Treating a cyst

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Home Remedy for Treating a Cystic Acne Pimple
Video: Home Remedy for Treating a Cystic Acne Pimple


Cysts are closed blisters filled with fluid. They can arise all over your body and can be caused by infections, genetic disorders, a fault in the cells or blocked glands. This wikiHow provides information on how to recognize the symptoms of different types of cysts and how to treat them.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Determining the type of cyst

  1. Differentiate between a sebaceous gland cyst and an epidermal cyst. An epidermal cyst is more common than a sebaceous gland cyst. The symptoms of one are slightly different from those of the other and they are also treated slightly differently. It is therefore important that the cyst you have is properly diagnosed so that you can apply the correct treatment.
    • Both types of cyst are skin-colored or white-yellow colored and have a smooth surface.
    • Epidermal cysts are more common. These grow slowly and are often painless. They usually don't require treatment unless they are painful or become infected.
    • Trichilemic cysts (pilar cysts) consist mainly of keratin (the protein that makes up your hair and nails) and form from the hair root, typically on the head. A Trichilemic cyst is often called another name for a sebaceous gland cyst, but they are in fact very different.
    • Sebaceous gland cysts usually develop in the hair follicles on the head. They form in the glands that secrete sebum, an oily substance that coats the hair. When the normal discharge becomes blocked, a pouch is formed containing a cheese-like substance. They mainly form on the neck, upper back and scalp. Sebaceous gland cysts are often confused with Trichilemma or epidermal cysts.
  2. Differentiate between cysts and tumors in the breast tissue. Cysts can form in one or both breasts. Without a mammogram or biopsy, it is nearly impossible to distinguish between the two different types of breast lumps. Symptoms of a breast cyst include:
    • Smooth, easy-to-move bulge with clear edges
    • The area around the bump is painful or tender
    • Its size and sensitivity increases just before you start menstruating
    • Its size and sensitivity decrease when your period ends
  3. Understand cystic acne. Acne is a general term for a variety of different types of blemishes, pimples, blackheads and cysts. Cystic acne is characterized by red nodules that are usually 2-4 mm in size and are nodular. It is the worst form of acne. In cystic acne, the infection is deeper than that of other blemishes and pimples. Cystic acne is painful.
  4. Identify a ganglion. These are the most common bumps found on the hand and wrist. They are not cancer and they are usually not harmful. They are filled with liquid and can quickly form, disappear quickly and quickly become larger or smaller.They do not require treatment unless they limit motility or are not cosmetically acceptable.
  5. Determine if the pain is caused by a trichilemic cyst. In this situation, you have a cyst, abscess, or dimple that is located in the crack between your buttocks, which runs from the bottom of the spine to the anus. It can be caused by wearing tight clothing, excessive body hair, sitting for long periods, or being overweight. Symptoms include pus formation, tenderness around the cyst, and the skin near your tailbone may feel warm, tender, or swollen. It is also possible that there are no symptoms other than a dimple or dimple in the skin near the end of your spine.
  6. Recognize a Bartholin cyst. The Bartholin glands are located on both sides of the vaginal opening, they create the vaginal moisture. If these glands become blocked, a relatively painless swelling forms, this is a Bartholin cyst. If the cyst isn't infected, you may not even notice it. However, an infection can develop in a matter of days, causing tenderness, fever, discomfort when walking, painful intercourse and a tender, painful lump near the vaginal opening.
  7. See a doctor for swelling in the testicles. All cases of testicular swelling should be diagnosed by a doctor to determine whether it is a cyst, growth, hydrocele, or testicular infection. A testicular cyst, also called a spermatocele or epididymal cyst, is normally a painless, fluid-filled, non-cancerous vesicle in the scrotum above the testicles.
  8. If you are not satisfied with your doctor's diagnosis and treatment, consider a second opinion. While most epidermal and thrichilemmal cysts don't require treatment, if you've seen a doctor and don't agree with the finding and treatment, you can get a second opinion. Most sebaceous and epidermal cysts are straightforward, but there are other conditions that can mimic these cysts.
    • In an investigation of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Two cases are described in which melanoma and a deep depression in the oral cavity were initially considered as a sebaceous gland cyst.
    • There are a variety of other infections that can be mistaken for a sebaceous gland cyst, including boils, furuncles and carbuncles.

