Starting a love letter

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


In the words of the philosopher Max Muller: `` A flower cannot bloom without sunshine and man cannot live without love. '' If you know what you feel in your heart, but find it difficult to put your thoughts into words for a love letter, don't worry! Whether you're writing a letter to your life partner, a loved one, or just a "special someone," you are just a few helpful tips away from your romantic magnum opus.

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Method 1 of 3: Write someone you admire

  1. Forget the traditional style rules. If you have no idea about a salutation for your love letter, how many lines to indent before you start writing, or what angle the date should be placed in, then that's okay. Love letters are not an exercise in formal writing. They are, at times, essentially one of the most common, personal, and intimate documents anyone writes in his or her life. The content of your letter is much, much more important than the way it is laid out, so feel free to let go of the standard rules of writing a letter and play with it.
    • If you're looking for a conservative option, write the reader's name on the left edge of the top line, followed by a comma. For example, if you write a letter to Rebecca Samson, your secret love from math class, you just write Rebecca in the top left corner of the page.
    • If you want it a bit different, don't be afraid to change the traditional formatting rules as you see fit. For example, if you want to include the date of that day as you would in a traditional letter, you might be able to creatively solve this by writing, 'Amsterdam, September 29, 2014, 145 days since I first met you. . '.
  2. Choose a salutation in which you make it clear that the reader is special. In a letter, the salutation is the greeting with which the letter begins - it is usually something like "Dear John", "Dear ..". or the like. Depending on the purpose of your letter, there are literally dozens of salutations you can use. Although you are a common salutation for your love letter can Using a creative salutation is a great way to show the reader that you care enough to think about it longer. If you want, you can even omit the salutation completely - the choice is yours!
    • For example, if you want to write to Jan Ramers, the hunk you met at the local bookstore, you could refer to it in your salutation by writing something like, "Dear John, my bookworm love."
  3. Try to intrigue or excite the reader with the first sentence. Love letters can be many things (sweet, sassy, ​​sincere, or obscene, for example), but they are allowed never be boring. A love letter isn't just your chance to tell your secret love how you feel - it's an opportunity to actually pique this person's interest in you! Your first line should reflect this - be witty, funny, or even scandalous, but whatever you do, don't start with something like, "I am writing this to inform you that I am very fond of you. The reason is... '
    • Here's a great example of a thrilling opening line: Let's say we're writing to Susan Seron, a "total babe" you know from the debating club. There are a million different ways to treat this. Here are just two of them:
    • "The hardest thing about the debating club is not following the teacher's rules; it's having to argue with someone I love. "
    • "Last week, when you took the podium, you fought hard for a flat tax, but you captured my heart."
  4. Use a playful but respectful tone. While lovers in centuries past have used stilted, formal language to court each other, modern-day lovers can usually get away with a little more fun. You can do something crazy or even slightly tease the other person about your letter. If you already know each other well, this kind of casual approach will usually lead to laughter or flirtation - don't hurt anyone's feelings.
    • For example, as long as you make it clear that something is a joke, you can go a long way with playful flowery and archaic language. Don't be afraid to write "big." For example, you could start with "My darling, the one for whom my heart interrupts its dance. You put a spell on me every day. I would be honored to accompany you to the prom. "
    • On the other hand, you don't want to to appear wild. Other than one or two gentle teasing punches, you should not be rude, disrespectful, and use swear words, unless this is part of normal mutual language. Remember, you are trying to win this person's heart, not crush someone's ego.
  5. Step up the romance with a personal touch. Your love letter shouldn't read like a form letter. Ideally, your writing should make it clear that your letter is addressed to one special person (en only a person). Include details about the other person, such as his or her way of seeing, how the other person makes you feel, and how he or she makes your life better to show that you have thought about the letter.
    • For example, if you write to Stefan Brand, the star of the swimming club, you can do this with a joke and include the following details: "Stefan, my heart skips five seconds every time you get out of the pool. Your eyes are bluer than chlorine, your abs harder than the locker room tiles, and your hair blacker than your speedo. Marry me'.
  6. Know what to avoid. Declaring your love to someone is tricky - no matter how elegant you are with a pen, it's all too easy to make mistakes. Fortunately, some mistakes can come across as sweet, cute quirks. On the other hand, other mistakes can't seem very flattering. Below is just a short list of things to leave out of a love letter:
    • Self-mockery (i.e. making fun of yourself or putting yourself down). While some people have mastered this difficult skill, it can often appear insecure.
    • Poems. Unless you're a master poet or already in a relationship with your reader, your masterpiece can be shared with friends and family (and not in a good way).
    • Mention other people. Only write about two people: yourself and your loved one. Now is not the time to make your loved one jealous.
    • Blunt, slanted, or overly sexual comments. Wait until you are in a relationship.

