautiful. However, remember, you don't have to put on makeup to look attractive - it's just a tool you can use if you want. You can also wear different types of make-up, depending on your situation and how comfortable you feel about it.
    • Try a natural look. You can wear just enough makeup to mask minor flaws to look like the best version of yourself. Use a clear or lightly tinted lip gloss or lip balm and a light powder to even out your skin tone.
    • Keep it casual. You can use makeup all over your face without weighing it on, or skip the routine and just go for a bold lipstick or the smokey eye look. If you use makeup on a daily basis, consider getting a basic look that you can adjust depending on your needs.
    • Create a glamorous evening look. For a special night out, try to set aside 15 or 20 minutes for a full makeup look. Use concealer, a base and finishing powder, blush, eye make-up and a lipstick or lip gloss. Don't forget the "lips-or-eyes rule": choose one of the two to accentuate. It's too flashy and exaggerated to do both.
  2. Style your hair. Like most people, you probably have a few hairstyles to fall back on for an everyday look.But this doesn't mean you can't try something new every once in a while! Putting a little more effort into your hairstyle will make you look more beautiful and feel like a supermodel.
    • Try something new. If you normally wear your hair in a ponytail, try a half ponytail or curl your hair with a curling iron. If long and loose is your preference, try a textured ponytail or a trendy herringbone braid.
    • Consider a new haircut. If you are not happy with your hair or you are down, maybe you just need a new haircut or hair color. Look online or browse magazines to see what style you like, and make an appointment with the hairdresser. Remember, your hairdresser's job is to make people feel good about the way they look, and he or she will be happy to offer advice if you're not sure what you want.
    • Trim split ends and refresh your hair color. Even if you are completely satisfied with your current look, make sure to keep it up. Trim split ends every six to eight weeks, updating regrowth at the same time.
  3. Wear clothes that flatter your body. What looks great with your best friend may not look great with you, and that has nothing to do with how attractive you are. Knowing which clothes look good on you will make you look better (even if you haven't changed yourself!).
    • Be aware of your body shape. You can take your size, or you can just look in the mirror to estimate it by eye. The most common types are:
      • Pear: wider hips, smaller waist and bust. Accentuate your waist and your shoulders.
      • Apple: wider bosom and waist, thinner legs. Draw attention to your thin legs and hips.
      • Hourglass: wider bust and hips, smaller waist. Take advantage of your classic curves and small waist.
      • Banana: small bust, waist and hips. Make use of your slim figure by accentuating your waist with a belt or short jacket.
    • Remember: light colors accentuate, dark colors dress. For example, if you like your waist but not your hips, wear dark pants and a light shirt.
  4. Take extra care of your skin. Cleansing your skin every day gives you a strong foundation for beautiful skin, but to keep your skin intact, you can take a number of special treatments.
    • Scrub. Once a week, mix a gentle scrub with your skin cleanser and gently massage over your face. Rinse as usual.
    • Remove blackheads. Buy some cleansing nose strips from the drug store or visit a beautician for a professional treatment.
    • Treat yourself to a mini facial. You can get face masks from the drug store, or you can make your own from peaches and oatmeal.

Method 3 of 3: Radiate confidence

  1. Practice good posture. Your appearance tells other people a lot about how you feel, so make sure you convey confidence.
    • Keep your head high. Don't look at the ground.
    • Relax your shoulders and keep them back.
    • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
    • Distribute your weight on both feet.
  2. Walk with dignity. Did you know that beauty queens spend hours learning to walk again? It sounds strange, but they practice walking in a way that appears elegant and light-hearted. Instead of spending so much time "miss training", follow these quick tips:
    • Don't drag your feet. Avoid sliding your feet or lifting them only to the minimum height necessary for walking.
    • Cradle your hips slightly. An excessive rotation can cause back pain, also an unnatural position of your pelvis. Instead, let your hips sway to the movement of the walk.
    • Try not to flinch too much. Practice walking keeping your head level, even when the rest of your body is moving.
  3. Laugh! The only thing that makes you more beautiful than all other tips you already own: your pearly white teeth. Keep your smile ready and find a reason to smile. Not only does that make you feel happier, but you also cheer up everyone around you with it.
    • If you find it difficult to smile regularly, try thinking about your favorite joke or something else that makes you happy, such as a pet or family member. Get inspired when you need to quickly conjure up a smile.
    • Keep it appropriate. Smiling when someone says hello to you is good; smiling when your friend talks about the loss of his grandmother is not so good. Analyze the situation before you automatically smile.


  • Don't rush it. Rather than having astronomical expectations of yourself and thinking you will look completely different overnight, gradually adjust your appearance.
  • Ask for advice. If you have a close friend or family member who really knows how to look good and looks good herself, ask her what her secret is. She will probably be happy to share it with you.
  • Be yourself because that is the most beautiful person you will ever be. Do not change completely.
  • Don't forget to stay positive. Even if no one notices your changes, don't get mad about it. Pretend you're not trying to change, and more people will notice. It is a boost for your confidence. (That was more for teens, but it works for everyone) Use nicknames. Name people honey, honey, sweetheart, etc. to boost everyone's confidence. When they laugh, so do you, sweetie!
  • Don't admire others too much or try to be like them.
  • Never change your style for a boy. You don't need red lipstick or false eyelashes. If he likes you the way you've always looked, then there's no reason for you to change!
  • Never forget that your appearance does not change what you are inside.
  • Always be true to yourself and everyone around you.