Method 2 of 4: Preventing a cyst

  1. Understand which cysts cannot be prevented. Trichilemic cysts develop after puberty and are often the result of autosomal dominant inheritance. This means that they can occur in both sexes and that if a parent carries the gene for this cyst, there is a good chance that any children will develop these cysts. 70% of people who get these cysts will develop several over their lifetime.
    • There is currently no known cause for cysts developing in the breast tissue.
    • Doctors do not have clear information on the risk factors and prevention of cystic acne, but it is thought to be related to increased hormone production during puberty and pregnancy, as well as deep infections of hair follicles blocked by sebum (oil substance on the skin).
  2. Know which cysts are preventable. Most cysts are not, but some are. Preventing a trichilemic cyst, for example, can be done by not wearing too tight clothing, maintaining an average body weight and standing up after sitting for 30 minutes.
    • According to the American Academy of Dermatology there is no effective way to prevent the formation of an epidermal cyst. However, there do appear to be groups of people at higher risk of developing them: more men than women, people who have acne, and people who spend long periods in the sun.
    • People who have had a hand injury are more at risk of developing an epidermal cyst or ganglion on the hand.
    • Bartholin cysts can occur after trauma to the vaginal opening.
  3. Lower your chance of developing cysts. While most cysts are unavoidable, you can reduce the chances of developing a preventable cyst. Use skin products without oils and avoid overexposure to the sun.
    • Shaving and waxing can also be the culprit in the development of cysts. To prevent the formation of new cysts, avoid excessive shaving and waxing of the areas where you have previously had a cyst.

Method 3 of 4: Treating cysts at home

  1. Treat uninfected epidermal and sebaceous gland cysts at home. Signs of infection include swelling of the infected area, redness, tenderness, and red and warm skin. If home treatment for your cysts is ineffective, or if you experience any of these symptoms, which indicate infection, see a doctor for medical treatment.
    • If the cyst is painful or causes discomfort when walking or having sex, then medical attention is needed to treat it.
  2. Use a wet, warm compress. Place it on an epidermal cyst to get it to drain and heal. The washcloth should be hot, but not so hot that it scorches the skin. Apply the compress to the cyst two to three times a day.
    • Cystic acne responds better to ice than to heat.
    • Bartholin cysts can be treated at home with warm water sitz baths. This involves sitting in warm water several inches deep to encourage the cyst to drain.
  3. Do not try to pick or squeeze the cyst or try to pop it. This applies to both epidermal and sebaceous gland cysts. It increases the risk of infection and scarring. Also, don't pick, squeeze, or try to pop cystic acne. This causes the infection to work deeper into the skin and increases the risk of scar tissue forming.
  4. Drain an epidermal cyst naturally. Once the cyst begins to empty, cover with sterile gauze and change twice a day. If there is a large amount of pus from the cyst, the skin around the cyst turns red, the area becomes warm and sensitive, or if blood is draining from the cyst, then it is time to seek medical treatment.
  5. Keep the area clean. To prevent infection, it is important to keep the cyst and the surrounding area clean. Wash it daily with an antibacterial soap or cream.

