Seducing an older girl

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 27 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to Seduce an Older Woman Regardless of Your Age With Ease
Video: How to Seduce an Older Woman Regardless of Your Age With Ease


While most couples are usually about the same age, there are also couples whose ages vary considerably. This shouldn't be a problem as long as both partners, especially the younger partner, are mature enough to handle the situation. Sometimes an age gap seems insurmountable, especially if you're a guy looking to date an older girl. But starting something with an older girl isn't that hard at all, as long as you're willing to put in the time and dedication it takes.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Appearing as a grown man

  1. Take care of yourself. Take a shower every day. This means that you wash your body well with soap and water, paying extra attention to places where you perspire a lot, such as your armpits. Wash your hair and use conditioner so that your hair feels nice and soft. An older girl likes it when a boy takes good care of himself and when he presents himself in a positive way.
    • When you're done showering, put on some deodorant. Make sure you put on enough of it, and roll it on well or spray it on enough. Because of course you don't want to have sweat stains when you talk to an older girl.
    • You can also put some cream on your hands to soften them. If your hands are rough, the girl may not want to touch them.
  2. Decide whether you want to grow a (stubble) beard or shave. If you've decided that you want a beard, that's fine. It is important that you make sure you have enough hair on your face to grow a beautiful beard. Short light hairs on your face are unattractive, especially for older girls. Because then you look like you're in puberty, instead of being a grown man. Make sure you trim the beard, by the way. Don't let the beard grow too wild. Use razor blades and a beard trimmer to regularly trim the beard to keep it looking neat and beautiful.
    • A shaved look is much easier to maintain. Remember to use a razor and shaving cream every morning. Some girls like a stubble beard, but don't let it grow beyond that. Older girls like a well-shaven man.
    • Don't forget to trim other areas besides your face. Get rid of some of that excess chest hair and keep the hair tucked in between your legs. This shows older girls that you care about how you look and how you present yourself.
  3. Brush your teeth regularly. Older girls like guys who take good care of themselves and like fresh breath. Brush your teeth (two minutes) twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Floss after brushing your teeth to remove any food residue from between your teeth. Finish with mouthwash that will rinse your entire mouth and leave your mouth smelling fresh.
    • Always have mints or chewing gum with you, in case you haven't brushed your teeth for a while. This will mask the smell, and your breath will get a fresh mint scent.
  4. Comb your hair and keep it neat. When you're done showering, comb your hair so it doesn't look too messy. If you want, you can also use products from the store, such as gel or mousse, with which you can model different hairstyles. Make sure your look is clean cut and grown up.
    • Go to the hairdresser every month. If there is hair on your neck and over your ears, it should be trimmed.
  5. Apply cologne or deodorant. Put a little cologne on the "pulse points". These are where the blood vessels are close to the surface of the skin. The blood creates heat and spreads the fragrance of the cologne well. The pulse points are under your arms, behind your knees, around your neckline, and on your wrists. It is important that you don't put on too much. An older girl can turn off too much cologne.
  6. Have a fashionable and new wardrobe. Many young boys like to wear sporty jersey shirts and sweaters. But many older girls like it when boys dress about the same style as themselves. For example, if she's wearing shorts with a belt and a polo, she probably likes a preppy look. If she's always wearing jeans and a T-shirt, she probably likes guys who look casual.
    • Make sure all your clothes are ironed. Then you show the older girls that you care about how you come across to the outside world, and that you consider yourself important. Avoid looking like you just rolled out of bed.
    • It is normal to vary in the style of your outfit; you can adjust the style according to your individual needs. There is no such thing as the "perfect" wardrobe. Try to choose your clothes as carefully as possible and do your best to look good. It doesn't hurt to go out and buy a new shirt or pants from a nearby store if you find that you don't have a lot of clothes in your closet.

