Develop a powerful high-pitched voice

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How To Sing High Pitch For Guys - Three Secrets!
Video: How To Sing High Pitch For Guys - Three Secrets!


Developing a strong high pitched singing voice takes a lot of time and effort. Go through these steps regularly and you will start to notice a change in your voice. This only works if you actually try it! The most important thing to remember is to breathe when you can. It is very important so that you do not become unwell from too little air in your lungs.

To step

  1. Sit or stand upright with your muscles relaxed. Keep your back straight and your posture neutral so that your diaphragm and lungs can expand properly and stimulate airflow. Since your singing power comes from your diaphragm, relaxing the rest of your body will help focus on those parts of the body that really matter.
    • Above all, try to relax your stomach. Resist the urge to hold or retract your stomach as this will make your breathing unnatural.
    • Use your thumb to gently move your larynx from side to side, loosening your vocal cords and putting less strain on them when you sing.
  2. Breathe from your diaphragm. The diaphragm is a muscle under the lungs that contracts when you inhale, allowing your lungs to expand in that space. Breathing out is thus just a matter of allowing the diaphragm to relax and calmly. To test what it feels like when you breathe from your diaphragm, bend over through your waist and start singing. Notice the feeling in your stomach and the noise you make.
    • Never breathe in through your nose; that makes it more difficult to reach the high notes.
  3. Warm up your voice before you start singing. Make nonsense noises (e.g. exhaling air to make your lips flap and making a bbbbb or ppppp sound, creating a sustained 'shhhhh' sound, etc.), sing different vowels and consonants around the various facial muscles to speak. This produces a richer, less tense sound. (When you inflate a balloon, it is much easier to inflate the balloon if you first stretch it; your vocal cords function in much the same way.)
  4. Start with songs that are within your vocal range. Using music you are already comfortable with will keep your voice warm before attempting to practice something new. Pick a song with a few notes slightly above your usual range and make this your goal.
  5. Practice scales, gradually raising the pitch each time. Remember that your vocal cords are sensitive membranes and you need to get used to any new singing techniques gently.
  6. Trains your body to hit the high notes. While singing the note, squeeze your lower abdomen, but make sure that the top part of your abdomen is not contracted. This is called a "lower belly boost". Lower your lower jaw drastically, but barely keep your mouth open. Bend your knees slightly to make yourself feel like you're going down as soon as you start singing higher. Try to limit the extent to which your larynx rises as you sing higher; While this is what people naturally do when they try to sing higher, it is stressful on your throat and can break your voice. Check by placing your fingers above your larynx as you sing, and adjust your technique so that your larynx stays low.
    • Don't look up while singing the high notes; keep your gaze forward so that your throat doesn't bend and you have to squeeze out the sound.
    • Pushing your tongue forward can help, giving the high notes a richer sound.
  7. Remember not to force your vote. Don't try to force yourself to sing in a much higher register too quickly; there are often serious consequences when you do that. Remember to always drink water before a performance or practice session to keep your voice steady. Also keep some water nearby for emergencies.

Method 1 of 1: Lifestyle changes

  1. Improve your posture. Good posture should be a habit to strengthen your singing voice, not a transition mode.
  2. Improve your fitness. Go for a run or do interval training to strengthen your lungs and increase its capacity.
  3. Develop the flexibility of your face. Make funny faces, stretch your mouth and tongue in all directions, yawn to open the back of your throat and loosen your jaw until you are able to push or pull it with your hand. These exercises help you shape and perfect the sound that comes out of your mouth.


  • Drink water with honey in it. This helps soothe your throat. Drink this before a performance. It can help.
  • Take a break every hour to give your throat some time to relax.
  • Go for a swim. Having to hold your breath underwater will make your lungs stronger.
  • Don't eat dairy before singing.
  • Don't yell, because it will damage your throat.
  • Do not eat "heavy" meals before singing.
  • Take music lessons
  • Drink warm water, it will soothe the throat.
  • Never scrape your throat too hard as this can damage the vocal cords.
  • Drink warm water with honey; it always works.


  • Remember that when you are young your voice can change depending on your age.
  • If your voice is low, don't force anything. You can eventually achieve a higher pitch, but it is best to start on your natural baseline.
  • Don't do anything that causes pain.


  • A note (from a piano, audio CD or similar).
  • Water.
  • Mirror.
  • Recording device (optional).
  • Computer (optional).
  • Sometimes a microphone can make you feel like you have more control (optional).
  • A guitar (optional).