Treating an abrasion

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
4 Steps to Treating Abrasions at Home
Video: 4 Steps to Treating Abrasions at Home


Did you fall while riding a motorcycle, cycling, skateboarding or rollerblading and sustain an abrasion? If this is the case, then you are dealing with a superficial wound on the top layers of the skin, also called “road rash” in English. In such a wound, the skin is damaged because it has been scraped over the road surface. Such injuries can be very painful, but there are steps you can take to get yourself to safety and begin the healing process.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Determining the severity of the injury

  1. Get yourself to safety as soon as possible. If the accident took place in a dangerous place, such as in the middle of a road, you should get yourself to safety as soon as possible (for example, try to reach the shoulder or sidewalk). This can reduce the risk of further injury.
  2. Stabilize life-threatening injuries. Try to determine whether you (or the injured person) can still move freely and that there are no fractures. In the event of a life-threatening situation, you or a bystander should immediately call the emergency number to call the emergency services.
    • If there is a head injury, determine if you are dealing with a concussion and seek immediate medical attention.
  3. Try to determine the severity of the wound. If you cannot properly see the wound itself, ask a bystander for help. Immediately call the emergency number and seek medical assistance:
    • If the wound is so deep that you can see fat, muscle or bone.
    • If blood sprays from the wound. If so, immediately apply pressure to the wound with your hands, a cloth, or other material while waiting for the emergency services. This will help slow down the bleeding.
    • If the wound has jagged edges that are widely spaced.
  4. Try to determine if you have any other injuries. Some injuries can be hidden under the skin and detecting such injuries can be difficult. If you have temporarily lost consciousness, are confused, have difficulty moving, or experience severe pain, you may need to see your doctor or the emergency room for medical attention.

Part 2 of 4: Treating the wound

  1. Wash your hands before treating the wound. Since you don't want to cause an infection while caring for the scrape, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water beforehand. For extra protection, you could put on disposable gloves before cleaning the wound.
  2. Stop the bleeding. If blood is coming out of the wound, stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the wound.
    • Apply pressure to the wound with a clean cloth or gauze and do this for a few minutes.
    • If the cloth or gauze becomes soaked with blood, get a new one.
    • If the bleeding has not stopped after 10 minutes, you should contact a doctor as it may be necessary to have the wound sutured.
  3. Rinse the wound. Run cold water over the wound or pour it over the wound. If you have difficulty or cannot reach the wound area, have someone else help you. Do this long enough to ensure that water has flowed all over the wound area and washed away all road grime and / or other particles.
  4. Wash the wound. Use antibacterial soap and water to clean the area around the wound, but try to keep the soap out of the wound itself as it could cause irritation. This will help remove dirt and bacteria and will reduce the risk of infections.
    • Hydrogen peroxide and iodine were previously often used to disinfect abrasions. However, hydrogen peroxide and iodine can damage living cells and so medical professionals now advise against the use of these agents.
  5. Remove all debris. If there is something in the wound, such as road grime, sand, splinters, etc., you can try to gently remove this dirt using tweezers. You should first clean and sterilize the tweezers by wiping them with cotton wool or gauze soaked in isopropyl alcohol. Rinse the wound with cool water as soon as you remove the dirt.
    • If the dirt or other material is so deep in the wound that you are unable to remove it yourself, you should contact a doctor.
  6. Try to gently pat the area dry. Once you have rinsed and washed the scrape, gently pat the wound area dry with a clean cloth or towel. By dabbing instead of rubbing, you avoid unnecessary pain while drying the wound area.
  7. Apply an antibiotic cream, this is especially important if the wound was dirty. This can prevent infections and help the wound to heal.
    • There are different types of creams and ointments that contain antibiotics, which can contain different active substances or combinations (for example bacitracin, neomycin and polymyxin). At all times, carefully follow the cream's instructions and directions for use regarding the amount and method of application.
    • Some antibiotic creams, such as Neosporin, contain three ingredients, including neomycin, which can cause allergies upon skin contact. If you start to experience redness, itching, swelling, etc. after applying such a product, stop using it immediately and switch to polymyxin or bacitracin, but not neomycin.
    • If for some reason you cannot use topical creams with antibiotics, you could apply petroleum jelly or Aquaphor to the wound. This will keep the wound moist during the healing process.
  8. Cover the wound. Make sure to cover the wound well with dressing to protect it from dirt, infection and clothing irritation during the healing process. Non-adhesive wound dressings or sterile compresses and elastic bandages to keep the dressing in place are preferred here.
  9. Hold the wound up. Raise the wound as much as possible at or above your heart to reduce swelling and pain. This is most beneficial within the first 24 to 48 hours after the accident and is especially important if the wound is severe or infected.

