Finding a girlfriend

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Whatever stage of your life you are in, finding a girlfriend can be very difficult. Your friends can find great girlfriends without a problem, but you may stay on the sidelines yourself. Finding a girlfriend means going out into the world, being open to meeting new people and possibly getting help from friends.

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Method 1 of 4: Finding a potential girlfriend

  1. List your criteria. Think about the things that matter to you about a girlfriend. You may want to find someone who shares your religious beliefs or someone who definitely wants children. Find out what you think is essential about a girlfriend.
    • Consider both important and minor criteria. Someone with the same views on life as you is probably important. But you can also think about whether you want someone who will run marathons with you, or someone who likes to watch TV together or works in the same industry as you.
    • While you may want a girlfriend who you find very physically attractive, don't put this at the top of your list. Your relationship should be based on something less superficial than good looks.
  2. Enter the world. You won't be very likely to meet someone if you hang around the house. Get out of your usual routines and go to public places to meet new people. An example of places to go are:
    • Supermarket
    • Bookshop or library
    • Cafe
    • Park
    • Hiking trail
    • Music store
  3. Try out new activities. If you don't meet many women to date, you may need to try something new to expand your circle of acquaintances. Try a new hobby or join a club, such as skiing or hiking.
    • Try to have some level of interest in the activity. Don't pretend you like an activity because there are a lot of girls there. Otherwise, you will start a potential relationship with dishonesty.
    • If you are in school, try to take a different class than what you normally do. Even if you don't feel like you are a creative person, you may be able to take an art or drama class. You can also meet a girl in one of her favorite subjects at school.
  4. Be open to different types of people. Maybe you have a very special idea what kind of woman you are attracted to. But there are all kinds of people with whom you can become very close friends and potentially romantic. Don't try to judge a book by its cover.
  5. Make friends with women. Expand your social circle by getting more female friends. You may have met a woman, but the relationship didn't work on the romantic side. Do not write this person off immediately. You can still be friends. Besides, she probably has a lot of girlfriends.

Method 2 of 4: Asking for help finding a girlfriend

  1. Let people know you are looking. Many relationships arise because someone has told their friends that they are looking for a relationship. Your friends may know someone who is single and also looking, and they can help you connect with that woman.
  2. Join an online dating site. It has become much more common for people to connect with each other through online dating websites such as e-Harmony and View these sites and sign up if necessary. Fill out your profile and be open to getting to know other people.
  3. Go on a blind date. Your friends and family want to help you be happy. They can arrange a blind date for you to meet a girl, which can be uncomfortable. However, take a risk by agreeing to the blind date. See it as an opportunity to meet someone new and interesting.

Method 3 of 4: Talk to potential girlfriends

  1. Approach her whenever and wherever she feels relaxed. Choose a convenient time and place to talk to a woman. Grocery stores, museums, coffee shops, and dog parks are great places to meet women who are entertained and usually feel relaxed.
    • When a woman is in a bar or club, she is already on her guard. She may not be looking for a long term relationship, or she may be dating her friends. That place is not ideal for getting in touch with someone more than just superficially.
  2. Be kind and lighthearted. People generally appreciate a good sense of humor. Be friendly and make light jokes to make the girl laugh. There are many different situations that lend themselves to showing off your sense of humor. Try to joke, such as in one of the following ways:
    • The situation you are in. If you are walking in a park or on the street and you see something funny, say something about it.
    • Make a joke about yourself. If you are really tall, say how you can see the next city from your point of view.
    • Tell a funny story about yourself. Did you get into a stupid fight in high school? Tell her about it, and be sure to give the details about the ridiculous clothes you were wearing at the time or what song you were listening to before the fight.
    • Talk about current events. Some of the things that happen in the news or with celebrities can be good material to joke about.
    • These jokes can work well later on as personal jokes that only you understand.
    • Be careful not to use harsh or offensive humor. Until you know someone well, this type of humor should be avoided at all costs.
  3. Compliment her. Show her that you noticed something about her by complimenting her. For example, you could say to her:
    • "I really like your long hair."
    • "You made some very clever comments in the class debate today."
    • "You're really easy to talk to."
  4. Call her by her name. Once you find out the girl's name, you should definitely use it several times in the conversation. You can also write her name down later so that you don't forget it soon.
  5. Don't let the possibility of rejection hold you back. You may be nervous about talking to a girl because she can reject you. Don't let the fear of rejection hold you back from starting a conversation. In the worst case, she will ignore you or tell you to leave. But at best, she'll just respond to you and start the conversation.
    • This also helps to show your confidence. See this as an opportunity for acceptance.
  6. Don't be superficial. When you meet someone, give that person a chance, even if she doesn't immediately meet your ideal of the perfect girlfriend. Don't dismiss someone for stupid or superficial reasons.
    • Don't just compliment the woman on her physical appearance. You can tell her she looks beautiful, but make sure to also compliment her on her artistic sense or her ability to work her way through rush hour.
  7. Try to talk to her more often. If you like someone but your first conversation didn't go well, be sure to talk to her again. She may have been distracted or under a lot of stress when you first met her.
    • You may have to "accidentally" arrange to bump into her. For example, if you initially met her at the dog park, keep taking your dog to the park regularly until you see her again.
  8. Don't be scary or desperate. Don't make a girl feel uncomfortable acting possessive, following her, or trying to talk to her about inappropriate things. Give her some personal space that sets the right tone for a potential relationship.

Method 4 of 4: Work on yourself

  1. Be self-assured. Having confidence will show a potential girlfriend that you think you are worth getting to know. Believe in your abilities, treat others with respect, and appear confident.
    • Positive and confident body language will show other people that you respect yourself and that you are confident. This type of body language includes regular eye contact, smiling a lot, acting friendly, and standing upright.
  2. Be yourself. Stand for who you are and what you really like. Don't try to be someone you are not. Don't try to please other people who want you to change. Be proud of your strengths and the qualities that make you unique.
  3. Lead a healthy lifestyle. This will show potential girlfriends that you care enough about yourself to take good care of your body. Eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Drink alcohol in moderation and don't smoke.
  4. Spend time with friends. Don't spend all your time finding a girlfriend. Make sure to keep spending time with your friends. It's important to consider your own interests when looking for a girlfriend.


  • Try to assess the situation before approaching a girl. If it seems like she already has someone or appears uninterested, then you need to change your approach. However, this does not mean that you should avoid this person. However, if she's already taken, chances are she has some great single girlfriends to introduce to you.