Copy a website

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How to clone a website
Video: How to clone a website


Learning to build websites with HTML and CSS can be a long and tiring process, especially if you don't have any programming experience. Of course, you can buy or borrow books from the library to learn HTML programming, but some concepts need to be practiced to fully understand them. Copying a website can help you unravel the programming process bit by bit, and this analysis can help you better understand how HTML works.

To step

  1. Download a program to copy websites. Most browsers have the option to save a website to your computer, but with a program that is specially designed to copy websites, you can also save all images and subfolders that belong to the website. This gives you easier access to the various files that make up the website.
    • The most popular and most powerful option is a program called subsequetrack, which is an open-source program available for Windows and Linux.
  2. Specify the location for the copied files. Once you have opened the program, you must first set a download location for all website files. Create a special folder for your website copies in a convenient place, otherwise it will be harder to find them later.
    • Give your project a clear name.
  3. Make sure the program is set to download the entire website. Some programs like Athrack give you different options when downloading from websites, such as downloading specific file types. Make sure you choose to download the entire website.
  4. Enter the address of the website you want to copy. Depending on the program you are using, you can enter one or more addresses at the same time. Enter the addresses of the websites you want to copy in the text box.
    • If you are using^Track and the website you want to copy requires login credentials, use the "Add URL" button to enter address as well as username and password.
  5. Start copying the website. When the settings are adjusted as desired, you can start the actual copying. Depending on the size of the website, it may take a while for the download to complete. Programs like iTrack show the progress of copying.
    • ITrack can theoretically copy the entire internet to your computer, so make sure you set everything up in advance!
  6. View your copied website. When the download is complete, you can open and use the copied website from your computer. Open any HTM or HTML file to browse the pages in the same way you would view the pages online. You can also open the files in an HTML editor for better analysis and editing of the code.


  • It is plagiarism if you copy and use a website as if it were yours. It can be considered as intellectual property theft. Never use copied content for your own project. You can of course use small pieces if you clearly state the source.
  • Many webmasters use software to find out if their content is being used by others without permission. Don't just assume that you can freely use certain content because it is easy to copy. Always check with the webmaster or website owner before using someone else's work.