Selecting a watermelon

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Pick the Best Watermelon Every Time | GRATEFUL
Video: How To Pick the Best Watermelon Every Time | GRATEFUL


Many people have no idea how to select a watermelon. They just knock on this oversized fruit like they know what they are doing. While it is difficult to find out how ripe the inside is by inspecting the outside, there are several clever tricks you can learn to help you choose the perfect watermelon.

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Part 1 of 3: Selecting a watermelon

  1. Look for an even shape. Look for a firm, symmetrical watermelon without bruises, cuts or dents. If the watermelon has lumps and bumps, it could mean that it received irregular amounts of sunlight or water as it grew, causing dryness or irregularities.
  2. Lift the watermelon. The watermelon should be heavy compared to its size, as this indicates that the fruit is full of water. Try to compare the weight of the watermelon with other melons of equal size - the heavier ones are also the ripest. This advice applies to most fruits and vegetables.
  3. Look for the yellow spot under the melon. The underside of the watermelon should have a cream-colored yellow spot, also known as the field spot. This is what the melon rests on as it ripens in the sun. The darker it is, the better. If the field spot is white, or even impossible to find, this means that the watermelon was probably picked too early and is therefore not ripe.
  4. Inspect the color. A perfectly ripe watermelon should be dark green in color and slightly dull, rather than shiny. Usually a shiny watermelon will be unripe.
  5. Try the knocking technique. The beating technique is a bit difficult to master, but many watermelon enthusiasts swear by it. Beat the watermelon firmly and listen to the sound. A ripe melon has a fuller sound, more tenor than bass. You don't want a muffled or too deep sound, as this means the watermelon is unripe.
  6. Know what to look for when selecting pre-cut cantaloupe. When buying pre-cut watermelon, there are also certain things to keep in mind. Choose pieces with bright red flesh and dark brown or black seeds. Avoid pieces with white stripes and an abundance of white seeds. Do not choose pieces that look dried, mealy or have the seeds loosening from the pulp.

Part 2 of 3: Storing and cutting the watermelon

  1. Store the watermelon properly. A whole watermelon can be kept in the refrigerator for up to a week. Do not forget to handle the watermelon gently to avoid bruising.
    • Never store a watermelon below 4 degrees Celsius, as this will damage the fruit.
    • If you want to ripen the watermelon after purchase, keep it at room temperature for a few days. This will ripen the watermelon somewhat, but not much - this is because a watermelon picked too soon will never fully ripen.
  2. Cutting the watermelon. To cut watermelon into bite-sized pieces, place the watermelon on a cutting board and cut the top and bottom with a sharp knife. After this you can safely put the watermelon on one side.
    • Cut the skin off the pulp with a sharp knife. Then cut the watermelon into round slices and divide the slices into 2.5 cm cubes.
    • If you are not going to use it right away, put the sliced ​​watermelon in the refrigerator, sealed. You can then keep it for 3 to 4 days.
  3. Remove the seeds from the watermelon. If you want to pit a watermelon, just cut it in half and then into quarters. Using a paring knife, cut through the melon pulp, along the seed line.
    • With the help of a fork, scrape the seeds from the pieces of melon and around the edges.
    • This is ideal for dicing the melon as a snack, using it in salsa, adding it to drinks, or whatever you'd like to use the watermelon for.

Part 3 of 3: Watermelon recipes

  1. Make watermelon salad. Watermelon is the perfect addition to a fresh salad, or to give your lunch an extra juicy crunch. This recipe combines watermelon with cucumbers, cashews and feta cheese!
  2. Lemonade with watermelon. Can you imagine anything more refreshing than a cold glass of lemonade with watermelon on a hot summer day? Use the sweetest watermelon for the best results!
  3. Watermelon donuts. Watermelon donuts are not actual donuts, they are just slices of watermelon cut into the shape of donuts. Garnished with sugar and chopped almonds, they make a delicious snack.
  4. Fried watermelon. This tasty, but not-so-healthy variety is topped with powdered sugar, making it a decadent, juicy treat! Br>
  5. Vodka with watermelon. You can make a delicious summer drink by pairing vodka with watermelon slices - serve this with ice cubes, along with a little juice, for a perfect pink party drink!


  • Check the yellow bottom. The larger and clearer it is, the longer the watermelon has been able to ripen. A ripe watermelon is sweet.
  • Drum on the watermelon. This one should sound hollow.