Using an electronic training collar

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Basic Training :: Getting Started with an E-Collar
Video: Basic Training :: Getting Started with an E-Collar


An electronic training collar with remote control is a device that produces an electrical shock in the dog's neck to give it a signal. The system is wireless, battery operated, and usually comes with a transmitter that sends a signal to the collar. The shock produced by the collar is intended to gently stimulate the dog, similar to what humans feel when they receive a static shock. Applying the shock when the dog exhibits undesirable behavior avoids that behavior in the future. Electronic training collars allow you to train your dog remotely with positive punishment and allow you to train your dog when he cannot see or hear your commands.

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Method 1 of 2: Using an electronic training collar

  1. Read the instructions that come with the collar. Do this before putting the collar on your dog. There are many different types of electronic training collars on the market and you should know how to operate the collar before putting it on the dog.
  2. Place the batteries in the collar and in the transmitter. Make sure they both work properly before putting them on your dog. Also make sure the system is off and on the lowest possible setting before attaching it to your dog. This ensures that you do not accidentally shock your dog.
  3. Attach the collar to your dog's neck. Some collars have small pins that should touch the dog's skin, but make sure it is not uncomfortable. Make sure the collar is tight enough to keep it from falling off and so that the pins touch the skin, but don't make it so tight that it is uncomfortable for your dog or restricts breathing.
  4. Let your dog wear the collar for a week without putting it on. Do not use the collar right away. Let your dog get used to it first. Your dog will then associate the collar with fun times and fun, rather than punishment.
    • The purpose behind using an electronic collar is to trick the dog into thinking that the negative behavior you want to stop is causing the shock, not the collar. If you use the collar directly on the dog, he may soon realize that the problem is with the collar.
  5. Start using the Electronic Training Collar. Start at the lowest stimulation level and observe your dog as you activate it. It may move your dog's ears or pull his head away.
    • If your dog does not respond to the lowest level, you can slowly turn the transmitter to the next level and try again.
  6. Reinforce the commands your dog already understands. When training your dog with an electronic collar, start with commands your dog already knows. Say the command, such as sit or stay, and wait for the dog to respond. If your dog is not paying you attention, press the button on the transmitter and repeat the command.
    • Set the transmitter to the lowest stimulation level your dog will respond to. You want to train your dog with the electronic collar, but not hurt him.
    • Reward your dog as soon as he responds. Reward him with a pat, by good dog to say or with a treat. When training a dog, it is important to reinforce good behavior with a reward.
  7. Control bad behavior. You can use an electronic collar to control annoying and aggressive behavior. For example, if your dog digs holes in your backyard when he's outside, be ready to train him with the electronic collar as soon as you let him out. When the dog starts digging, or starts with other behavior that you want to correct, activate the transmitter. Do not hold the button down for more than 3 seconds or press it repeatedly. The goal is to train your dog, not injure him.
    • Don't let your dog see you. You don't want your dog to know that you are the cause of the unpleasant sensation in his neck when he starts digging. You want the dog to associate the sensation with the bad behavior.

Method 2 of 2: Understand the discussion about electronic collars

  1. Understand the arguments for using electronic collars. Proponents of the collars say that the collars provide only a small electric shock, similar to a static build-up shock, that does not hurt the dog. In addition, they state that these collars give the dog quite a lot of freedom, since you can keep your dog under control while he walks without a leash.
    • There is debate among those who use electronic collars about what the collars should be used for. Some feel that the collars should only be used on dogs that have serious behavioral problems, for example to correct severe aggressive behavior.Others use the collar to correct all unwanted behaviors, such as digging in a flowerbed, to teach them that this behavior is bad. Still others use the collar to signal positive behavior, such as the commands to sit, stay or lie down.
  2. Understand the arguments against the use of electronic collars. People who are against the use of electronic collars argue that there is a high potential for abuse when using electric shocks. In addition, opponents argue that other training systems, such as simple, positive reinforcement of behavior, can be just as effective. While positive reinforcement focuses training on the dog's behavioral choice, positive punishment with a shock collar will force the dog to choose between pain and behavior.
  3. Decide if using an electronic collar is the right choice for you and your dog. Decide for yourself whether you think using an electronic collar can help your dog learn what not to do. If you decide to do so, always follow the manufacturer's instructions and use the collar properly; not as punishment, but to reinforce behavior.


  • Do not leave the electronic collar on your dog's neck for more than 12 hours, it can irritate his neck.
  • Remember not to press the button if the bad behavior has already stopped. You have to do it right away in the first second of the behavior, or before. It is best to use vibrations before using the shock, once the dog recognizes what the vibrations mean, he will behave better. Good luck!


  • There are those who think that you should NEVER use an electronic collar or shock collar to train your dog.