Method 2 of 3: Write to a boyfriend or girlfriend

  1. Start warm and familiar. If you're writing a love letter to someone you're already in a relationship with, the tips above may still help you, but you may get the best results if you take a slightly different approach. Since you've already won this person's affection, worry less about being intriguing or arousing. Instead, you can use a tone that is more intimate and familiar & mdash more sweet words than intense flirting.
    • For example, if you write to Michael Green, your boyfriend you've been going with for a year now, you could start like this: "Michael, my love. Has it been a year? 12 Amazing Months? 52 great weeks? 365 earth-shaking days? Time flies so fast.'
  2. Make references to mutual jokes. When you've been with someone long enough, you probably have your own "vocabulary" as a couple - terms, references, and jokes that only the two of you understand. To give your letter a personal touch, mention it here and there at the beginning of your letter - it will show you that you remember and appreciate the shared experiences.
    • We leave this to you - only "you and your lover" know each other's jokes, pet names, and obscure references.
  3. Write candidly - even about your struggles and disappointments. No relationship is perfect - after the initial "honeymoon," each person in a relationship will slowly but surely notice each other's mistakes, get on each other's nerves, and sometimes even have arguments. This is a normal part of being someone's partner. Don't be afraid to go into this lightly in your letter. After all, they are just as much a part of your relationship as the happy moments that are hopefully much more common.
    • No matter how serious the content of your letter gets, you want to let the reader know that you have confidence in your relationship. Never give your boyfriend or girlfriend the impression that you are considering breaking up. This can make a relationship tense and insecure and possibly even lead to an actual breakup.
    • Suppose you write a letter to Kim, your girlfriend with whom you recently had a fight. You may want to add one or two of these sentences: "I know we fight sometimes, Kimmie. In a way, our bickering even has a silver lining. Now that we've both had the chance to cool down, I'm more and more convinced you're the right one for me. "
  4. For fun, use flowery language. Don't be afraid to be funny in your love letter - there is a lot of evidence that humor can be a very sexy trait for both men and women.While humorous opening lines are difficult to achieve, and probably shouldn't be attempted if you don't have a sense of humor, they reinforce your bright side. Plus, you don't have to worry so much about being "neat" or "nice" since you have something to do with the recipient of your letter anyway. As long as you're not terribly rude or mean (and you're really funny), you can usually joke without the fear of appearing wrong.
    • Here's an example of a ludicrously dramatic opening that is deliberately comical:
    • Although it had been freezing that night, I marched on undaunted. The snow kept falling. Can I still continue? Despair. With every step that hit the icy ground, my despair grew. My skin started to turn black from frostbite. I now knew that in this dark time I would die, languish in this cool grave. But see, what was this? Could it be? A light is coming from the sky! A vibrant pearlescent luminescence shone through a sublime sheen of a very brilliant figure. That is not possible, but still. You. There you were, the only thing that could save me from this darkness, this curse, this affliction, this spell.
  5. Study the love letters of history's greatest lovers. Are you still stuck? Don't worry - history is full of literally hundreds of great love letter writers, each with his or her own unique style. Below are just a few examples from the world of literature that you might want to check out (there are many more from all walks of life):
    • Katherine Mansfield was a great love letter writer in the early 20th century who could use her literary skills to write beautiful passages for her loved ones - both male and female (Mansfield was bisexual). Here is a short excerpt from a letter to her second husband John Murray Mansfield: "You are all around me - I seem to breathe you, hear you, feel you in me and in me".
    • If you don't mind getting more explicit (much more explicit), Irish author James Joyce's love letters to his wife Nora Barnacle can be a great source of inspiration. Here is a somewhat less extensive passage written before both lovers got married: "I become like a fool when you call me" Honey. " I insulted two men today by ignoring them. I wanted to hear your voice, not theirs. "
    • Not all love letters have to be viscous and poetic. Austro-Hungarian writer Franz Kafka's letters to his loved ones were often whimsical and bordering on the bizarre. Here's a passage from a letter to his fiancé (but never his wife), Felice Bauer: "If only I had your answer right now!" And how terribly I torment you, and how I force you, in the silence of your room, to read this letter, as tedious as it has ever been on your desk! To be honest, I sometimes notice that like a ghost I'm chasing your lucky name! "

