Become a socialite

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 27 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Entering The Elite Society: You Need To Get THIS Right!
Video: Entering The Elite Society: You Need To Get THIS Right!


Have you always wanted to be a real socialite? The socialites we see on TV today were rich and famous from birth. Chances are, however, that you will have to start from scratch. To get the right knowledge, don't look at Paris Hilton or Ivanka Trump. You do better by looking closely at Mr. Hilton and Mr. Trump. This guide is for people who want to climb the social ladder themselves and get a foot in the door. This guide will get you started; the rest is up to you.

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Method 1 of 3: Climbing the social ladder and gaining brand awareness

  1. Create a suitable history for yourself. If your family is already filthy rich, then you can count yourself lucky in this regard.
    • Just don't look down on people who aren't as rich as you - that's downright pathetic. You don't have to give up hope if you belong to the 99%; you will probably just have to work a little harder for it. It can be helpful if you and / or your family are involved in the community, so consider taking care of that. Let's face it, even the Trumps and Hiltons had to start somewhere.
    • If people ask you about your past, and they will, try to share some interesting details. Ignore embarrassing and embarrassing details, and focus on the positive aspects - even seemingly insignificant things can make a big difference and earn you respect. Most importantly, don't say negative things about your family - that's just low. Rich people want their retinue to come from a good and well-known race (and good here means rich), and they want it for a simple reason: they want to surround themselves with highly educated people. As long as you're well-mannered and decent, people won't care that much about where you're from.
  2. Get the right training. Socialite training starts in high school. Of course, you can still become a socialite if you didn't excel in high school, or if you didn't go to an expensive foreign university, but it does get a lot more difficult.
    • If you're still in high school, do your best. Try to get the highest possible marks (at least a 7.5), participate in extracurricular activities, and make sure you make your exams and exams as good as possible.
    • Go to a prestigious university; one of the Ivy League universities in America (however, the tuition fees for these universities can sometimes be as much as € 50,000 per year), or a renowned university in Europe (the Sorbonne in Paris, or Oxford and Cambridge in the United Kingdom). Other universities and colleges are of course also good - the school does not necessarily have to be prestigious in order to offer good education. Preferably, try to follow your education at an institute that specializes in your field, such as Mechanical Engineering at TU Delft or Biology at Wageningen University. In 2012, 28% of the Dutch population consisted of highly educated people who obtained at least an HBO bachelor's degree. You are therefore in select company if you earn a bachelor's degree - it does not matter at which college or university you obtained it. And if you can get a Master, that's even better! You will get a lot of respect from people!
    • Choose a career where you can get to know many new people. Law, nonprofit, fashion, finance, the arts, and business are all wise choices - you can find many connections with socialites and celebrities. Nonprofit is one of the best choices, because such organizations need people with an awful lot of different skills. So you can find your place there and meet prominent people at events. You may have to work your way up, but it's worth it. Moreover, you will undoubtedly be able to find an organization that is committed to something that you stand behind.
    • Know that your choices will definitely not be limited by your specialization. Did you know Natalie Portman, the famous actress, is a Harvard graduate? In Psychology! There are prominent people in every industry, and you can even choose to design your own career. Do whatever you want, and try to get to know as many experienced people as possible - and take advantage of that.
    • Learn some foreign languages. English is a must; French, German, Spanish and Italian can also come in handy. The more languages ​​you know, the better. You don't have to be fluent in every language, but you do have to be able to have normal conversations. Even knowing how to say "hello" and "bye" correctly is fine.
  3. Choose a job that pays extremely well. In principle it is quite easy: start your own company and make sure that the company grows up. Again, choose from one of the above disciplines. If you do, you are guaranteed to find fun, well-paying jobs. Strive to be the best in your field, try to meet some famous people in your industry and unravel their secrets. Start small. In the beginning of your career, you probably won't be extremely successful right away. First take on a few different jobs in the industry, then start working on your own personal brand. It may take a while, but it's well worth it. In addition, you will earn so much respect.
  4. Learn how to promote yourself. Create a personal or company website, make business cards, advertise yourself or your company in newspapers, magazines, and so on. Especially at the beginning of your career, it is extremely important to meet the right people. Building a good social network can get you a lot of good deals. Go to events related to your discipline, meet some of the tycoons in the industry, and make them want to help you.
  5. Marry someone rich. Yes, you can also become a socialite by marrying someone rich. Then you don't even have to work for it to amass that fortune. You can use your spouse's money to start your own business. Did you think you didn't have to work anymore? Then you are very wrong. Do you think Tinsley Mortier has always been one of Manhattan's most prominent socialites? I do not think so. Before she married the very wealthy banker Robert "Topper" Mortimer, and became a designer at the handbag line Samantha Thavasa, she was not well known at all. So don't worry if you weren't the best kid in class; there is still hope for you too. However, don't give up on true love in the hope of finding someone richer. That's downright sad, and will earn you a reputation as a gold digger (and nobody wants that).
  6. Do your homework. As a socialite, there are some things you need to know (with an emphasis on "must"). For example, you can start to learn who the most prominent socialites are right now.

