Maintain a friendship

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 19 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Guide to Maintaining Friendships
Video: Guide to Maintaining Friendships


Like any relationship, friendship requires you to work on it. If you feel like you and a friend are drifting apart, or if you just want to strengthen an existing friendship, there are ways to strengthen your bond. If you reach out to that friend regularly and take the right steps to become supportive, you can resolve conflicts and ensure your friendship for the long haul.

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Method 1 of 3: Stay in touch

  1. Send the other person a message regularly. If you see or experience something that reminds you of your friend, send a text message to let them know you should be thinking about him or her. If you're good friends, you can message each other every day. One thing you can try is to send a message with funny pictures or links to funny articles.
    • Use emojis in your messages to personalize them.
    • Don't take it personally if a friend takes a long time to respond. They may be busy or may not like texting as much as you do. Send them messages less often or accept that you will not always get an answer.
  2. Call now and then. Call your friend when you have time to talk. Ask questions about how the other person is doing and if there is anything interesting going on in their life. When wondering when and how often you will call, consider how often you see the other person and how busy they usually are. If the other person has a lot of free time and likes to call, you can call more often.
    • If necessary, schedule a regular time to talk - such as making a weekly call.
    • Do not call during work or school hours, and be aware of different time zones.
    • When you call, schedule a longer, more in-depth conversation than you would if you were only sending a text message.
    • You can ask questions like, "How are things at school?" Or "What are you going to do during the summer vacation?"
  3. Try to arrange something together, if possible. Calling and texting are great ways to keep in touch, but actually spending time together is an even better way to strengthen your bond. Call your friend and make plans to see each other. Make up things that both of you enjoy doing. You can even buy tickets to a show or reserve a table at a restaurant!
    • You can train together, go to a museum, eat something, catch a movie or go to a concert.
    • If you live far apart or are old friends who don't see each other that much anymore, you may want to consider planning a vacation together to create new memories.
  4. Use video chat to "meet up" if you live far from each other. You can use video chat programs such as Facetime and Skype to talk to each other, even if you live far away from each other. Being able to see your friend while you are talking will make you feel like the other person is sitting across from you.
    • You can video chat while watching the same movie, play a game, or just talk.
  5. Stay connected via social media and email. If you're busy and don't have time to talk to your friend on a regular basis, you can keep each other up to date via social media or email. Send him or her a direct message or share funny messages online. This is especially useful if you don't have time to call or meet up.

