Seducing a woman with the zodiac sign of Taurus

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
♉ How to Seduce a Taurus Woman?
Video: ♉ How to Seduce a Taurus Woman?


So you caught your eye on a woman who was born between April 20 and May 20? Then she's a Taurus. If you think you can tie her up for one night, then you are completely wrong! Before you know it she has caught you in her web. If you're brave enough to take a chance, keep reading to make sure she sees you and only has eyes for you.

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Part 1 of 3: Getting her attention

  1. Be patient. This goddess of love loves security. She doesn't just let anyone come near her. Therefore, you will have to be patient. She won't be tempted with a meaningful look and a drink. If you want this woman, you will have to take the time for that. She is well worth all that effort!
    • Don't worry about getting too deep into the friend zone. This is a necessary part of seducing her. You need to build a foundation of trust before you can get close to her bed. Do you really wish your wife would be different?
  2. Court her. This is the way to avoid the friend zone! In a civilized way, let her know that you want her. Bring her flowers. Write her a letter. Kiss her cheek when you say goodbye. Make her think about you. Make her almost beg for more. You remember what your grandparents were talking about? Start taking notes.
    • If you bring her flowers, make sure they are special. A Taurus woman loves her beautiful things. Find out what her favorites are and have them delivered with an understated ticket. Spark her interest by showing her your maturity, your wallet, and your intentions.
  3. Make her feel safe. This goddess, to say the least, has a number of trust issues. She wants a lover she can count on know how amazing she is and willing to tell her this! So compliment her and flatter her - but make sure you mean it! Let her know how special she is, and she will open up to you sooner.
    • Don't be negative. You know being affectionate and then being distant what some zodiac signs go for? That does not apply to the Taurus. She prefers a straightforward you-are-what-I-want attitude to games. And go mostly don't be condescending to make her feel emotionally vulnerable so that she craves your approval. That's a way of doing things that will kick you out of the house.
  4. Don't disappoint her. The feminine Taurus has a strong side - she is very reliable, you can count on her, and she remains firmly committed to her principles. If you let her down, she won't accept it. If you are going to be late, let her know as soon as possible. Be nice so she doesn't pick you up on her horns.
    • And when it comes to your word, stick to it. If you say you'll do something for her, do it. If you say you'll do something for a friend of hers, do it. If you make a promise to someone and they hear about it, do it. She is extremely loyal to everyone in her circle - violate their trust and you violate hers.

Part 2 of 3: Bringing her in

  1. Let her show off her creative side. This woman loves everything about art. She will bounce with energy, passion and enthusiasm when you take her to a museum, the theater, a concert or even a wine tasting. If there is even the appearance of quality and creativity, she will be there.
    • So if you're looking for a good date, look no further. If it requires you to go a little upscale, great. When it comes to food, great. When it comes to showing her your expertise in this field, great. Before you know it she will be yours.
  2. Stimulate all of her senses. If you really want to be a good catch for her, it is important to bombard all her senses with pleasurable stimuli. That means you have to create a moment that is beautiful for her eyes and ears, pleasant to the touch, tastes and smells. So make dinner for her, light some candles and show her your silk sheets. Boom.
    • Cook? That works for most women, but certainly for a female Taurus. That then shows you can take care of the food and have skills. Just make sure to keep it simple - she's not a big fan of new, crazy stuff; not even when it comes to food.
  3. Choose quality above all else. If there are no euro notes sticking out of your wallet, you are in for a tough battle. Mrs. Taurus loves her beautiful things. This doesn't have to be the most expensive or trendy, but it is beautiful . Classic, vintage or modern - she loves it all, provided it is of good quality.
    • When you've made dinner for her, get your most beautiful china crockery out of the cupboard. Buy her the most beautiful flowers. Wear your cashmere sweater on your date and offer it to her when she's cold. And wash your car before you pick her up!
  4. Show her how stable you are. Lady Taurus wants a man who is a rock. He has money in his wallet, a decent job, a nice car, a decent house, and is emotionally stable to begin with. She's not going to take care of anyone, that's for sure. Even if you're not thinking long-term, these things are necessary to get and keep her attention long enough to even be considered.
    • Don't be overly emotional; flirting with her one minute and ignoring her the next. She then assumes that you don't know what you want. Just as much as you wish her to yearn for you with enthusiasm, you should do it the same way with her. Who knows, she might react the same way!
  5. Assume long foreplay. This is just good advice. Follow it. Always. When you've finally gotten close enough to kiss her (and she'll let you do this), don't go straight for your goal. Keep it PG-13 until she begs you to move on. When you can't put off both of you, take it a step further.
    • You want to wrap her around your fingers, don't you? This is not a one night stand girl. Both of you will want to repeat this, so behave. If your goal is to please her, then she will strive to please you in turn, and both of you will enjoy it.