Method 2 of 3: Act like a socialite

  1. Choose a good name. Make sure it's not a common name, that it's terribly cocky, and maybe even a little bit foreign. Do not choose "occupied" names like Brenninkmeijer, because people know the Brenninkmeijers and will find out that you are not related to them. If you have to choose your "normal name", that's no problem either. Staying true to yourself is better than being a scammer.
    • Make sure that your name matches your appearance.If you have olive skin, black wavy hair and brown eyes, no one will believe your name is Lobke Wolletjeswinkel. It is therefore better to opt for something that implies an old Spanish ancestry, such as Isabella Cruz.
  2. Interested in expensive things. Make sure you know the big names in every sport: fashion, art, haute cuisine, sports, etc. In the world of socialites, it is assumed that when someone mentions a name, you know it. Also make sure you can pronounce all those foreign names correctly. For example, you can start reading specialized magazines.
    • If you have no idea what luxury and chic is, check out Fashion Net and explore. This website contains links to the websites of brands that really matter. Try to get some stuff from those brands.
  3. Break the stereotype of the nouveau riche. "Nouveaux riches" is usually used as a derogatory, jocular term to describe people who did not inherit their money but worked for it. It could just be that you will be looked at with the neck for not coming from a wealthy family. It's sad, but it is. However, you can counteract this effect by not acting like a typical nouveau riche. The nouveaux riches tend to be a bit more extravagant in their appearance and spending pattern. That's because they automatically associate prosperity and wealth with happiness. Over time, the second, third, and subsequent generations will find that less important - because those generations have grown up in wealth.
    • Don't get too excited about your belongings. For the truly wealthy people, wealth is something they have become accustomed to. They don't think much about that. Be humble and don't brag about your belongings. In fact, it's best not to name costs and prices at all.
    • Spend your money wisely. Don't rush to buy all kinds of luxury items just because you can now. Keep it classy. Don't flaunt your economic status by looking as extravagant as possible. Doing so will only make you look ridiculous, and you will indicate that you have no experience with wealth. Don't be a snob; don't be a fool.
  4. Be sophisticated. Sophistication is a quality that distinguishes the foolish celebrities from the true elite; lack of sophistication is a cardinal sin in the world of the socialites.
    • Make sure you have excellent manners. Do you tend to lean forward, put your elbows on the table while eating, and / or yawn without putting your hand over your mouth? Such signs of poor parenting are unacceptable to socialites. You must have impeccable manners. Buy the most comprehensive book on good manners you can find, and learn it cover-to-the-back.
    • Immerse yourself in culture. Read a lot, visit museums and art galleries, go to the theater, meet artists and poets. Also keep in mind that general knowledge is indispensable. If anyone in the group could know, you definitely should. Boost your general knowledge of history, science, geography and art.
      • Speak appropriately. Do not use slang at all. Cursing is out of the question. Speak correctly General Civilized Dutch. Every now and then you can even drop a French word. Choose formal language, both speaking and writing.
    • Be self-assured. The world of the socialites may seem all glamorous, but it is a harsh, mean world full of gossip and rumors. You will therefore have to stand firm in your shoes to stay upright. If you don't think you're worthy enough to hang out with them, they won't. In addition, you will have to be able to respond ad rem when someone says something mean to you; and people without self-confidence simply cannot.
    • Be stylish and discreet. Don't do things that attract negative attention. Don't be too loud, don't get too drunk at parties, don't flirt with everyone, and don't swear.
    • Be fashionable. It's critical to have a sense of style, and wearing stylish clothes - expensive brands can make a big difference. Everything you wear should be designer. Opt for a classic, timeless style: something that looks just as good today as it did in the 50s, and will look good in 50 years. Ladies can be inspired by Jackie Onassis, Charlotte from Sex and the City, or Audrey Hepburn. A tailored suit is always sufficient for men. It's also important to get yourself a distinctive look that sets you apart from all those other people - think of a predilection for a certain color, a nice haircut, and so on.
  5. Travel a lot. There are some travel destinations that you should not miss as a socialite. New York (of course), Paris, London, Milan and St. Tropez, for example. Take the time to visit all the important places there.
    • This also applies to summer destinations. For example, wealthy Americans go to The Hamptons in the summer (many famous people have summer cottages there) and Aspen in the winter. Other exotic and expensive vacation destinations include Hawaii, Dubai, Bora Bora and Saint Barthélemy.
    • Don't act like the stereotypical tourist. Many people, especially the locals, find typical tourists extremely annoying. Don't pair your colorful T-shirt with shorts, white tennis shoes, a big backpack, a cap, sunglasses and a big camera hanging around your neck - try not to look like a stereotypical tourist. It is better to ignore the cheap and ordinary souvenirs. Do not travel in large groups; with your family and / or partner is sufficient.
  6. Be generous. This is the most important thing if you want to become a socialite. Give and give well. Make sure you support charities. The nice thing about this is that you can choose how much you give, and who you give it to - it can range from $ 30 to $ 20,000. You don't have to tell people how much you gave; just tell them about the cause. And the higher you get up the social ladder, the more you can give. Oh, and at charity events you will also be able to meet all kinds of celebrities, politicians, artists and other influential people.
  7. Socialize. After all, that's what it's all about as a socialite.
    • Make friends wherever you go. Whether you're at the neighborhood supermarket or at a fancy event, you can meet loads of people every day. Be friendly, show interest in the people you talk to, exchange phone numbers, etc. Just don't assume that you will form genuine and meaningful friendships with all of those people. Keep your circle of close friends small, but maintain superficial relationships with as many different people as you can — you never know when you'll need them. Remember, it's all about building an extensive social network. Many of the "friendships" you are establishing now are purely for your benefit.
      • Befriend the right people. A chat with the local "it-girl" can be useful. Also try to make friends with a few other socialites. As a socialite, it is all about hanging out with other socialites.
    • Learn how to plan events, and cultivate good taste in flowers, snacks, music, etc. Socialites are expected to be able to host large, stylish parties and events. If the committee asks you to help organize a gala, your skills will come in handy. Read the Vogue (especially the articles about parties organized by real socialites) to help you develop this instinct. There will of course be a lot of people who will help you organize the event, such as your PR assistant, your secretary, etc. However, you must know how you can direct those people to work as effectively as possible. Collect phone numbers of service providers such as a caterer, DJs, decorators, etc .: this is very useful.
    • Make sure you are charismatic. Don't be a boring aunt. It's pretty easy: just pretend you're having a great time. Smile a lot, have interesting conversations with other people at parties, be lively and energetic. If you hang out with socialites more often, you will soon learn some tips and tricks on how to win over your audience.
    • Get photographed with VIPs. The day after an event, photos of important people always appear in the newspapers and magazines. So if you let yourself be photographed with famous people, you could just end up in the newspaper. Just don't try too hard; There's no point in running to the nearest socialite when you see a photo about to be taken - that's just pathetic.
    • Find real friends. You will also need people who will be there for you if you fail; people who won't let you down when they see your less-than-perfect sides.

