Soothe a sore throat

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sore throat remedies at home / How to treat sore throat at home
Video: Sore throat remedies at home / How to treat sore throat at home


A sore throat usually starts as a tickle in the throat and then progresses to severe pain when swallowing. You can treat the other symptoms of your cough and cold with over-the-counter medicines, rest, and fluids, as well as using the natural and over-the-counter remedies listed below to numb your throat. A sore throat usually clears up on its own within four to five days, but it is also important to be able to recognize the signs that it could be something more serious (such as strep throat caused by the streptococcal bacteria) and to know when it is bad enough to see your doctor.

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Method 1 of 2: Using over-the-counter remedies and natural methods

  1. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Paracetamol, ibuprofen (Advil), and naproxen (Aleve) are all proven to help soothe a sore throat. If you are taking blood thinners or other prescription medications, consult your doctor first.
  2. Gargle with salt water. Its effectiveness has not been proven by clinical research, but it is a method known to help with sore throats.
    • Mix 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 250 ml of moderately warm water. Swish this around the back of your mouth near your throat for 30 seconds. Do this several times a day.
  3. Buy an over-the-counter throat spray. Look for a throat spray that has benzocaine or phenol as the active ingredient (both substances work, as they are both local anesthetics). A throat spray can help numb an infected throat for several hours.
  4. Immediately start sucking on pastilles with zinc gluconate. Studies show that these pastilles can shorten the duration of a cold by half. You should start taking them at the first sign of a cold. The pastilles also reduce inflammation, blockages and pain.
    • If you wait more than two days after catching a cold, the zinc lozenges are unlikely to help shorten the duration of your cold.
    • Pastilles can help reduce your symptoms, and it doesn't matter when you take them. This is because they usually contain a topical anesthetic (which gently numbs the throat) and can also help get rid of a dry throat.
    • Because pastilles (cough treats) stay in your throat longer than saline or throat spray, they are considered one of the most effective ways to soothe a sore throat.
  5. Take menthol pastilles. The mint mixture will numb and soothe your throat.
  6. Take cough syrup. Means are intended for daytime and nighttime. A cough syrup coats your throat, reducing inflammation and numbing the pain for about two hours.
    • Opt for a cough syrup that addresses your other symptoms as well.
    • Use the product according to the directions on the package. Decrease the dose according to the age of the patient and the duration of the cold.
    • Do not take anti-inflammatory drugs in addition to the cough syrup, as most cough syrups already contain them. You can look for a mixture that treats all symptoms instead of using separate medications.
  7. Drink hot drinks and / or eat cold foods for as long as you are sick. Liquids like hot tea and soup can soothe the throat, and cold foods like ice cream or popsicles can help numb the throat and reduce pain in a similar way.
  8. Make a natural tea with ingredients that soothe a sore throat. There are a few different teas that have been proven to help with a sore throat. These include:
    • Chamomile tea, which has soothing properties.
    • Hot water with a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of cinnamon, a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
    • Each of the ingredients in the mixture described above (honey, cinnamon, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar) has been suggested as a natural soothing agent for a sore throat. These ingredients may also help speed up the infection.
    • It's not the tastiest mixture out there, but it's definitely worth a try to see if it makes your throat feel better.
    • Know that you can also eat honey alone. Eating honey has been scientifically proven to help reduce coughs and heal wounds. It can also have a soothing effect in the case of a sore throat.

Method 2 of 2: Know when to see your doctor

  1. Recognize the signs and symptoms of a more serious throat infection. Although viral throat infections are much more common (and will heal on their own within days), if you have symptoms that indicate something more serious, such as strep throat, it's important to get checked out by a doctor. In addition to a sore throat, keep an eye out for the following worrisome symptoms:
    • Fever (especially a temperature above 38 ºC).
    • White "wound fluid" (visible white patches) on your tonsils or at the back of your throat.
    • Enlarged lymph nodes in your neck.
    • Not having to cough (people rarely cough if they have strep throat infections).
    • Not having a runny nose (common cold symptoms such as a runny nose do not occur with strep throat infections).
    • Know that if you have two or more of the above symptoms, it is important to see your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor can perform specific tests to determine if you have strep throat caused by strep.
  2. Get antibiotics if you need to. If it turns out that you have a strep throat caused by streptococci, this will need to be treated quickly with a course of antibiotics.
  3. Know when to seek the help of your doctor. It is best to see your doctor as soon as possible if you have a severe sore throat and a fever higher than 38.3 ° C that does not improve after 24 to 48 hours and your fever only gets worse.
    • If you have swollen glands in your neck or back of your throat that make it difficult for you to swallow or breathe, then you should definitely see your doctor immediately (or if you are unable to make an appointment the same day the emergency department of the nearest hospital).
    • This could be a sign that you have something more serious, such as mononucleosis or tonsillitis. Both conditions require a medical examination and treatment.
  4. Use prescription painkillers. If your sore throat is very severe, you can see your doctor for prescription painkillers. It does not matter whether it is a throat infection caused by streptococci or whether your sore throat has another cause.
    • You may be prescribed a pain reliever such as naproxen to help relieve the pain until you get rid of your sore throat.