Part 2 of 3: Talking to an older girl

  1. Act mature when you talk to her. If the flirting is in its early stages, you can simply smile at each other. Tell her how beautiful she looks that day, or compliment her on her outfit. Let her know what you love about her as a person, her smile, her eyes, and ways that are unique to her and that stand out to you. Don't touch her at this stage, especially at the beginning. Look her in the eye when you talk to her, because then you show her that you give her all your attention.
  2. Be confident when you talk to her. Keep your back straight and don't collapse when you sit. Never think that you have no chance of dating her. Think positively about the possibilities that lie ahead. Older girls notice when you are confident, and they find that attractive in boys. Speak fluently instead of mumbling and stuttering. Make a joke every now and then that makes her laugh. Keep a smile on your face and try not to frown.
    • Keeps the conversation going. Always have something ready to talk about in case she's done talking. An awkward silence is the last thing you want.
  3. Find out what her interests are. Talk about adult topics, such as the sports team you are on, a book you recently read, or something you know someone her age would like. Ask her where she works, what kind of sport she does, what college she wants to study, and where her family is from. These are mature questions that show that you really want to get to know her as a person, instead of treating her like a sex object.
  4. Participate in an activity in which she is involved. For example, if she's taking a debating course, she'll notice you and take you seriously when you join. This is especially impressive if the girl knows that this is something completely different from what you are used to. For example, you can join the book club she is a member of, even if you don't like reading at all. This shows that you want to make an effort for her to ask her for a date in the future. You show that you not only care about the things you are interested in yourself, but also hers.
  5. Pay attention to her body language, not just her words. For example, she can say nice things, while her eyes keep looking elsewhere. You are supposed to hold her attention through your appearance, your confident speech, or your charming personality. If it turns out she's just not that interested in you, turn to someone else. If you want to be a grown man, you have to understand that older girls know what they want. So, if she doesn't want to give you her number, or never reply to your messages, it's time to move on in a respectful manner.
    • If she keeps her arms crossed in front of her chest, or if she averts her eyes when you talk to her, she may not be that interested in you.
    • Make sure your body is straight and that you mirror her posture when you talk. This way you show that you are completely focused on her.
  6. Befriend some of her friends. Then you don't come across as an outsider and you feel more connected to the group. If you're planning on dating the girl in the future, at least you're already used to her friends. If she finds that you're not even hiding the fact that you can't get along with her friends, she probably won't be interested in you. Adult men are usually able to develop a good relationship of friendship with their girlfriends. Her friends make her happy, and that should make you happy too.
  7. Don't hesitate to ask her out. It's a good way to prove that you are an adult and not as young as you look, and that is only a good thing. And, dating is an important part of the process of making her your girlfriend. Ask her for her phone number so you can contact her after school. But if you ask her out, do it in person, not through a text or phone call. Older girls don't like it when a boy is shy about their presence. Make a clear agreement in advance so that you do not forget it.
    • For example, a good way to ask her out is, "Hey [her name], I was thinking about going out for dinner on Friday night; would you like to go with me?"

Part 3 of 3: Dating an older girl

  1. Take her to a nice restaurant. A classic date is going out to dinner together. Pick her up in your car and take her to the restaurant. Keep the door open for her. During dinner you can ask her questions and have a good conversation with each other. Look into her eyes as you listen and talk. Compliment her on the beautiful dress she's wearing.
    • Do not go to a theater or cinema for your first date. Because then you can't look at each other on your first date, and you can't talk to each other. If you've been out with each other before, it can be fun, for example, to go to the cinema together and then talk about it later together.
    • Bring her a bunch of flowers when you ring her front door to pick her up. This is how you make a very good start; your date can hardly go wrong!
  2. Make gentle physical contact. On a first date, it is better not to bring up about sex. However, you can hold her hand, perhaps during dinner, or in the car on the way back to her house. While an older girl may make the first move on her own, you are supposed to appear confident. If you drop her off at home, walk her to the front door. Kiss her on the lips to wish her good night. While kissing her, move your hand over the back of her head.
    • A good night kiss should last about 5-6 seconds. Avoid an uncomfortable situation or one where she feels like you want more.
    • Don't just kiss her lips or cheek. Use your tongue a little and show how you feel about her. She probably wants more and more dates in the future.
  3. Be prepared for a high degree of intimacy together. An older girl may be more advanced sexually, and she may have more experience in this regard than you. Always decide for yourself how intimate you want to become with her as you get to know her better. If you're not ready to move on physically, be honest about it. If you are open to it, just go with the flow. Listen to her needs and feel free to state what your desires are.
    • Keep in mind that older girls are adults and like to have safe sex. Make sure you always have a condom with you, for the right time.
    • Open, honest relationships are built on a healthy sex life. If you are not happy in this regard, then your relationship has little chance of success.
    • Spend time teasing and cuddling before making out. This puts your partner in the mood and shows that you are an adult.
  4. Don't worry too much about the age difference. While the age difference will always be there, of course, you shouldn't worry too much about it. Ultimately, the age difference is not that important. Relax, get to know her, and get on with the relationship as you would any other relationship. Don't listen to others who don't understand your relationship.
  5. Keep reminding your girlfriend that you love her. A grown man is there for his girlfriend in good times and bad. That means being there when she's happy and smiling, and also when she's sad and unstable. Prove to the older girl that you are an adult and don't just walk away if things aren't going well. Keep buying her flowers, chocolates, and cards. That may seem a bit corny, but it works. Every day you don't see her, make sure you tell her you love her.


  • Whatever your age, make sure you have good hygiene.
  • Be aware that she may be concerned about what her classmates and friends think of her relationship with a younger boy.Be patient when she's in doubt, but know that it really doesn't concern anyone.
  • Remember that your girlfriend's personality should really appeal to you. If you like her just for her looks, you might get disappointed with her later on.
  • Always try to be yourself! If you pretend otherwise, she will immediately notice.
  • Getting an older girl actually requires exactly the same skills as having a girl your own age; you just have to be better at it.
  • Be neat. Be well-mannered. This also makes you stand out more as an adult young man.
  • Start simply by befriending her. That way you can get to know her a little first. It's also a pretty easy first step.
  • Be mature at all times or she will lose interest in you.


  • Don't pretend to be different, or pretend you like certain things if you don't. Honesty is important in any relationship.
  • Do not repeat sentences that you have heard in a movie or through other media; that just doesn't work. Having a regular conversation with her works best. Make her feel comfortable with you.
  • Don't let someone put you down when you're with her, or you won't come across well.
  • Don't act immature in front of her. For example, do not let wind where she is at and do not make rough jokes.
  • If you join a team that includes them, it is helpful to train in advance so that you will do well once you are on the team.