Become a soccer player

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
5 signs YOU will become a pro footballer
Video: 5 signs YOU will become a pro footballer


Becoming a professional soccer player is about more than just being a good athlete. It takes dedication, planning and a lot of effort. While it is not impossible, you should know that there is only a small chance that you will ever turn professional; that is true of even the best athletes. To have a better chance, you should already be playing football in high school and college. Learn to sell yourself as an athlete and consider using an intermediary to represent you.

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Part 1 of 3: Playing the game

  1. Start early. It is important to develop your physical skills as early as possible. Most professional soccer players have been playing since at least high school.
    • If you are no longer in high school, but still want to play football, compete in a championship or go on a football camp. Do everything you can to improve your skills and learn more about the game.
  2. Practice. During high school, you should train for about 10-15 hours a week. In college this should be 25-30 hours per week.
    • To become a professional you have to play as much football as you can. Don't stop training when the season is over.
    • Prepare to make certain sacrifices so that you can get all the necessary training. Becoming a professional athlete takes immense dedication to time.
  3. Prepare for college. If you want to become a professional, it is best to choose a good university, especially in the US. Take classes that increase your chances of getting into a good school.
    • Take biology and health sciences classes. The more you know about the human body and what it takes for peak performance, the better.
    • Remember that playing football in college is no guarantee that you will ever become a professional. Only 1.7% of all players in college will later become professional football players.
  4. Keep an eye out for talent scouts attending training courses. When scouts visit your school, you have to show your very best behavior. Don't boast and respect your teammates. Scouts look at how you play, but also at how you get along with others.
    • Maintain a good relationship with your trainer. Your trainer probably knows the people who are looking for talent and can provide a reference. Getting a recommendation from a trainer can be the deciding factor in whether or not it is accepted by a team.
    • Have a good attitude no matter what happens. Make sure you warm up fully and stay positive on the sidelines. If you get negative feedback from a talent scout, try to learn from it. Make sure you get better every day.

Part 2 of 3: Get a press kit

  1. Set a soccerresume on. Add your standard information, your playing position and your achievements as a player. And, as with any resume, you should include anything relevant to your goals.
    • If you worked it at a football camp or assisted the coach in training young players, please include this on your resume. Include anything that makes you stand out from your competitors. Your goal is to make professional football your job, so prepare a resume that reflects this.
  2. Add any news items you have appeared in. Find articles that mention you or your team, even if it's just your high school's local newspaper. Search for video footage of your team and look for moments when you excel.
    • Have a friend or family member record you while you play so you can recap your best moments.
  3. Share your press pack with the world. Send your press pack to teams you would like to play for. Don't forget to keep track of the places you sent them to. Call or email them to let them know that you would love to play for them.
    • Make sure you thank the teams that don't take the bait anyway. Thank them for their time and consideration.
    • Don't give up if you don't end up on a team. Look for other championships where you can play so that you continue to gain experience. Keep updating and submitting your resume and press kit.
  4. Consider using an intermediary. An intermediary can be the link between you and the teams you want to play for. By finding an intermediary who wants to represent you, you can suddenly take a step forward.
    • There are certain rules and laws that intermediaries must follow in order to represent players. For example, intermediaries in the US often have to wait until the end of college education before actively recruiting a player.

Part 3 of 3: Train like the best

  1. Train like a professional athlete. Knowing how to play football is only part of the process. Professional athletes are in excellent physical condition. Prepare to make exercise a priority.
    • Find the physical stats of some professional athletes and do everything you can to match them. Study the workouts they follow and add them to your personal routine.
  2. Focus on heavy lifting exercises. Do exercises such as the bench press and the deadlift. Exercise with the heaviest weights that you can lift correctly and repeat this 5 times each time.
    • Target the major muscle groups such as the chest, back, quadriceps, and hamstrings.
  3. Get more stamina. Sprint at increasingly smaller intervals. Start by attempting to complete two 150-meter sprints in 20 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds between each sprint.
    • As your stamina increases, you can adjust the length and intensity of the sprints. Try to complete three 200-meter sprints in less than 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds between each sprint.
    • Make sure your body has enough time to recover after each sprint. Rest for 3-5 minutes after each set of sprints.
    • Try to increase your heart rate and keep it high for a short period of time. Playing football requires explosive energy in small amounts. Look for workouts that mimic this intensity.
  4. Get one healthy diet. Exercising like a professional athlete also means eating like this. Since you will be lifting a lot of weight, make sure you are getting enough protein. A good rule of thumb is that proteins should make up 1/3 of every meal.
    • Eat lean proteins such as chicken, fish and beans. Try to fit in a vegetarian meal once or twice a week. Soy is one of the healthier lean vegetarian protein options.
    • Your position will determine how many calories you should take in. Most likely this will range between 3000-6000 calories per day.