Method 2 of 3: Be a good friend

  1. Tell the other person that you appreciate them. If you don't express your appreciation, some friends may feel like they are being taken for granted. Don't forget to occasionally tell your boyfriend or girlfriend how much you appreciate the friendship.
    • You can express your appreciation by saying something like, "I really couldn't have done it without you. I really appreciate you being there for me. "
  2. Call him or her on birthdays and other important dates. Friends want to feel like you are thinking about them. Write down important dates on your calendar and set reminders on your phone so you don't forget to call them.
    • Other important dates include: a wedding day, a promotion, or the first day of school.
    • Keep a date of a difficult divorce or death of a loved one to show another way that you care about your boyfriend or girlfriend.
    • If the other person is throwing a party in honor of an important event, make sure you attend. If you are unable to attend, send a card and a gift to show that it is important to you.
  3. Offer your help when it is needed. If you hear that your friend is going through a rough time or is coming across as down and depressed, ask how they are doing. Call the other person or make an appointment and ask how you can help. Even if you can't fix their problem right away, you can still provide support by listening to what they are going through.
    • For example, you could say something like, "I heard you lost your job. That must be tough. Is there anything I can do to help? "
  4. Ask your friend for advice. Seeking advice from your friends shows them that you value their opinion. If you are faced with a difficult decision or could simply benefit from a different perspective, ask your friend what he / she thinks and for recommendations.
    • You can ask for advice on something fun like how to spruce up your bedroom or what kind of car to buy. You could say, "You know so much about cars. Can you help me pick one? "
    • Show your appreciation for their input, especially if you decide not to take their advice.
  5. Show your appreciation by doing or giving something for them. Try to make your friend's life easier by doing something for the other person, such as giving a ride or lending something. Consider buying your friend's favorite candy or something you know they enjoy.
    • Giving a gift isn't always necessary in a friendship, but it will let your friend know what you think of the other person.
    • Give your friends gifts on special occasions, such as their birthday or a special day.
    • You can always give something to your friends when they are going through a rough time.
  6. Be honest with your friend. Being honest will build mutual trust within the friendship. Don't lie when talking to your friend. If your friend knows you are telling the truth, he / she will also be more open and honest.
    • When you give honest criticism, make sure to articulate it in a positive way so that you don't hurt the other person's feelings.
    • For example, you could say something like, "I'm not sure if red is your color, but you looked really good in that yellow dress."
  7. Be understanding. Think about your friend's personality and try to see things from the other person's perspective. If he / she does something that you don't like, try to understand why the other person is doing this. Don't immediately think the worst of your friend. Try to understand their motivation and emotions.
    • For example, if your friend is always late, don't take it personally if the other person shows up late for an appointment. Think of it as part of their personality and that the other person probably didn't want to cause you discomfort or pain.
    • If you are upset about something the other person has done, you can say something like, "I understand why you would think that was the best thing you could do at the time, but it really hurt my feelings."
  8. Don't talk negatively about your friend to other people. If you are a true friend, you do not talk badly about him or her and you do not talk to others about their personal information. Stand up for your friend when other people say bad things about him or her. Don't gossip and keep personal things to yourself.
    • For example, if someone angers your friend, you could say something like, "I don't agree with you at all. Sally is a great person and they don't want to intentionally hurt anyone. "
  9. Don't take your friend for granted. Don't assume that your friend will be there for you when you need him or her if you don't keep in regular contact. Cherish your friendships and be there for your friends in good times and bad.
    • If your friend is going through a rough time and is irritable or cranky, it is important that you are there to talk rather than avoid them until they feel better.
    • When you see your friend regularly, this can very easily become a routine and you have to be careful that you keep saying how much the other person means to you.

Method 3 of 3: Overcoming conflict

  1. Apologize when you make a mistake. Be willing to reach out to your friend and make excuses for your behavior. Try to explain what your reasoning was, even if it makes you feel vulnerable. Instead of waiting for the other person to come to you for help, offer your help and get in touch.
    • You could say something like, "Hey, I'm really sorry I forgot to make those reservations. I was so over my head in the work that it completely escaped me. "
  2. Forgive the other after apologizing. If your friend makes a mistake and apologizes for it, immediately tell them that you forgive him / her. Once you've forgiven the other person, don't try to bring up the mistake again.
    • After apologizing, say, "Thank you for your apologies. I know you didn't mean to ignore me yesterday. I'm glad we can put this behind us. "
  3. Encourage your friend to succeed, even if you are jealous. While a little friendly competition isn't bad, being jealous of friends is a bad thing. Always stay positive when it comes to their growth or success, and don't put them down or put them down.
    • You can say something like, "You were great on that talent show! Well done!'
  4. Limit your expectations and assumptions. Everyone makes mistakes and it is important to adjust your expectations so that you are not disappointed when your friend makes a mistake. If your friend disappoints you, talk openly with each other, rather than scolding or getting angry.
    • For example, if your friend has forgotten your birthday, you could say, "I thought you'd call me for my birthday. I'm not mad, but I didn't like it. "
  5. Think about the things that made you friends in the first place. If you feel like you have grown apart, try to think about why you became friends in the first place. Talk about past experiences and memories of them. It will remind you why you liked each other and it can bring you closer together again.
    • You could say something like, "Remember that time when we jumped off that waterslide?" Susan was so scared, it was hilarious! "
    • For example, things that have brought you together may be a mutual love for a particular type of music, movie, or television show.