Create a privacy policy for a website

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Create a Privacy Policy for Your Website
Video: How to Create a Privacy Policy for Your Website


A website privacy policy tells visitors to your website exactly what information you collect from them and what you do with it. They are also required by law in most countries and states in the United States. It is easy to create a privacy policy for a website. Make sure to include basic information explaining how and why you collect and use people's data. Include text that tells people how to keep their information secure so that they feel comfortable giving you their personal and financial information. You should also provide resources to people if they feel their privacy has been compromised. You can use an online generator or blank template to create a privacy policy for a website, or hire a lawyer to write one that meets your needs

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Method 1 of 3: Add basic information

  1. Indicate that the information you collect is provided voluntarily. Your website should only collect information that people voluntarily provide to you, so your privacy policy should clearly state this to people who visit your site. That way, people will know that your website is not violating their privacy, and they will trust your business more.
    • The information you collect may include the person's name, age, address, interests or other information that they give you through your website.
    • For example, in your privacy policy you can say something like: "We collect and use the information that you voluntarily provide to us. "
  2. Tell people what information you collect and why. Whether it's tailoring custom offers based on their information and searches, or bringing new products to them, add text that tells your visitors why you're collecting information from them. They will not feel that their privacy is being violated if you are clear in advance.
    • Your policy could say, "We may use your information to contact you for promotional offers in the future."
  3. Let people know that you are not sharing their information. Write that you will not give, sell or rent information you collect to third parties such as an advertising company. People will trust your company and website better if you explicitly state in your policy that you will not share their information with others.
    • Visitors to your website will give you a lot more information if they feel safe, knowing that you will not misuse or give away their information.
  4. Let people choose not to have their information collected. Explain to your website visitor that they can choose not to have their information collected or used if they don't want to. Then tell them how to do this so that it is simple and easy for them.
    • You can say something like, "Please contact us by phone or email if you do not want us to collect or use your information, or if you want us to delete the information we have obtained from you". Then add the contact information for them.

    Tip: Add links to your policy that they can click to contact you or not have their data collected.

  5. Explain how and why you use cookies, if you do. Cookies are files that store information when you visit a website, so that the website can use the information when you visit it again. If you use cookies on a website, tell people in your privacy policy that you are doing this and why.
    • For example, say, "Our website uses cookies to collect information from visitors so that we can improve access to the site and send you special offers."

Method 2 of 3: Add rectification and security information

  1. Make sure people know their financial information is protected. Describe the encryption and security measures you have in place to protect people's sensitive information, such as their home address and payment information. That way, people feel comfortable providing their information when making a purchase or paying for a service.
    • If people don't like paying you through your website, you may be missing out on potential earnings.
    • Add something like, “We take the security of your personal information very seriously. Any part of this website that collects personal or financial information is encrypted to protect it and can only be accessed by our employees to process payments. ”
  2. Provide links that allow people to see what data you have collected. Give people the option to see what information you have collected from them. Include a link in your privacy policy that redirects visitors to a separate page with the information you've collected from them. They can then decide whether they want you to delete this data, whether they want you to stop collecting their information, or whether they want to update the information to be more accurate.
    • If you are transparent with people, they are more likely to revise false information so that you can approach or appeal to them more effectively for offers.
    • At the bottom of your policy, add a link that says "If you want to review your information so we can make sure we have everything correct, click here!"
  3. Tell people what to do if they feel the policy has been violated. Let your visitors know how to contact if they think their privacy has been violated to show people that your website takes its privacy policy seriously. Let them know that they can also contact you if they believe that your website is not following its privacy policy.
    • Include a section at the end of your policy that says something like, “If you think we are not following this privacy policy, or if you have any concerns about how we use your information, please contact us as soon as possible. " Then add an email and a phone number that they can contact you with.
    • Tell people to contact their government's consumer organization to report privacy violations. For example, if they are in the United States, they can report a privacy violation online at:
  4. Keep people informed if you change your privacy policy. In the current digital era, you have to update and supplement the privacy policy of your website every now and then. When you make a change to your policy, post a notice at the top of your privacy policy, and let people know what changes you've made to help people feel more secure.
    • Send an email to your mailing list and tell people what changes you have made to your privacy policy.
    • Put something at the top of your privacy policy such as: "Note! We have recently made the following changes to our website privacy policy!" Then indicate which changes have been made.

Method 3 of 3: Draw up your privacy policy

  1. Use a free online generator to copy and paste a privacy policy. One of the easiest ways to create your own privacy policy for your website is to use an online generator that allows you to tailor the policy to your needs. Enter your information in the blank fields, choose to add options relevant to your business, and click the option to generate the policy. You can then add the text to your website.
    • Search online for free privacy policy generators. A few well-known generators are,, and Shopify's privacy policy generator.
    • Make sure to add sections that make sense for your business. For example, if you plan to collect data so that you can sell dresses of a particular size and style to a visitor, make sure to mention that you are collecting information to tailor promotional offers.

    Warning: Please read the entire privacy policy before posting it to your website to ensure it is correct and that there are no typos or misleading information.

  2. Write your own privacy policy with a template. Search online for blank privacy policy templates that you can use to write your own text related to your policy. Make sure to include the basic information that almost every policy has. Then add policies that are specific to you, your business, and your website.
    • Search online for blank templates that you can download and use to create your own policies. You can find blank templates at Rocket Lawyer, Form Swift and Forms Templates.
    • Compare your policy with the privacy policy of other websites, so that you are sure to include basic information.
  3. Hire a lawyer for the most legally binding policy. A lawyer can draw up the most professional and legally binding privacy policy. You can also discuss your wishes and needs with them so that they can tailor the policy to your company and website.
    • Hiring a lawyer is the most expensive option.
    • Contact lawyers in your area for help in drafting your privacy policy.