Having a conversation with your boyfriend

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
a tipsy talk about Love and Relationships w. my boyfriend 🍷 | Sissel
Video: a tipsy talk about Love and Relationships w. my boyfriend 🍷 | Sissel


Finding a new boyfriend can be a lot of fun. However, having a boyfriend can also cause nerves and awkward situations. Could you use some help? Below are some tips.

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  1. Be yourself. Your boyfriend is dating you because he is you likes, not some person you try to be. So just be yourself. He likes you just the way you are, otherwise he wouldn't want to date you. Just try to be relaxed and enjoy the time you spend together.
  2. Ask him how his day was. This should be one of the first topics you see him. This shows interest in his life and shows that you are not self-centered. He may even bring up something that could lead to an interesting conversation. Build on what he says by asking questions and drawing your attention to the current topic.
  3. Talk about your interests. While you don't want to talk about yourself all the time, it's important for him to get to know you well. This will give him a good idea of ​​who you really are, what your passions are, what you enjoy doing and what makes you hate. With this you also discover what things you have in common. Share your thoughts on current affairs, talk about hobbies, and talk about the things you enjoy doing at school or at work.
  4. Get to know him better. Ask him questions. Try to talk about the things that interest him. If he likes sports, talk about this. If he's more into art, talk about music. Try to talk about being as much as talking about your own interests. However, don't pretend you're interested in certain things when you aren't, and feel free to express your own opinion, it doesn't have to be exactly the same as his. You want him to get to know you as well as you do him.
    • Remember the things he has told you so that you can relate them to other topics. Eventually this will come naturally, so you can easily create interesting conversations that will interest him. To realize this, you must first get to know him well.
  5. Ask open questions. For example, ask him for his opinion on a particular book (or movie, television series, or game). Such topics can lead to long conversations, because once you talk about a movie, for example, it can lead to something similar, such as a movie from the same genre, or a book that should be made into a movie.
  6. Laugh! A smile takes the tension out of the conversation, making the situation a lot less awkward. Have a laugh, pick a light topic, tell a comedian joke you saw on TV last night, or something funny about what happened to you and a friend. This will make both of you more comfortable and the conversation will flow more naturally.
  7. Keep making eye contact even if you are nervous. This shows interest and shows that you want to hear what he has to say. However, this does not mean that you should constantly look him in the eye; take a meaningful look in his direction every now and then to show that you are genuinely interested. Eye contact is also one of the most valuable tools available to you when you're flirting or trying to get someone's attention.
  8. Live an interesting life. Do the things that make for interesting conversation. Try to pick up a new hobby so you can talk about how it goes. You could also talk about current affairs and the things that are going on in the world. As a result, you talk about things that are really important, as opposed to gossip, which can be fun in and of itself but get boring quickly (especially for guys).
  9. Don't expect the conversations to go on all the time when you're with him. Since he is your boyfriend, you will no doubt spend a lot of time together, so there will be times when you have nothing to talk about for a while. However, you do not have to worry about this. Feel free to take his hand and go for a walk without talking to each other.
    • If an awkward moment arises, don't worry or try to start a nonsensical conversation. Give him a kiss or a hug. Or you could talk about the environment. When you're walking down the street together, you might see something in the window of a store, someone in weird clothes, a new trend, a good restaurant, or something like that that can help you feel the silence.
  10. Talk about your relationship. This could cause some nerves, but is actually quite important if you want to get on with each other. You could also ask about his love affairs past, about ex-girlfriends, but only if you aren't going to be jealous or paranoid. You could talk about your plans for the future, for the short or long term (for example, what you can do next weekend or how long you will be together). Just keep in mind that it is better not to talk directly about the distant future during the first few months of your courtship or you may scare him off.
  11. Give each other space. If you're together too much, you will really run out of conversation at some point, especially if you don't know each other well enough yet. If you find yourself getting bored, choose not to see him for a few days. After not seeing each other for several days, you will undoubtedly have a lot to tell each other!
  12. Try to avoid complaining, whining and gossiping as much as possible. Your boyfriend should be willing to talk to you if you're upset about something, but complaining for hours about your favorite lipstick disappearing from the shelves is childish and annoying. When it comes to gossip, keep it light and limit gossip as much as possible.


  • Laugh, but not too much. Laugh at his jokes and look him in the eye, he will appreciate this very much.
  • Stay calm in front of him and don't rush when you see him. Just pretend he's one of your best friends. You have to tell each other everything.
  • Have fun. He's your boyfriend, not a sergeant. Guys like it when you seem a bit clumsy, they think it's cute. So don't worry if everything doesn't go according to plan. Laugh, relax, and above all, don't worry. There is nothing wrong with nerves, and you will feel more and more comfortable around him over time.
  • Respect yourself when you are together in public. Guys like girls who respect themselves!
  • Don't tell lies to keep the conversation going.
  • Don't be shy around him. Be yourself, not a dead bird.
  • Be yourself!
  • Tell your boyfriend what you like and don't like.
  • If you've been together for weeks and are still struggling while having conversations, you may not be a good fit. Maybe it's better to break up.
  • Make sure you always have something to talk about so that awkward silences can be avoided.


  • Don't crawl into your shell, bite your nails, or cross your arms in front of your chest. This may be nothing but a bad habit, but it automatically creates an atmosphere of insecurity between you and your boyfriend!