Choosing a yoga mat

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Choosing a Yoga Mat
Video: Choosing a Yoga Mat


If you are interested in yoga then you need a mat. Yoga mats come in different lengths and structures, and are made of various materials. If you want a yoga mat, you have to consider several factors. Think about your personal needs, especially with regard to the type of yoga you practice. Think about the type of material you want. Also consider the physical aspects of the mat, such as the structure and thickness.

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Part 1 of 3: Taking your needs into account

  1. Consider your body type. The type of yoga mat you need depends to some extent on your body type. If your joints become painful quickly, you may need a thicker mat. Thicker mats, or mats with extra padding, can be kinder to the joints. Standard yoga mats are 3 to 6 mm thick. Consider a thicker mat if you want more cushioning.
    • Consider your height if you are tall. A standard yoga mat is 172cm long, which may not be long enough if you're on the longer side. If you are taller than 165cm, find a longer yoga mat.
    • Think about any injuries. For example, if you have problems with your knees, you may prefer a thicker mat to protect your knees.

    Look at the yoga variant you are following. The type of yoga you will be doing can also affect what type of mat you need. Consider your yoga level before purchasing a mat.

    • If you are just starting out with yoga, it is okay to choose a mat of less quality. Choose a basic mat between € 10 and € 20. You may not like yoga after all, so don't invest in expensive gear. Also, once you know how your body responds to yoga, you may be better able to know what you need. First choose a cheaper mat and then go for a more expensive one later on.
    • Flow yoga requires more complex movements that require a rougher mat to keep from slipping. With yin yoga, however, you will mainly sit on the floor, and grip is therefore less important. Instead, opt for a softer mat with more cushioning.
    • Some people engage in a form of "hot yoga," where they practice yoga in a heated room. If you are doing hot yoga, you may need a mat designed specifically for this type of yoga. These mats are designed to prevent you from slipping if sweat gets on your mat.
  2. Think about where you do yoga. Where you do yoga also makes a big difference in your mat type. For example, if you plan to do yoga mainly at home, you don't have to worry about a lightweight mat that is easy to transport. However, if you are taking yoga classes outdoors, you may want to choose a mat that is easy to take with you.
    • You may also want to purchase a lighter mat if you travel a lot and do yoga on the go. You may also want to consider investing in a second yoga mat that you can take with you on your travels.

Part 2 of 3: Choosing a material

  1. Be wary of PVC mats. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is one of the most commonly used materials to make yoga mats. However, it has a bad reputation in the yoga community as some studies indicate it is a carcinogen. It is also difficult to recycle. Once your mat is old and worn, you will eventually have to throw it away. If you are an environmentally conscious person, you may want to avoid PVC mats.
  2. Try a rubber mat. Many people prefer natural rubber mats to PVC mats. A simple rubber mat is about as easy to find as a PVC mat, but it has a better reputation among yoga enthusiasts. A rubber mat can be a good idea if you are just starting out as they are easy to find and relatively inexpensive.
  3. Opt for a padded mat. Padded mats are much softer and more comfortable than regular yoga mats. A padded yoga mat is made of two parts: an inner part, made of foam, and an outer, removable cover.
    • These mats can be great for yoga that involves a lot of sitting or lying down. They generally provide much more support than the average mat. However, they do not provide much guidance. You may slip and fall during certain positions if you use a padded mat.
    • A disadvantage of quilted mats is that they can only be partially washed. You can wash the cover, but the foam padding is not washable.
  4. Find a cotton mat. Some yoga mats are just made of cotton. Many prefer cotton because it is a natural material. While cotton can hold more sweat, it is easy to wash. It is also soft, but often offers a bit more grip than a padded mat. However, cotton more easily retains sweat. However, a cotton yoga mat should be washed frequently.
  5. If necessary, choose a non-slip mat. Non-slip mats, also called sticky mats, are mats designed to allow you to move in many different positions. These mats provide extra grip and adhesive strength. If you're doing a particularly rigorous form of yoga, consider a non-slip mat.

Part 3 of 3: Taking other aspects of the mat into account

  1. Consider the structure. The structure of your mat makes a lot of difference to your personal comfort. Mats come in a variety of textures, so make sure you consider the texture before making your choice.
    • Anti-slip mats, just like regular mats, often have a rougher structure. While this can irritate the skin, it can also be an advantage if you practice yoga that involves a lot of intensive postures.
    • If you prefer a smooth mat, PVC mats may be the way to go. However, many yoga suppliers sell more eco-friendly mats that also have a smooth texture. If you want a smooth mat without PVC, look for a brand with an eco-friendly reputation.
  2. Choose a mat that is suitable for what you are looking for. As mentioned, if you are just starting out with yoga, you need a little more padding. Most standard yoga mats are 3mm thick, which may not be thick enough for a beginner. Yoga mats, however, can be up to 6mm thick. If you need more padding, consider a thicker mat.
    • A good intermediate size can be a 4 mm mat. If you are just starting out with yoga and you have a lighter build, this could be a good option for you. An intermediate mat can also be good if you travel a lot, because they are easier to roll up and take with you.
  3. Choose a mat that is easy to store. It can be cumbersome to have a yoga mat that is difficult to roll up. Find a mat that is made of lightweight material and that rolls up easily.Test a mat in the store by rolling it up a few times. Make sure the mat is easy to handle so you don't have to worry about storing it.
  4. Consider accessories. Depending on your needs, you may need certain accessories for your yoga mat. A handle can be a good idea if you are going to yoga every day. You can also buy a carrying case for your mat, as well as a cotton strap to secure your mat when you roll it up. EXPERT TIP

    Check out the price. Yoga mats vary widely in price. A 3 mm thick PVC mat without filling, anti-slip or other frills is your cheapest option. You can get such a mat for around $ 10, but it will wear out quickly. If you are serious about yoga, consider investing in a higher quality mat.

    • If you plan to do yoga for longer, go for a more expensive mat from a reputable sports or yoga brand. A mat from Lululemon Athletica, for example, can be a worthy investment if you are a yoga enthusiast.
    • Certain characteristics, such as filling and stickiness, do cost extra. However, if you have decided that these extras are important to you because of your personal needs, then they may be worth the extra price.


  • If you don't want to use the yoga mat anymore, consider removing it by donating it to a homeless shelter or animal shelter.