Method 3 of 3: Write to a spouse

  1. Feel free to open with a bang - or a whisper. Marriage is a decision that means a lifelong commitment for most people. Ideally, people who are married should share such a level of intimacy that there is little they feel uncomfortable talking about. In terms of writing a love letter, this means that just about anything is possible. While you can probably be sincere (rather than ironic), you have a lot of room here to be creative.
    • There is no "right" way to start a love letter to your husband. Only you knows your husband's most intimate hopes, dreams, feelings and fears, so we'll leave this to you.
    • When in doubt, just be sincere about how you feel. Even something as simple as, "I love you - I have always felt that way and that is how I always will feel" can be enough.
  2. Refer to your first shared experience as a couple. One trick to arouse warm feelings of nostalgia in your partner is to bring back memories of the very first time you met or went out. This will almost always be fond memories of a time when you and your partner were younger, more naive and more carefree. When written with sincerity, such a nostalgic reference can turn your letter into a moving, bittersweet tear-jerk.
    • Suppose you write on your 20th wedding anniversary to your wife Tina whom you met at the hospital when she was your nurse there, you could start like this: "I still remember that day, 22 years ago, Tina. I woke up among the cream-colored pillows in St. Claire's as if I had gone to heaven. Was it a dream? Had I survived the crash? Then I saw you, and in an instant I was more grateful to be alive than ever before ”.
  3. Focus on how your love has matured over time. A couple who have been married for years is not the same pair of people as when they met (or even then when they got married). Marriage changes a relationship - often this change isn't better or worse, it's just different. To make your letter even more moving, consider drawing attention to how your relationship has changed, such as how your feelings for each other have matured, the way you discovered each other's secrets, and so on. Think about the fact that your love, while different, is no weaker than it was on the first day of your honeymoon.
    • Suppose you write a letter to Jim, your husband you've been married to for a little over a year now. You could try something like this: "Jim, honey. It's only been 14 months now and it feels like we've been married for a lifetime. The way we talk, the way we hold each other - even the way we look at each other is so much more subtle, so much more intimate than it was a few months ago. And yet I have never loved you so much ".
  4. Focus on your continued commitment. The fact is simple: not all marriages last until "death do us part." However, your love letter to your husband should be written as if this result is impossible - even ridiculous. While you can name any problems or difficulties that you have experienced as a couple, leave no doubts about the strength of your marriage. Make your love letter a bold proclamation of how you plan to stay with your partner for the rest of your life (and how much fun you'll enjoy doing that!).
    • A great example of the positive, positive approach you may want to take is this passage from a love letter from President Woodrow Wilson to Edith Bolling Galt, the woman who became his second wife: sweetest, most loving heart I have ever known, and my love, my reverence, my admiration for you, has increased overnight, as only a life of intimate, loving association could have done. '


  • Take your time. Make time to think about what you want to write and really focus on this task. The first, second and third draft of a letter will only make it better.
  • Be patient. If the right words don't pop up right away, don't worry! Over time, your feelings will always resonate in your text, as long as you keep trying.
  • Be yourself! Keep what you write as original and original as possible.


  • Don't be creepy. If the person you are sending the letter to has said they are not interested, stop bothering them! While it can sometimes help to write down how you feel in a thoughtful way, you can go too far and overwhelm the other person with your letters, leaving them wanting to hear from you.
  • It doesn't always work! While you may have poured your whole heart into the letter, sometimes people just don't feel the same way. Understand that things don't happen for no reason. There will be someone else for you who will appreciate you for who you are! Don't try to dwell on what you could have said better, because it could very well be that even if you wrote something wonderful, it just wasn't for that person.