Make a sugar and coffee scrub

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Exfoliating Coffee Sugar Scrub
Video: Exfoliating Coffee Sugar Scrub


A sugar scrub works great for removing dead skin, but did you know you can also reduce cellulite by adding some ground coffee to your scrub? Coffee can also exfoliate your skin well and can help reduce swelling, making coffee perfect for the morning. According to some people, a scrub with sugar and coffee also helps to partially reduce cellulite.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Make a body scrub

  1. Place 120 grams of finely ground coffee in a medium sized mixing bowl. The coffee helps to exfoliate your skin and makes it soft and smooth. The caffeine in the coffee also helps to tighten your skin and reduce cellulite.
    • The coffee does not have to be freshly ground. You can also use leftover coffee grounds from your morning coffee.
  2. Add 120 grams of white sugar. The sugar helps exfoliate your skin even more. To exfoliate your skin even more, use raw cane sugar or palm sugar.
    • For a very strong exfoliating scrub, use sea salt.
  3. Add 60 ml of coconut oil or olive oil. If you can't find any of these oils, you can use another edible oil like almond oil or grape seed oil. If you are using coconut oil, melt it in the microwave first and then let it cool slightly.
  4. If you want, add a nice scent using vanilla extract and / or ground cinnamon. Use ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract and / or a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. This is not absolutely necessary, but leave your scrub smelling great, just like a latte.
  5. Mix the ingredients with a fork and then make the necessary adjustments. Ideally, the scrub feels like wet sand. If you find the scrub too dry, add a little more oil. If you think the scrub is too wet, add a little more sugar.
  6. Put the scrub in an airtight container and keep it in a cool, dry place. The oil, sugar and coffee can curdle over time. If that happens, simply stir the scrub with a spoon or your finger. The scrub should last for two months. If the scrub starts to smell earlier or start to look strange, throw it away and make a new scrub.
    • If you used coconut oil in your scrub, store the scrub at room temperature so that the coconut oil does not harden.
    • If possible, use a glass jar. The oil in the scrub can eventually affect plastic and glass lasts much longer.
    • If you want to give the scrub as a gift, put a personalized label on the lid.
  7. Use the scrub on your arms and legs once or twice a week. Get in the bath or shower and wet your skin. Scoop one or two tablespoons of scrub into the palm of your hand. Gently massage the scrub into your skin using circular motions for 45 to 60 seconds. Rinse off when you are done.
    • There may be some oil on your skin afterwards. You can wash the oil off with soap or you can let the oil soak in to help moisturize your skin.
    • Consider dry brushing your skin with a body brush first. This way you can exfoliate your skin and stimulate your blood circulation. The scrub will now work even better when you use it.

    Place three tablespoons of finely ground coffee in a small mixing bowl. Coffee can reduce thick, puffy skin, making it ideal for treating a sleepy morning face. It is also a natural astringent, so it can help shrink your pores and make your skin less oily. The ground coffee also helps to get rid of dead skin cells.

  8. Add two tablespoons of oil. Olive oil is a good choice, but you can also use a different type of oil. However, if you have a lot of acne, don't use olive oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, flaxseed oil, palm oil, and wheat germ oil. These oils clog the pores. Here are some suggestions based on the different skin types:
    • Oily or acne-prone skin: argan, grape seed, hemp, jojoba, sunflower, or sweet almond oil.
    • Dry or Mature Skin: Apricot Kernel Oil, Argan Oil, Avocado Oil, Hemp Oil, Jojoba Oil, Sunflower Oil, or Sweet Almond Oil.
    • Normal skin: apricot kernel, argan, grape seed, hemp, jojoba, sunflower or sweet almond oil.
  9. Add a tablespoon of brown sugar. If possible, do not use white sugar or raw cane sugar. This makes the scrub too strong and abrasive for your face. Brown sugar is better for the face because the grains are smaller. You still exfoliate your skin, but in a gentler way.
  10. Add ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract to scent your scrub. This is not necessary, but will leave your scrub smelling nice.
  11. Mix the ingredients and then make any necessary adjustments. The scrub should feel like wet sand. If you find the scrub too dry, add a little more oil. If you think the scrub is too wet, add a little more coffee or brown sugar. Don't forget to stir the scrub well after adding anything.
  12. Put the scrub in an airtight container and keep it in a cool, dry place. The oil, sugar and coffee can curdle over time. If that happens, simply stir the scrub with a spoon or your finger. The scrub should last for two months. If the scrub starts to smell earlier or start to look strange, throw it away and make a new scrub.
    • If possible, use a glass jar. The oil in the scrub can eventually affect plastic and glass lasts much longer.
    • If you want to give the scrub as a gift, put a homemade label on the lid to give it a personal touch.
  13. Use the scrub on a clean face. Wash your face with warm water first. This way you remove superficial dirt and open your pores. Grab a small amount of the scrub and massage the scrub into your facial skin for 45 to 60 seconds. Make small circular movements and avoid treating the skin around your eyes. Rinse the scrub off with warm water, then splash cold water on your skin to close your pores. If necessary, apply a little moisturizer to your skin afterwards.
    • You can also use this scrub on your neck.


  • The sugar and coffee scrub will last for about two months, but if it starts to smell earlier and look strange, throw it away and make a new scrub.
  • A scrub with sugar and coffee is good for the hard, dry skin on your feet.
  • Use brown sugar if you have delicate and sensitive skin. This is softer than regular sugar.
  • Which oil you use in your body scrub doesn't matter as much as the type of oil you put in your facial scrub. The skin on your face is a lot more sensitive than the skin on your body.
  • Use white sugar or raw sugar for a more exfoliating scrub.
  • Store the scrub with sugar and coffee in a cool, dark place. However, if you put coconut oil in your scrub, keep it at room temperature.
  • Add some sea salt to make the scrub exfoliate your skin even more.
  • Add some tea tree oil to help your skin benefit even more from the scrub.
  • Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a nice scent.


  • A coffee scrub is possible help out to reduce cellulite, but there is no miracle cure. If you really want to get rid of cellulite, you will also need to focus on your diet and exercise regularly.
  • The sugar, oil and coffee can curdle over time. If that happens, just give your scrub a stir before using it again.


Making a body scrub

  • 120 grams of finely ground coffee
  • 120 grams of sugar
  • 60 ml oil (coconut oil and olive oil are recommended)
  • ½ teaspoon of natural vanilla extract (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)
  • Medium sized mixing bowl
  • Fork or spoon
  • Pot

Make a facial scrub

  • 3 tablespoons of finely ground coffee
  • 2 tablespoons of oil (not coconut oil)
  • 1 tablespoon of brown sugar
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
  • Small mixing bowl
  • Fork or spoon
  • Pot