Cleaning a New Era cap

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024


A New Era cap is not cheap. If you want to keep the brim of your cap looking tidy, you can take precautions to avoid damage and stains, as well as use some good methods to clean your cap when it is dirty.

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Method 1 of 3: Clean and maintain your pet daily

  1. Decide how you want to clean your pet. Most people want their caps to look brand new. If you want to, too, you will need to use mild detergents, be careful when cleaning, and properly store your cap to keep it safe. If you don't really care what your cap looks like, but you don't want it to get dirty and full of sweat stains, you can skip a lot of specific points and wash it the same way you wash your clothes.
    • Do not soak a new cap that you want to keep looking like new for as long as possible. Wait until it gets very dirty and starts to look old.
    • If you don't care if your cap looks brand new, just soak it in water. Even better is to simply put it in the washing machine for easy cleaning.
  2. Clean your cap carefully after wearing it. It is a good idea to gently clean the cap each time you take your New Era cap off your head so that it does not build up. This is an especially good idea if your cap is white. The cleaning shouldn't take more than a minute or two.
    • If you can't dust your cap every time, try doing this at least once or twice a week. Dust particles can get into the fibers of the cap, causing stains and requiring a more thorough cleaning.
  3. Remove dust and lint with a lint roller. The best way to keep your pet looking fresh every day is to treat it with a lint roller to remove all dust and dirt. You can buy a lint roller for a few euros at department stores and household items.
    • Some lint rollers have adhesive sheets on the outside that you can peel off when they get very dirty and hairy. Other lint rollers have thick bristles that allow you to brush in a specific direction. Those are the best lint rollers because they last longer and don't leave a sticky residue on your cap.
    • Some hat shops even sell hat brushes that you can use for hats too. If a hat brush is too expensive for you, opt for a lint roller, because it will essentially achieve the same thing.
    • You can also make a lint roller yourself. Use the sticky side of a piece of wide tape and discard the tape afterwards.
  4. Use wet wipes once a week. Ordinary wet cleaning wipes or wet wipes for the hands are great for removing dirty spots and stains before they get worse. Use a damp cloth to thoroughly wipe the inside and outside of your cap. Do this once a week, or more often if you wear the cap every day.
    • Focus especially on the end of the brim on the side where you most often grasp it with your hand, as well as the areas on the inside where you sweat. Stains often form where you hold the cap to take it off, and sweat stains can soak into the fabric and be very difficult to remove.
  5. Store your cap properly. If you just throw your cap on your dresser or on the floor, it will get dirtier there than when you wear it. A rack for hats and caps collects a lot of dust, especially if you have one by the front door. If you really want to protect your New Era cap, keep it in a box with some tissue paper wrapped around it to keep it from getting too dusty. This way your pet stays fresh and clean and you don't have to clean it.
  6. Wear a bandana or cloth under your cap. If you sweat in your cap, you can prevent sweat stains in the brim by wearing a bandana that fits snugly around your scalp. This helps to keep your hair in place and prevents grease from your hair and sweat from getting deep into the cap.

Method 2 of 3: Clean thoroughly

  1. Stick a piece of cling film over the sticker with adhesive tape. If you want your cap to look brand new, you need to keep the sticker as clean as possible. Water will ruin the sticker very quickly and cause it to flake and peel off. If you want to clean the cap without damaging the sticker, you can protect it with some cling film from the kitchen.
    • Cut a piece of cling film large enough to cover the sticker and extending several inches on all sides. Then stick the foil with adhesive tape, and make sure there are no holes under the plastic and the adhesive tape.
  2. Fill the sink with cold water and soap. It is important to clean a new cap with cold water so that the dyes do not wash out. With older caps that you have already cleaned, you can use warmer water.
    • If you want to know if your cap stains when you put it in the washing machine or dishwasher, wet a small area with a white cloth. Wet the cloth with hot water and dab a colored part of the cap with it. If the cap comes off, keep cleaning it with cold water. If the cap doesn't turn off, you can use warm water.
  3. Scrub stains gently with a soft toothbrush or clean cloth. The best way to gently, yet thoroughly remove stains caused by sweat, grease, and other substances, is to use a new soft toothbrush and slightly wet it with cold water. Move the brush in small circles and gently scrub away the stains.
  4. Treat the cap again with cold water. After cleaning the cap with soap, wet the toothbrush with clean water and treat the cap again to further remove the stains. If you prefer, you can also use a damp cloth or wet a cloth to cover a larger area.
  5. Let the cap air dry. It is very important to put the cap down correctly and let it dry for about 24 hours before wearing it again. If the cap has gotten quite wet, it can lose its shape, sag and start to look old, which you naturally want to avoid. Lay the cap down with the brim flat forward and support the rest of the cap.
    • Consider buying a kickstand to help maintain the shape of your cap. You can buy these at stores that sell hats and caps, as well as clothing stores. They only cost a few euros and keep your cap in shape for a long time, especially when you let it dry. If you have an adjustable cap, don't adjust the size.
    • It may seem like putting the cap in the dryer can dry it faster, but this can cause the cap to warp and sag very quickly. The heat makes the structure of the cap softer, making it a lot smoother. So let your cap air dry.
  6. Consider washing the hat in the dishwasher. One of the easiest and fastest ways to wash a baseball cap is to place it on a stand, set your dishwasher to a cold setting, and run the dishwasher through a half wash cycle. Take the cap out of the dishwasher halfway through the program and let it air dry.
    • Make sure your dishwasher is very clean when you try to do this, and only do this on older caps that don't stain.

Method 3 of 3: Using an official cleaning kit

  1. Consider buying an official New Era cleaning kit. Such a set contains all the items you need to keep your cap looking clean and new. It usually costs as much as a cap, which makes it expensive. However, the set includes a cleansing spray, shaping spray, cleaning brush and an inflatable cap stand so that the cap retains its shape when you are not wearing it.
    • The question is whether such a set is worth the money. If you have a large collection of caps and want to keep them looking like new, it might be worth it. If you only have a few hats, you can probably clean them just fine with the simple cleaning methods described above.
  2. Place the cap on the inflatable stand. The inflatable stand can be adjusted to the size of your cap. You can use the kickstand by putting your cap on it and inflating it to the size that your cap should hold. Squeeze the pressure ball to inflate the mold. When you have the right size standard, you can use it for all your caps.
  3. Use the cleaning brush every time you wear the cap. When you take the cap off your head, place it on the inflatable mold and spray it with some cleansing spray. Then brush the brim and the cap itself with the cleaning brush to keep it looking good.
  4. Spray a shaping spray on the cap. After cleaning the cap, spray molding spray on it while the cap is on the stand. Two or three pumps is usually enough. This keeps the cap in good shape and looks like new for as long as possible.
    • For a much lower price you can buy a refreshing spray for your pet if you only want the most important part of the set. This spray usually costs just under ten euros, but you can also buy a generic cleaning spray for your pet to be able to clean it regularly.