Create a database from an Excel spreadsheet

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Creating a Database in Excel [Excel is a Database]
Video: Creating a Database in Excel [Excel is a Database]


Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that allows you to list and categorize information across multiple worksheets within a document (a workbook or spreadsheet). In addition to making lists, you can also compile graphs and charts from the data in the spreadsheet. However, if you want more advanced functions for working with data, you will have to import the Excel spreadsheet into a database program such as Access, or into online database software or database programs from other makers.

To step

Method 1 of 3: In Microsoft Access

  1. Create a spreadsheet in Excel.
    • Save the spreadsheet on your hard drive. You can also use an existing Excel spreadsheet.
  2. Start Microsoft Access. Open an existing Microsoft Access database or create a new, empty database.
    • Microsoft Access is designed to work with Microsoft Excel and is part of Microsoft Office Professional.
    • You can also purchase Access on its own to learn how to create a database from an Excel spreadsheet
  3. Click on the "External Data" tab and select the "Excel" icon in the ribbon.
  4. Click the "Browse" button for the location of the Excel spreadsheet.
    • Alternatively, you can also type the file path in the address field, for example: c: / users / username> /documents/addresses.xls (or addresses.xlsx).
  5. Indicate how you want the data to be transferred to the database by selecting one of the following options:
    • Import the source data into a new table in the current database: Use this option if you are using a completely new database without tables, or if you want to add a new table to an existing database. By creating a new table you can edit the data in Access.
    • Add a copy of the data to the table: Use this option if you are using an existing database and want to add the data to one of the tables in the database. By adding data to an existing table, you can edit the information in Access.
    • Create a link to the data source by creating a linked table: Use this option to create a hyperlink in the database to open the Excel database in Excel. You cannot edit the data in Access with this method.
    • Click OK after selecting the transfer method.
  6. Select the worksheet you want to import from the list.
    • By default, Excel creates a workbook with three worksheets "Sheet 1", "Sheet 2" and "Sheet 3". You can delete, add, and edit the names of these worksheets in Excel, and any changes will be visible in Access.
    • You can only transfer one worksheet at a time. If the data is split across multiple worksheets, you will need to complete the transfer of a worksheet and then return to the "External Data" tab and repeat all steps for each remaining worksheet.
    • Click "Next" after selecting the worksheet.
  7. Leave the checkmark in "Column headers in first row" if the headings are present. If not, uncheck the box to allow Access to create column headers.
    • Click on "Next".
  8. Edit the field type, if desired, or indicate that you want to import the field.
    • If you import all fields from the worksheet unchanged, do not change anything in this window and click "Next".
    • If you want to change the type of one of the fields, click on the column header you want to change and edit the name of the field, the data type and whether or not it is indexed. Then click on "Next".
    • If you want to skip that field, check the box next to "Do not import field (Skip)" and click "Next".
  9. Set the primary key for the database.
    • For the best result, let Access determine the key. You can also define your own key by typing text in the field next to that option, or by selecting "No primary key", which is not recommended, however.
    • Click on "Next".
  10. Type in the name of the worksheet in the "Import to table" field, or leave it at the default name.
    • Click "Finish" and check "Save these import steps" to use the same steps to import more data at a later time.
    • Click on "Close" to create your database.

Method 2 of 3: In Ragic database software

  1. Create a spreadsheet in Excel.
  2. Go to you Ragicaccount (or create one for free), and click the button to create a new worksheet at the top right.
  3. Enter the name of your database and don't forget to check "Create new sheet with my Excel file"
  4. Upload your file. Ragic supports .xls, .xlsx and .csv files.
  5. Determine if the header is in the first row. If so, Ragic will automatically determine how the data in this row will be distributed among the fields in the next step.
  6. Ragic will automatically determine the type of each field, but you can change this if you don't like the default fields of the system.
  7. Now click on import and Ragic will create your database.
  8. Now you have created an online database of your Excel spreadsheet in Ragic.
  9. You can use the search engine at the top to search for data.
  10. Or use the search bar on the side to search for data with any combination of fields.

Method 3 of 3: In other database software

  1. Create your spreadsheet in Excel. Save the document as an Excel workbook in a file location that you can easily find again later.
    • Save the original as an Excel file as a master copy.
  2. Click on "File" and select "Save As". Click on "Save as type" and select the file format that the database program can read.
    • For example, some programs use the CSV (comma separated values) format, while web applications may use XML. Refer to the database program manual to find out the correct format.
  3. Close Excel and start your database program.
  4. Import the Excel worksheet into the database program according to the instructions in the manual.