Take a day off for your psychological health without feeling guilty

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why you should take a break: Prioritizing mental health in schools | Hailey Hardcastle | TEDxSalem
Video: Why you should take a break: Prioritizing mental health in schools | Hailey Hardcastle | TEDxSalem


Medical experts claim that we need to take a day off from time to time for reasons pertaining to mental health to ensure our productivity and performance. However, most people feel guilty when they take a day off because they want to improve their mental health. In this article you will find a number of steps you can take if you urgently need a day off without feeling guilty and pressure.

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Part 1 of 3: Identify the need for a day off

  1. Think about your sleep patterns. Whether you have had nightmares that woke you from sleep at night or have general insomnia, disrupted sleep patterns can indicate stress and feelings of anxiety. Analyze how you slept in the last six weeks. Have you noticed changes? Do you sleep significantly less than before?
    • Be careful when using sleeping pills. The effectiveness of such pills is still under discussion and certain deaths have been attributed to sleeping pills. Do not use sleeping pills before discussing your situation with your doctor.
    • There can be several reasons why you cannot sleep at night.Provide a good mattress and a dark bedroom. You should also discuss your sleeping problems with your doctor. You could be suffering from a condition such as sleep apnea.
  2. Watch your stress sensitivity. You can no longer cope with stress as well as before and you feel more vulnerable. Every deadline creates enormous feelings of fear and you don't know how to deal with these feelings. If you notice a negative change in your sensitivity to stress, it is time to take action.
    • A higher than normal sensitivity to stress is usually a sign of fatigue or burnout.
    • Don't feel guilty or lose confidence in your own ability to do a good job if you experience more stress than usual. Everyone has to deal with peaks and troughs.
    • If you work in a stressful environment where the boss puts a lot of pressure on work to increase productivity, a day off won't solve the problem. If you encounter such a situation at work, it is better to discuss it with a union representative or a human resources representative to see what regulatory options you have.
  3. Discuss your situation with family and friends. The people around you who know you best, so your family and friends, will be the first to determine if you are ready for a day off. Discuss your specific situation with them and indicate that you are struggling with stress so that they can then give their opinion. If you have a strong relationship with each other, these people will want the best for you and thus come up with good advice.
    • Remember that communication is fundamental in a relationship. If you have recently had a fight with your partner, explain that you are dealing with and struggling with a high workload. Also offer your partner the opportunity to share his or her feelings with you. It is important to understand that living with someone who is struggling with stress is not easy.
  4. Determine if you are dealing with a serious condition. Taking a day off is an ideal opportunity to relax, but it will not be enough if you are dealing with a serious physical or mental illness. You should discuss your situation with your doctor or a specialist if you suspect you are dealing with depression or other health problems.
    • Recognize the signals. If you have been dealing with feelings of sadness and depression for several weeks or months, you may be depressed. Depression is a serious condition and has nothing to do with being weak.
    • If you start to notice any unusual symptoms, such as rapid weight loss, see your doctor immediately.

Part 2 of 3: Plan your day in advance

  1. Determine which day is the right one for a day off. Take a day off when it is less busy at work. You must ensure that you do not burden others with stress because you are absent. View the calendar, your schedule and schedule to choose a suitable day that everyone can live with.
    • Take time off on a Friday or Monday if you don't have to work on the weekend. Being off three days in a row can work wonders.
  2. Plan your day off together with your boss and colleagues. Instead of saying that you are dealing with stress, tell your boss that you need to handle some important, personal appointments or business and therefore would like a day off.
    • Be calm and confident in your approach and reassure your boss that your work will not suffer and that any deadlines will not be jeopardized.
    • Don't pretend you're sick. If your boss doesn't believe you, you can get yourself in trouble.
    • You should not tell your colleagues or clients that you are taking a day off because you want to improve your psychological health. Unfortunately, some people are intolerant of mental health issues and will not see the need for a day off.
    • Look for a college that can temporarily take over your duties in an emergency and when they need you at work.
    • In consultation with HR, try to find out under which category your day off should fall. In some cases, companies have included days off to improve mental health in the benefits. This is another reason why you shouldn't feel guilty.
  3. Ask your family for a rest. You may want this day to be about you and no one else. You should not use this day to take the little one to school or to buy diapers. Make your plans known in advance and make sure everyone respects your well-deserved peace and quiet.
    • You could offer to do more housekeeping before or after your day off as compensation. It's all about respect and mutual understanding.
    • Ask your family members not to call you during the day you are taking to improve your psychological health. Tell them you can only be reached in an emergency.
    • If you want, you could of course just spend this day with your family. It just depends on what you prefer!
  4. Determine in advance how you want to plan your day off. You want to make sure that this day is as relaxed as possible. A little preparation will help considerably with this. Make sure you have everything you need in advance. For example, you don't want to queue for hours at the checkout on your day off.
    • Make a shopping list a day in advance and do all your shopping. Buy all the necessary items, such as food and drink, but don't forget the things that might make you happy.
    • Set a schedule for your day off and prioritize the things you really want to do.
  5. Create an environment in which you can fully unwind. You would be wise not to do any work at all on your day off. Leave all your work in the office. Switch off your phone and omit checking your email. Make a commitment not to engage in work-related activities and only use your day off for what it was originally intended for; improving your mental health.
    • If you'd rather not turn off your phone, at least turn off the notifications from your email to make sure you're not tempted.

Part 3 of 3: Make the most of your day off

  1. Try to make up for lost sleep by catching up on sleep. If you are extremely tired or have hardly slept, you should spend your day off in bed so that your body and mind can fully unwind. You don't have to sleep all day if you don't feel like it, but you should allow yourself a few hours more sleep than usual.
    • Don't forget to turn off your alarm clock or alarm clock.
    • Once you wake up, you could take a long and warm bath to relax your muscles.
    • If doing chores and housework in and around the house will make you feel better on your day off, feel free to do so. Taking a day off to improve your psychological health does not automatically mean that you should just relax by not moving from your place. In some cases, tidying up your environment is also a good way to create a sense of calm.
  2. Treat yourself and have a nice dinner. You've been so busy at work that you haven't eaten anything but homemade sandwiches at your desk for the last four months. It is high time you enjoy a nice lunch in a restaurant with a friend.
    • Go for a healthy meal and don't overeat if you don't want to feel drowsy in the afternoon.
  3. Relax your body. Office work can be stressful for both your body and mind. There are several activities that allow you to relax and contract your muscles and calm your mind. Here are some suggestions:
    • There is nothing like sports when you want to lose some energy and want physical activity in a fun way. Try to pick up a sport you are interested in and avoid getting injured!
    • Go for a massage to completely relax and let yourself be pampered.
    • Aromatherapy is a good alternative. It's relatively cheap and can make you feel really good.
  4. Re-establish contact with friends and family. You may have been working so much recently that contact with friends and family has been somewhat watered down. On your day off, make time for the people who are important to you. For example, if you have worked endless hours seven days a week and therefore have not been able to spend time with your daughter, you could spend all day with her and only do things that she pleases.
    • You can also put together some fun activities. How about visiting a good restaurant with some friends and then going for a massage with your family?
  5. Avoid feelings of guilt. If you are a workaholic (someone addicted to work), you probably feel uncomfortable and guilty on your day off. Try to shake off this feeling. Everyone has earned a day off now and then and the right to relax.
    • Remember, you need to take care of yourself in order to be able to stay productive at work and be a good parent and family member.
    • The company will not immediately disintegrate if you are absent for a day.
    • Taking a break from work can help recharge and regain the creativity needed to approach new problems.