Part 3 of 3: Making sure it lasts

  1. Know that she is an Earth sign. The other signs are Fire, Water and Air. You can probably guess what it means by deducing this. It is also fixed (as opposed to changeable), meaning it is firmly grounded. A typical Earth sign can be described as follows:
    • Grounded, stable and resistant to change
    • Reliable, robust and not prone to tantrums or emotional display
    • Dislikes taking risks and likes security
    • Known as the "builder" of the zodiac
  2. Understand that she is not super emotional. If you want her to get out of bed and then declare that you are a sex god, she won't say that (although she might think). She lives in a logical, rational world and doesn't like to be swept up in tears, hysteria or visible excitement. Consider this a good thing - no drama!
    • This means not that she doesn't get attached to you or get angry with you if you don't call her back. Au contraire, mon ami, she will take you on her horns in no time. She will sulk until next Tuesday. However, she won't let it go brands. She will ignore you without saying why.
  3. Realize that she can seem quite traditional. Her earthy ways will convince most Fire and Water signs that she is rather conservative, and sometimes a bit boring too. That is not the case! Traditional is not the same as boring. What this means is that she is good at what she does and knows what she wants. Although she may only make meat and potatoes, she is particularly good at it. Nothing wrong with that!
    • No, she's not super adventurous and no, she's not lost in a dream world. There is nothing wrong with that, is there? She lives in the real world and really has things that matter to her. And if it works for her, then she sticks to it. If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it!
  4. Don't play with her emotions. So, yes, she's trustworthy and you can count on her, and she's sweet and kind and not super emotional - but that doesn't mean you have to play games with her. She finds respect, tact and treating others as they deserve to be treated very important. So if your goal is to manipulate or use her, she will show you the door without mercy. Those horns of hers can be really pointed! Ouch.
    • If you just want to entice her and then send her home in a taxi, be honest about that. You get a lot further this way than by pretending. She has no patience with liars and hypocrites, and is pretty good at picking them out.
  5. Be as loyal and devoted as you can. Once you have her love, do your best to treat her as well as she treats you. She will be incredibly loyal, patient and reliable. Do this for her too! What is certain is that you will be the only one in her life. The question now is, what in the world have you done to earn it?
    • Chances are that you intended to seduce her and found yourself seduced. Funny how that, isn't it? Ms. Taurus can be a long-term girl if you are a worthy partner. Congratulations on taming that bull!


  • Taurus women have a tendency to offend, but they do this for the purpose of figuring out what your reaction is.
  • If you cook for her, she might do this for you too!
  • She best suits a Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces.
  • Don't be surprised if your Taurus woman has a mild problem with her weight as Taurus have a big appetite.
  • The Taurus usually thinks long-term in terms of goals and this applies to her relationships as well.
  • BE HONEST. Taurus women don't like any hint of manipulation, lying, or games. As soon as they think you have something to hide, they'll run.
  • One of the quickest ways to annoy a Taurus woman is to complain a lot or be negative all the time. Taurus women don't like whining. Make a plan to fix the problem and then make an effort to fix it as soon as possible. A Taurus woman needs to know that you can deal with whatever life throws your way. She doesn't want to be your mom, your nanny, or your life coach for every little problem.


  • The bull is the most stubborn sign of the zodiac. NEVER try to force her to do something she doesn't want to or she will take you on her horns!
  • It may take a while for a Taurus to come to a decision, but once it is made, she is unstoppable. This can be beautiful or downright scary, depending on what her decision is and why she came to that conclusion. Taurus is one of the most laid back signs of the zodiac, as well as the most terrifying and aggressive. You have been warned.
  • Taurus is as jealous as its opposite, Scorpio. NEVER flirt with other women when dating this sign! She can become very hateful.
  • It is very rare for Taurus to give someone a second chance. Be careful when testing her patience, her loyalty, or her mood. If she decides you are no longer worth her time, there is NOTHING you can do to get her back.