Give a shoulder massage

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 12 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to massage your partners upper back and neck: A guide by a Professional Massage Therapist
Video: How to massage your partners upper back and neck: A guide by a Professional Massage Therapist


Few things are more relaxing than a shoulder massage at the end of a long day. To give a good shoulder massage, it is important to use the right technique so that you can reach the right places. Bend your hands into a "C" shape and place them over the shoulders of the person you are massaging. Then with small movements of your arms, gently knead into the thick muscles and lift them. After a few minutes, change the focus so that the receiving person continues to feel comfortable and lose as much tension as possible.

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Method 1 of 3: Relieving tension in the shoulder muscles

  1. Have the recipient sit in front of you with their back to you. Stand close enough to each other so that you can easily reach both shoulders and hold a small bend in your arms. This is the simplest and most effective position for performing a shoulder massage.
    • If there is no chair nearby, you can also have the receiver sit cross-legged on the edge of a bed or similar.
    • Keep a little space between the recipient's body and your own. Being too close together makes it difficult to work and can make the other person feel uncomfortable.
  2. Make a generous "C" shape of both hands. Extend your thumbs while keeping your fingers together and bending slightly. Keep the top joint of each of your fingers straight - most of the curvature should be in the third part of the knuckles, where your fingers meet with your palms.
    • Your hands remain in this position throughout the massage. You can also adjust the grip a bit after you have adjusted it better to the shoulders of the receiver.
  3. Run your hands over the recipient's shoulders. Hold the "C" shape and then turn your hands over so your fingers are pointing down. Slide your hands all the way down so that the interdigitalis, the part between the thumb and forefinger, rests over the tops of their shoulders. Using your fingertips, feel the smooth contours of the muscles just above the collarbones.
    • If the recipient has long hair, brush it out of the way or ask him to put it up so that it cannot be accidentally pulled during the massage.
    • This hand position is sometimes referred to as the "claw" or "duck grip".

    Tip: The muscles in the upper part of the shoulders are known as the trapezoidal muscles. These muscles are your primary focus during a shoulder massage.

  4. Bring out the muscles with a gentle, even pressure. Press the tips of your fingers and thumbs into the trapezius on both sides, starting on the inside of the shoulders closest to the neck. Roll the muscles of the receiver up to the collarbones, without letting go of the grip. The idea is to knead and lift instead of squeezing forcefully with your fingers.
    • Relying on your whole arm rather than just your fingers helps reduce fatigue and prevents you from being too rough on sensitive areas, making the experience more comfortable for both you and the recipient.
  5. Raise and lower your forearms and elbows with slow, smooth movements. While massaging, try to move in a steady rhythm - raise your arms and loosen your grip, then lower them and channel the movement with small pulses from your fingers. Once you've found a comfortable rhythm, you can keep massaging for longer with the right technique.
    • Do not rush. The slower you go, the better it will feel.
  6. Massage along the entire length of the shoulders. After kneading the inside of the trapezius for a few minutes, gradually spread your hands out to the arms of the recipient. Then change direction and work your way back towards the neck. Continue in this manner until the receiver is relaxed, refreshed and de-energized.
    • Stop for a moment at the bony protrusions of the shoulder joints themselves. Pressing directly on bones or joints can be painful.

    Move down between the recipient's shoulder blades. After massaging the tips of the trapezoid muscles, begin to gradually lower your hands, tracing the inner cavities of the shoulder blades (also known as the shoulder blade) with your thumbs. Follow the spine as you knead the inside of the blades from top to bottom.

    • With your thumbs engaged, stretch your remaining fingers flat against the recipient's upper back and use them as a support to brace yourself.
    • By turning your wrists inward with every movement, it becomes easier to penetrate deep into those hard-to-reach places.

    Warning: The area between and under the shoulder blades can be quite sensitive. Work slowly and pay attention to the recipient's response to avoid discomfort.

