Having a girl chase you

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Psychological TRICKS to Get a Girl to Chase YOU!
Video: 7 Psychological TRICKS to Get a Girl to Chase YOU!


If you're tired of craving the girl of your dreams, it's time to turn the tables and let her come to you. Attracting a girl is all about making her curious, and getting her curious is all about keeping your distance calm and not revealing too much about yourself at once. If you can pique her interest while still appearing mysterious, she won't be able to resist the urge to learn more about you.

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Method 1 of 2: Getting her attention

  1. Radiate confidence to get her attention. When you are near the object of your interest, behave in a way that reflects how you want to be seen. Stand upright, move with purpose, and speak in a calm, relaxed (but assertive) tone. A confident attitude conveys the message that you are in control.
    • Self-confidence is not the same as conceit. For many people, arrogance is even more repulsive than a lack of self-confidence.
    • Another positive side effect of self-confidence is that it makes you more resilient. If it turns out she's just not interested in you, a confident attitude will allow you to bounce back and move on without feeling negative about yourself.
  2. Take steps to make yourself more attractive. Like it or not, your physical appearance matters, especially if you don't know someone very well. Start exercising regularly and watch what you eat and get enough sleep. Taking a little extra time to put on makeup before you go out can also improve your chances of getting her attention.
    • It is crucial to maintain your personal hygiene: shower daily, brush your teeth, style your hair and remember to use deodorant, especially if you have been exercising.
    • Your smile is one of the best weapons you have in your social toolbox. Don't be afraid to use it.
  3. Sharpen your conversational skills. Being a good conversation partner is as much a good listener as having lots of funny or interesting things to say. Keep the conversation centered around her as much as possible so that she feels special. When it's your turn to talk, say what you have to say and then look for a way to turn the spotlight back on her.
    • Don't think you have to agree with everything she says. In fact, tactfully disagreeing can be a great way to show her that you have a mind of your own and take the conversation to the next level.
    • Forget about practicing imaginary conversations with the girl you're trying to impress. A better approach is to stay relaxed and allow yourself to be spontaneous. That way you are ready for any twists and turns that the dialogue can take.

    Warning: Avoid wooing, telling too much, or letting the conversation be all about you. If you keep it on the surface, you will radiate an air of mystery and intrigue that will make her want to learn more about you.

  4. Surround yourself with friends when you are around her. Arrange things so that whenever you happen to bump into your crush, you're with your group of friends. Always having an entourage with you sends a subliminal message that says "I am sympathetic." It's even better if you know some of the same people as this will tell her right away that you two have similar interests and a compatible personality.
    • If you have mutual friends, start asking them to do things with you more often. This gives you a convenient entry point to start a conversation or invite her to come along.
    • Scientific studies also suggest that having a few friends by your side makes you look more physically attractive because your facial features "become part of the mean".
  5. Socialize with her friends to be around her often. Start hanging out with some of her closest companions and make them part of your own social circle. Be charming, lovable and, above all, sincere. The higher they deem you, the more likely they are to recommend you to her, or even recommend you as a potential lover.
    • Befriending her best friends not only gives you an excuse to be around her more often, it also divides your attention, forcing her to work harder for it.
    • A girl's group of friends is like a battalion of soldiers protecting their queen. To get to her, you must first win them over, or, in this case, win them over.
  6. Focus on leaving a lasting impression when you are together. When you have a alone moment, take the opportunity to dazzle her with your natural magnetism.Make her laugh, listen intently, and treat her like she's the only person in the world, at least until it's time to make a strategic exit. You are practically guaranteed that she will be thinking about you for the rest of the evening.
    • Making real contact during your one-on-one time is key to making sure that your attempts to downplay your interest pay off the way they should. There is no reason for her to chase you if she doesn't like being with you.
    • While appearing desperate or needy can scare girls away, acting completely disinterested can also discourage her, giving the opposite effect of what you hope to achieve.

Method 2 of 2: Make her want more

  1. Stay calm and avoid the first step. When it comes to getting a girl after you, rule number one: don't force anything. Throwing yourself on her is a good way to scare her and convince her that you probably aren't worth her time and attention. Whatever you do, don't make it clear that you're actually the one who's after her - make her work for it.
    • Avoid the temptation to always text her first or be the first to offer to go out with her. Better to take your time and wait for her to come to you.
  2. Be the first to say goodbye after a conversation. A lot of people make the mistake of getting too clingy or too happy to be in the presence of a girl once they hook her up. Don't be afraid to cut off a magical conversation if you see someone you know, or leave a little earlier because you have to be somewhere else. By doing this, she will look forward to your next meeting, while also making it clear that you are popular.
    • Keep in mind, if you want her to chase you, you can't be around all the time.

    Tip:' Occasionally try to miss her calls on purpose or take longer than usual to respond to her texts. This will definitely drive her crazy (in a good way).

  3. Keep busy with your own goals and hobbies. Spend time doing your own pursuits, even if it means turning down an offer to hang out every now and then. On the surface, this will help you portray yourself as passionate and purposeful, both of which are attractive qualities. However, you secretly encourage her to try harder.
    • Bring up your hobbies, interests, and projects often in a conversation so she knows how serious you are about them.
    • You could even say things like, "My ideal girlfriend would love gaming as much as I do" or "It takes someone very special to get my mind off cars." She can take it as a challenge.
  4. Make her think she's in the friend zone. When talking to her, say things like, `` I love having such a nice girlfriend '' or `` You're like one of my buddies. '' If she likes you, dropping hints that you seeing her as a casual friend rather than a seriously romantic prospect, making her work even harder to win your affection.
    • You don't have to keep her in the friend zone forever, but putting her in there temporarily is a good way to fuel her desires and motivate her to get out.
    • If you choose this approach, keep the flirting in check a bit. Sending out mixed signals can only confuse her or make her suspect that you are playing games.
  5. Try to be a little aloof with girls who don't respond the way you want. Sometimes when you're dealing with a tough case, the best thing to do is apply a little bit of reverse psychology. By not acknowledging her like everyone else does, she'll question her assumptions about you and wonder what's so great about you that you hardly give her a second look.
    • Being aloof is more subtle than pretending it doesn't exist. It could mean that you half-laugh at her jokes, that you're unimpressed when she tells stories that are meant to make her look cool, or that you're just more concerned with everyone around her than with her.
    • Ignoring a girl you secretly like can easily backfire. Try to do it in a way that feels unintentional, not intentional or mean.
  6. Be careful not to give up your benefit too soon. Don't stop what you are doing just when it starts working. If she suddenly seems determined to make your hair noticed, be receptive to it, but don't get caught in the bait all at once. Instead, you stay cool and give her just enough to make her come back without losing the upper hand.
    • Once you're sure she's after you, you can start to gradually increase the amount of affection you show towards her, until the two of you line up.
    • If you go from lukewarm to hot too quickly, she can lose interest in the dynamics you've worked so hard for. In the worst case, it could even lead her to believe that your behavior was just an act.


  • Despite your attitude, it is important to always be yourself. There's no point in trying to bring in a girl you like if she thinks you're someone you aren't.


  • Flirting with other women can generate a little bit of helpful jealousy, but keep it to a minimum. Otherwise, she might think you're a player, which probably won't earn you any points.
  • Stay away from corny, prepped opening lines. Not only are they boring, they are often also a turnoff to others.