Catch and keep a common house lizard as a pet

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Common House Lizard |A-z Information| Hindi
Video: Common House Lizard |A-z Information| Hindi


Would you like to keep a house lizard as a pet? Lizards can make great pets because they are low maintenance. They are quiet, don't make a lot of clutter, and don't require much attention or space.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Making a home for your new pet

  1. Get a glass aquarium and add a mesh lid. A 75 liter container (60 cm long, 30 cm wide and 30 cm deep) is recommended. Make sure to close any openings for your lizard to escape through.
  2. Use a UVB lamp or a heating pad on a low setting to heat your pet's new home to the correct temperature. Lizards are cold-blooded creatures that depend on the outside temperature to function. The tank should be at least 26 ° C on one side, and about 35 ° C in a sunbathing spot.
    • Do not use heated stones as this can cause the lizard to overheat.
  3. Choose a base that is easy to clean. Paper towels and newspapers are inexpensive options that work well with small and medium lizards, and are easy to replace.
  4. Create visual obstacles with creepers, small branches, pieces of bark or hiding places. Your lizard likes to defend itself by hiding.

Part 2 of 4: Catching a common house lizard

  1. Find a place near your home where you regularly see lizards. Lizards like heat and sunlight, so look for sunny spots.
  2. Catch a lizard by either setting a trap or using a lizard fishing rod.
    • Setting a trap: Find an odorless box, cover it with plastic wrap, and cut a slit in it. Place the box where you have seen lizards and put a live insect in it as bait. Check the trap 2-3 times a day. It may take a few days to catch the lizard, so make sure to replace the bait as needed.
    • Using a lizard rod: Use a stick that is at least three feet long and a long piece of tooth floss. Tie the tooth floss to one side of the stick. At the other end, tie a slipknot with a loop large enough for a lizard's neck. Slowly approach your desired lizard and gently slide the loop around its neck. The best time to catch lizards is early in the day, as they have not yet warmed up and will move more slowly.
  3. Identify your new lizard from a source such as Animal World. Geckos, anole and skinks are common types of lizards that are easy to keep as pets.

Part 3 of 4: Taking control of your new lizard

  1. Treat your new pet with care. Lizards can feel pain like any other animal. Some signs that your lizard is uncomfortable include biting, running around, claws, and scratching.
  2. scoop your lizard up in your hand and gently hold its head between your thumb and forefinger.
    • Alternatively, you can hold it in your hand, holding one of its front legs between your thumb and index finger. With this method, your lizard will likely struggle and may bite you.
  3. Place one hand gently over your lizard's back. Use your other hand to grab your lizard by its sides with just enough pressure to keep it still.
  4. Make sure you support the lizard's body weight and height, and give it a chance to get used to it. Be calm and make gentle movements.

Part 4 of 4: Taking care of your new lizard

  1. Provide water for your lizard daily. Depending on the species of lizard, a shallow bowl of water, a bowl of bubbling water (for lizards that don't drink standing water), or spraying the sides of the bowl daily (for arboreal and desert lizards) will work fine as a water source.
  2. Buy insects such as live crickets or super mealworms and wax mealworm larvae from the pet store 5-7 times a week to feed your lizard. Make sure to buy suitable sized insects for your lizard.
    • Start with six insects to see how much your pet will eat. Leftover food can be dangerous to your lizard when it is sleeping, so it is important not to put too many insects in the bowl.
  3. clean the bin if it starts to smell musty or if you see animal waste.
    • Remove the bedding. If it is paper, throw the old away and replace it with new kitchen paper or newspaper. If it's gravel or carpet, wash the existing bedding and return it to the bin afterward.
    • Spray the container with detergent. A good cleaner is a mixture of one part alcohol and two parts water with one or two drops of liquid dish soap. Wipe the tray dry.


  • If your lizard escapes, find it immediately.
  • Do not release your lizard back into the wild if you have kept it captive for a long time.
  • Do not keep more than one male lizard.
  • To breed: Make sure you have enough space and no more than one male. The best breeding combination consists of a male and four females.


  • Remove your lizard's neck from the loop of the stick as soon as possible, otherwise it may struggle and choke itself.
  • Make sure to take proper precautions when working with your new pet. Like all animals, your lizard can carry diseases and cause infections.