Treat a high level of alkaline phosphatase

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) | Lab Test 🧪
Video: Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) | Lab Test 🧪


Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme found naturally in your liver, digestive system, kidneys and bones. A high ALP level can indicate diseases such as liver damage, liver disease, bone disease or a blocked bile duct. In most cases, high ALP is a temporary and non-serious concern. Children and teens, in particular, can have higher ALP than adults. ALP levels can be lowered through a combination of medications, diet changes, and lifestyle changes. Consult with your doctor whether further investigation is necessary.

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Method 1 of 3: Dealing with medications and conditions

  1. Try to control the disease or condition causing your high ALP. ALP is usually the symptom of a certain condition. So to limit your ALP, you will have to address the underlying condition. High ALP can be caused by conditions ranging from vitamin D deficiency to bone disorders.
    • For example, if your doctor discovers that your high ALP level is caused by liver disease, he will prescribe you medication for it. The high ALP level will return to normal once the liver disease has been treated.
  2. Find out if medications are causing high levels of ALP. Certain prescription medications have the side effect of increasing ALP levels. Your doctor will likely ask you to stop taking one or more of these medications for a predetermined period of time (such as a week) and then come back for another blood test. If your ALP levels have not dropped, you may need to stop taking another drug for a week to see if it has a beneficial effect on your ALP. Medicines that can lead to high ALP include:
    • Birth control pills and hormonal drugs.
    • Antidepressants and anti-inflammatories.
    • Various steroids and narcotics.
  3. Stop or take other medications as needed. In some cases, it is not safe to stop taking prescription medications altogether. If you and your doctor have determined that a specific medication is the cause of your high ALP, talk to your doctor to find an effective replacement for the medication. Many prescription medications require you to taper the dosage slowly over a period of time. Stopping suddenly can lead to unpleasant side effects.
    • For example, if your current antidepressant increases your ALP, ask your doctor to prescribe you another antidepressant.
    • On the other hand, your doctor will likely recommend that you stop taking steroids and narcotics altogether. If you are using these products for pain management, ask your doctor to recommend a safe alternative that will not affect your ALP level.
    • Whether you are temporarily or permanently stopping medication, do so only under the supervision of a doctor.

Method 2 of 3: Treating high ALP with diet and lifestyle changes

  1. Eliminate foods rich in zinc. Zinc is a structural part of the enzyme ALP. Consequently, cutting zinc-rich foods from your diet will automatically reduce ALP levels in your body. Read a food's ingredient list if you are unsure of how much zinc it contains. Foods with large amounts of zinc include:
    • Lamb and mutton.
    • Beef and pumpkin seeds.
    • Oysters and spinach.
    • Adult women should not consume more than 8 mg of zinc daily and adult men no more than 11 mg.
  2. Eat foods rich in copper. Copper is important in regulating the body's enzyme levels, and has been shown to help reduce high levels of ALP. Foods rich in copper include:
    • Sunflower seeds and almonds.
    • Lentils and asparagus.
    • Dried apricots and dark chocolate.
    • Adults over 19 years old should not consume more than 10 mg of copper daily.
  3. Include foods in your diet that help balance control enzymes. Certain foods promote healthy ALP levels in your body. Consult your doctor if you have any dietary restrictions or would like more information about which foods can contribute to moderating ALP levels in your body. Eat foods that help regulate your body's enzyme levels and that contain low levels of ALP. These include:
    • Dairy products such as milk, eggs, yogurt and cheese.
    • Fish such as herring, tuna and mackerel.
    • Alfalfa and mushrooms.
  4. Get out in the sun more. Since vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common causes of high ALP, it is likely that your doctor will ask you to get more vitamin D. When your skin comes into contact with sunlight, your body starts to produce vitamin D. Try to spend at least 20 minutes in the sun every day to lower your ALP.
    • This could mean going to the outdoor pool every two weeks, or tanning on the beach or in your garden. Or wear short sleeves and take a 30-minute walk when the sun is out.
    • It's always a good idea to put on sunscreen if you're going to be spending time in direct sunlight. The sunscreen will not interfere with the amount of vitamin D your body produces.
    • If you live in an area where it is difficult to receive direct sun exposure (or if it is winter), your doctor may suggest that you take vitamin D pills.
  5. Start with an exercise routine in your weekly schedule. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise or workouts; this can help prevent or reduce the types of health problems that high ALP levels cause.
    • You can start exercising by taking a 30-minute walk or jog every day. You can also join a gym, or take a spin or yoga class.
    • Conditions that lead to high ALP and can be improved with exercise include fatty liver and conditions related to inflammation of the liver and bile blockages.
  6. Adapt your training program to your physical abilities. In many people, high ALP is caused by a serious illness, such as diabetes, heart or bone disease, or high blood pressure. People with these conditions may not be physically able to follow regular gym workouts or perform other strenuous tasks. While it is still important to have a training schedule in place, you should tailor it to your physical abilities.
    • For suggestions on helpful exercises, talk to your doctor first. Your doctor can also advise you on whether your body is healthy enough for a particular type of exercise.
    • In some cases, your doctor may refer you to a physiotherapist.

Method 3 of 3: Diagnose high ALP and related conditions

  1. Tell your doctor about any bone pain or weakness. Many of the underlying causes of high ALP are related to problems with your bones. Symptoms of these conditions are continuous pain in your bones or multiple fractures. Bone conditions that can lead to high ALP include:
    • Osteomalacia: A medical condition that causes bones to weaken.
    • Renal Osteodystrophy: A condition in which bones lack sufficient mineralization.
    • Malignant bone tumors.
  2. Make an appointment for a blood test to measure your liver enzymes. During the blood test, your doctor will take a small amount of blood by means of an injection into your arm. The blood will then be sent to a lab for enzyme level testing. This will allow your doctor to detect high ALP.
    • Ask your doctor if there are ways to prepare for the liver function test. Your doctor will likely ask you to avoid certain foods or medications. The results of the blood test will take several days, maybe a week.
    • Physical symptoms that indicate you may need liver screening include severe abdominal pain, dark urine or bloody stools, frequent nausea or vomiting, and yellow-looking skin and eyes.
  3. Ask your doctor about getting a cancer screening. If your high ALP is not related to a medical issue with your bones or liver disease, it could be caused by a cancer. Your doctor can detect cancer with a blood test. In most cases, however, you will need to undergo a biopsy to determine if you have any cancer. Some types of cancer that lead to high ALP are:
    • Breast or colon cancer.
    • Lung or pancreatic cancer.
    • Lymphoma (cancer of the blood cells) or leukemia (cancer of the bone marrow).


  • The normal adult ALP level is somewhere between 44 and 147 units per liter.
  • In some cases, high ALP levels can also be seen in children experiencing a growth spurt, or in pregnant women.