Part 3 of 4: Wound care during the healing process

  1. Change dressing as needed. Change the dressing covering the abrasion every day. You should do this more often if the dressing has become wet or dirty. Wash away any debris around the wound with water and antibacterial soap as previously described.
  2. Apply a cream with an antibiotic daily. Do this every time you change the dressing. While this alone will not speed up the healing of the wound, it will help fight infection. A cream with an antibiotic also ensures that the wound does not dry out, so that crust and scarring can be prevented.
  3. Hold the limb with the wound up. Raise the wound as much as possible at or above your heart to reduce swelling and pain. This is especially important if the wound is severely infected.
  4. Take something for the pain. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen if the scrape hurts, unless your doctor tells you otherwise.
    • Ibuprofen is also an anti-inflammatory and may help reduce swelling.
    • If the skin around the wound is dry and itchy, you may want to apply a moisturizing lotion to relieve this discomfort.
    • Wear clothing that will not irritate the wound area. If possible, it is wise to wear clothing that does not constantly rub against the scrape during the healing process. For example, if the abrasion is on your arm; then wear a shirt with short sleeves, if the wound is on your leg; then wear shorts. This will make the healing process more comfortable for you.
  5. Eat and drink enough. Make sure you get enough fluids (about eight 8 ounces glasses of fluid, preferably water, per day) and eat healthy foods during the healing process. Maintaining your moisture balance and providing yourself with the right nutrients will promote the healing process.
  6. Take it easy. You should let the wound area rest while it heals. For example, if the wound is on your leg, temporarily avoid intense physical activities such as running and climbing. The wound will heal faster if you avoid overuse.
  7. Keep a close eye on the progress of the healing process. If you take proper care of the wound, an abrasion due to, for example, a fall on the road surface will heal within two weeks.
    • How quickly the abrasion will actually heal depends on a number of factors, such as your age, diet, whether you smoke or not, your stress level, whether you have a certain condition, etc. Moreover, creams with an antibiotic only fight infections, they carry does not contribute to faster wound healing. If the wound appears to be healing abnormally slowly, consult a medical professional as this could indicate something more serious, such as an illness.
  8. Contact a doctor if the situation appears to be worsening or the wound appears to be infected. You should seek medical help in the following cases:
    • If there is dirt or objects in the wound that you cannot remove yourself.
    • If you start to notice redness, swelling, warmth or pain in the wound area as this could indicate an infection.
    • If there are red streaks on the skin around the wound.
    • If pus (exudate) is leaking from the wound, especially if it smells bad.
    • If you notice flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, etc.).

Part 4 of 4: Reducing the chance of an abrasion

  1. Wear protective clothing and equipment. Wearing the right protective clothing, such as long sleeves and long pants, will protect your skin from painful abrasions from, for example, a fall on the road. If you participate in activities where there is a risk of injury, you must wear protective equipment.Wearing protective clothing and equipment reduces the risk of injury.
    • For example, consider wearing elbow, wrist, and knee pads when you go skateboarding or skating.
    • Wear a helmet to protect your head from injury during these and other activities, such as cycling and motorcycling (mandatory in the Netherlands).
  2. Make safety a top priority. Know how to use certain means of transport and equipment, such as a motorcycle or bicycle. In addition, try to avoid dangerous stunts and reckless behavior. Drive safely to reduce the risk of accidents.
  3. Make sure your tetanus vaccinations are up to date. Most abrasions from a fall on the street are exposed to road grime and perhaps even metal or other debris. This puts you at risk of a tetanus infection (jaw clamp). Most adults should get a tetanus shot if their last vaccination was more than five years ago or if the wound is dirty. See your doctor for a tetanus shot as soon as possible if you have an abrasion from a fall on a road or street.