Taking a stool sample

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Submit a Stool Sample for Testing
Video: How to Submit a Stool Sample for Testing


Your doctor may ask you to take a stool sample at some point. This test can be used to diagnose a number of serious diseases of the stomach and intestines, including parasites, viruses, bacteria and even cancer. The research is unpleasant, but it shows whether you are perfectly healthy.

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Part 1 of 2: Preparing to take the sample

  1. Do not use any medications that can affect the sample. Do not take any medicine before taking a sample. These can be drugs that make your stool softer, such as Movicolon, Maalox, mineral oil, antacids and Kaopectate. Postpone taking a stool sample if you've been drinking a contrast agent containing barium, a metal compound used in X-ray exams to detect irregularities in the esophagus and stomach.
  2. Ask your doctor for advice. He or she can provide you with the supplies you need to take the stool sample, including a container to put the sample in. Ask about the process and if your doctor can give you a special aid to collect your stool in the toilet bowl. Follow your doctor's instructions and carefully read the directions provided with the devices.
    • Keep in mind that water from the toilet bowl, urine, toilet paper, and soap can all mess up the stool sample, so make sure you can collect your stool without the sample becoming contaminated with these things. Prepare your toilet in advance to collect the monster.
  3. Place a plastic container on your toilet that is meant to collect faeces. This is a hat-like tool that is used to catch your stool so that the monster doesn't fall into the water in the toilet. Ask your doctor if he or she can give you one, as this tool will make the process easier. The tray fits neatly over part of the toilet bowl.
    • To put the tray in place, lift the toilet seat, place the tray over the bowl and lower the toilet seat. Sit on the part of the pot that is covered by the container.
  4. Cover the toilet bowl with plastic wrap. If your doctor cannot provide you with a bowl, you can also cover the toilet bowl with plastic wrap. To use plastic wrap, lift the toilet seat and place the wrap over the toilet bowl. Lower the toilet seat to help hold the foil in place.
    • You can also tape the plastic wrap to the side of the toilet bowl to make things even more secure.
    • Before you sit on the toilet, push the plastic down slightly to make a small hole so that the sample ends up in it.
  5. Place a sheet of newspaper over the toilet bowl. As a last resort, you can also use a large sheet of newspaper to collect the stool sample. To use a sheet of newspaper, lift the toilet seat, place the newspaper over the toilet bowl and lower the toilet seat to hold the paper in place.
    • You can also tape the newspaper to the side of the toilet bowl to hold it in place.
    • Push the newspaper down in the center to make a hole for stool to collect.
  6. Poop in the container or on the foil or newspaper. Make sure to urinate first so you don't contaminate the sample. Whether you are at home or at your doctor's office, prepare the toilet with a bowl or plastic wrap. Make sure that all faeces ends up in the bowl and does not come into contact with the water in the toilet.

Part 2 of 2: Storing and transporting the sample

  1. Put the sample in the jar. Open one of the jars your doctor gave you. There should be a small scoop on the lid of the jar. Use the scoop to scoop a small amount of the stool into the jar. Try to get some feces from both ends and from the center of the sample.
    • How much stool you need differs per examination. Your doctor can give you a jar with a red stripe and liquid in it. Then put enough stool in the jar so that the liquid reaches the red line. If you have another jar, try to collect a grape-sized amount of stool.
  2. Discard the container and faeces. Dispose of the contents of the container or plastic wrap in the toilet. Flush the toilet and dispose of the container or plastic wrap and all other waste in a garbage bag. Button the bag and put it somewhere you can't smell it.
  3. Cool the sample in the refrigerator. If possible, take the sample to your doctor immediately. If you can't do that, put your sample in the fridge. Put the jar with the stool in a bag, seal the bag and put everything in the refrigerator. Write your name on it, as well as the date and time you took the sample. Consider using an opaque bag so that no one can see the stool sample.
  4. Take the sample to your doctor as soon as possible. Never wait longer than 24 hours to take the sample to your doctor. The bacteria in the stool will grow and change. Your doctor will usually want the sample back within two hours to get an accurate result.
    • Contact your doctor to inquire about the results of the study.


  • For hygiene reasons, wear latex gloves when taking a sample.
  • An anus swab is sometimes considered an easy and feasible alternative to a stool sample. However, there are some doubts about the relative effectiveness of this method in detecting irregularities. Let your doctor make a choice.


  • The liquid you get with the set is very toxic. Wash your hands thoroughly when you are done and do not drink the liquid.


  • Set from your doctor
  • Plastic container to collect faeces
  • Laxative (optional, only if you are constipated)
  • Garbage bag
  • Water and soap to wash your hands afterwards