  7. Massage the shoulder blades yourself with a light touch. Slide your thumb over the flat part of the shoulder blades in wide, stroking circles. Make sure to apply minimal pressure as the shoulder blade is surrounded by sensitive connective tissue. Go over each part of the shoulder blade before continuing.
    • Alternatively, it is also possible to move your fingers or thumbs up over the muscle tissue of the bottom.
    • The surface of the shoulder blades is crisscrossed with small muscles that aid in the retraction of the arms. If kneaded just right, it can be very pleasant in this area.
  8. Use both hands so that you can reach the areas that need more attention. If your receiver asks you to thoroughly address a particular area, using both hands can double the amount of force applied. Place both hands together and continue to massage as you normally would, kneading, massaging, and lifting your hands up as a whole.
    • To find individual spots in the muscle, use the fingertips of your other hand to increase the pressure exerted by your thumb.
    • You have a lot more power with two hands, so be careful not to overdo it. Feel the desired pressure level of the receiver and adjust your technique accordingly.

    Knead the neck muscles. Make a "C" shape with your hand as you did when massaging the trapezoid muscles. Squeeze the long extensors on the sides of the neck between your thumb and fingers as you slowly move your hand back and forth, then release and repeat. You can do this up to the base of the skull.

    • To get an idea of ​​what your neck grip should feel like, imagine trying to pick up a soccer ball with one hand.
    • Avoid pinching or scraping your fingers over the skin on your recipient's neck. Make sure your fingers stay in place and gently pull the skin back.
  9. Press in the outer shoulders from the sides. While completing the massage, slide your hands down over the recipient's upper arms and squeeze them well. This will help loosen the deltoid muscles. Focus on the area between the shoulder joints and the biceps.
    • Press the tips of your fingers and thumbs into the muscle contours on the front and back of the arm.

Method 3 of 3: Perform simple self-massage

  1. Relax your shoulders and lower your head to gently stretch your neck. Loosen and drop your shoulders as the tip of your chin falls towards your chest. Concentrate on letting go of the tension that you are holding in your neck and upper back. After a while, tilt your head to one side and then the other to stretch the sides of your neck.
    • Take your time and let everything calm down gradually. Do not force the stretch as this can cause discomfort or even lead to a muscle strain.
    • A quick stretch of the neck will help relieve the muscles around the shoulders, so they are ready for more intensive massage techniques.
  2. Apply pressure to the base of your neck with your fingertips. Bring the index, middle, and ring fingers of your dominant hand together and bring them to where the neck and shoulder muscles meet. Press straight down and hold this position for 10-30 seconds.
    • You should be able to feel the muscles begin to soften after a few seconds of touch.

    Warning: Avoid pressing directly on the spine itself. The fingers should stay just above the bone node of the upper vertebra.

  3. Use one hand to knead the muscles in the opposite shoulder. Lift your right hand to your left shoulder and knead your trapezoid muscle between your thumb and the remaining fingers. Apply steady pressure for about 10-30 seconds, or slowly rotate your shoulder forward and back in a circular motion to mimic the rhythmic pulling action of a traditional massage. When you're done, use your left hand to repeat the same technique on your right shoulder.
    • Make sure to massage the entire trapezius muscle, from the side of your neck to the outer edge of your shoulder.
    • To avoid squeezing too hard, try adjusting the amount of force you use until you find the right pressure and can hold on to it.
  4. Swipe your fingers along the trapezius to loosen the fascia. Place the same three fingers you used to keep the pressure point in the back of your neck flat over your top shoulder. Then press down lightly and drag it smoothly a few times along the surface of the muscle towards your arm. This promotes good blood circulation in the fascia or the connective tissue around the shoulder muscles.
    • This is a finishing technique, which eliminates the need to apply a lot of force or try to penetrate deep into the muscle. Just go over the area a few times and enjoy the relief that this creates.
    • complete your self-massage by rolling your shoulders back and forth or stretching your neck again


  • Ask the recipient if there are any areas they would like you to pay attention to and ask them if they can give you verbal feedback about the amount of pressure you are applying.
  • If the recipient is not wearing a shirt or a low-cut top, a little massage oil or lotion can help reduce skin-to-skin friction and leave the skin feeling smooth and silky soft.
  • A 5 minute massage 2-4 times a week can help to relax, relieve pain and stress, and keep tissues healthy and supple.


  • Never massage someone who is dealing with the consequences of a recent injury or chronic pain. These people should see a qualified doctor who can help diagnose the cause of their symptoms.


  • Chair or other seat
  • Massage oil or lotion (optional)
  • Relaxing music (optional)