Method 3 of 3: Survive in the world of the rich & famous & what not to do

  1. Don't be a see-through social climber. Social climbers are immediately noticed and rejected from the social scene. The desperation to become a socialite can be seen from miles away. Being labeled a social climber is the worst that can happen to the socialite-to-be.
    • Don't try too hard to meet someone. Even if you bump into a VIP you have to keep your cool. Stay calm and treat them as you would any other person. Don't greet people if you only know them from magazines or socialite blogs. It is out of the question to do all kinds of antics to meet someone. Don't stalk a personal assistant for someone's phone number.
    • Don't try desperately to get a white foot on someone. By maneuvering yourself into an inferior position you achieve nothing. Keep your dignity.
    • Don't invite yourself to parties - this is very rude. The bouncers probably won't let you in without an invitation, and if the host sees an uninvited guest you will be immediately removed from the property. When that happens, you can write parties and events in the future on your stomach.
  2. Whenever possible, try to avoid controversy and scandals. Do your best to keep your image blemish-free. That means no sex tapes, no drugs, no controversial divorces and no public order disturbances. Behave decently and follow your moral compass. Keep your cool, even when you're white hot. If someone has hurt you, try to find a civilized way to defuse that situation.
  3. Learn to deal with gossip and gossip. Some people are very catty and mean. Don't let what they have to say stop you. Have you ever seen Gossip Girl? In it, the lives of fictional socialites were severely thwarted by an anonymous gossip site. A similar story has happened in real life. Olivia Palermo's reputation was irreparably damaged by the mean, fake gossip site - which has since been shut down.
    • Sometimes it is better not to reveal certain things from the past (unless you are 100% sure they will find out anyway). Don't give gossips pitch and feathers; do not tie the cat to the bacon. We're talking innocent little things that can be misinterpreted. For example, if you had a nose job done when you were young and unfamiliar, don't talk about it. Unless you want other people to start proclaiming that you are fake, or "plastic fantastic".
    • The best way to silence gossipers is to simply admit that you are not perfect (even if society expects you to be). Having a healthy dose of self-mockery will win you over a lot of admirers. You will also be able to walk around with your head held high, regardless of what is said of you.
  4. Don't lose yourself. In a world as shallow and materialistic as that of the socialites, it is all too easy to forget who you really are and where you come from. If you feel like it, take some time for yourself to relax. This will prevent you from becoming a terribly superficial person. Always keep your own standards and values ​​in mind.