Method 4 of 4: Medical treatment

  1. Know when to call a doctor. Most cysts are completely harmless and will go away on their own, but others may require medical treatment. Contact a doctor if the cyst is painful or swollen, or if the skin around it becomes warm. These are signs of infection.
  2. Inquire about cyst removal. If the cyst is affecting your daily life, don't try to pop it yourself. Ask your doctor if it is safe and advisable to have it surgically removed.
  3. Evaluate the surgical options. These will vary depending on its location, size, and how the cyst can affect your body functions. There are three options for cyst removal in the body. Consult all three with your doctor to determine which is the best option for your situation and the type of cyst you have.
    • Incision and removal. This is a simple procedure where the doctor makes a 2-3 mm cut in the cyst and gently pushes its contents out. This can be done in practice when it comes to skin cysts, such as epidermal and sebaceous gland cysts and for trichilemic cysts that are not too deep and are not infected. This procedure can also be used on breast tissue cysts, ganglion cysts, testicle cysts and Bartholin cysts, but in an outpatient clinic under general or local anesthesia. However, there is a higher chance of the cyst reforming if the cyst wall is not removed. With a treatment such as this, the wall of the cyst cannot be removed.
    • With a minor surgery, the wall of the cyst and its contents can be removed. The cyst is opened and emptied, after which the cyst wall is pulled from the skin. Sutures may be required depending on the size of the incision. This technique is the best treatment for breast cysts, testicles, Bartholin gland and ganglion cysts. Surgical procedures are rarely performed for cystic acne. Surgical procedures are usually done under local anesthesia, often in an outpatient clinic. Children are usually completely anesthetized.
    • Laser removal is only possible for epidermal cysts if they are large or in a location where the skin is very thick. The cyst is opened with a laser and the fluid is gently pushed out. A month later, a small incision is made to remove the wall of the cyst. This gives good cosmetic results if the cyst is not inflamed or infected.
  4. Determine if the removal of a skin cyst is necessary. There are treatments that can be performed at home to deflate and heal epidermal and sebaceous gland cysts. However, it is important to see a doctor if the area appears infected, if the cyst is growing rapidly, if the cyst is in an area that is constantly irritated, or if the cyst is irritating you for cosmetic reasons.
  5. Determine if the removal of a breast cyst is necessary. No treatment is required for a simple fluid-filled cyst in the breast. If you are not yet in menopause, your doctor will ask you to check the cyst monthly. He can also perform a minor procedure with a needle to remove the fluid from the cyst.
    • If you notice a cyst during two or three periods that does not spontaneously disappear or enlarge, your doctor can order an ultrasound.
    • Your doctor may recommend taking oral contraceptives (the pill) to help regulate the hormones of your menstrual cycle. This treatment is only used for women with severe symptoms.
    • Surgical removal is only necessary if the cysts cause discomfort, are bloodshot or contain green fluid. It can also be done if the doctor foresees a malignant growth pattern. In this case, the entire cyst is removed under anesthesia, because with an incision, the wall will remain and the chance of reforming is greater.
  6. Contact a dermatologist for cystic acne treatment. They will first prescribe medication to be used to treat other types of acne. If this does not produce good results, the doctor may recommend the use of isotretinoin or accutane.
    • Accutane is an effective medication that helps control acne. However, it can have serious side effects, including birth defects, an increased risk of depression and suicide, and it can affect lipid levels, liver function, blood sugar and white blood cell levels. You will need monthly blood tests to monitor your response to the medication. Women should use two forms of birth control when using accutane.
  7. Get a ganglion treatment. Treatment for this type of cyst is usually non-surgical and will include observation. The area can be demobilized if movement increases the size, pressure, or pain of the cyst. The fluid in the ganglion may be removed with a thin needle if the cyst restricts movement or if it is painful. In such a procedure, the doctor removes the fluid from the cyst with a fine needle, in practice under sterile conditions.
    • If the symptoms cannot be resolved by non-surgical methods (fluid withdrawal or demobilization), or if the cyst comes back, your doctor may suggest surgery to remove the cyst. During the removal, some of the affected muscle or joint will also be removed. Even after complete removal, there is a small chance that the cyst will reform. The surgical procedure is performed under local anesthetic, often in an outpatient clinic.
  8. The treatment of a Bartholin cyst. The type of treatment depends on the size of the cyst, your discomfort, and whether or not the cyst is infected. Warm water sitz baths (sitting in a few inches deep, warm water) several times a day can help the cyst to drain on its own.
    • A surgical incision can be made if the cyst is very large or infected and if sitz baths don't help. In such a case, local anesthesia will be applied and a catheter will be placed in the gland to keep it open for up to 6 weeks and allow complete drainage of the gland.
    • Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat the infection.
  9. Understand the treatment of testicular cysts. First of all, an art must establish that it is not a cancerous tumor. If the cyst is large enough to create a feeling of heaviness or dragging in the testicle, surgical removal will be discussed.
    • It Children's Hospital of Philadelphia initially discourage surgical treatment for young adults. They recommend teaching the youth to self-examine and report any changes, such as an increase in size that may require surgical intervention. Cysts often disappear on their own in children.
    • Percutaneous sclerotherapy reduces the risks associated with scrotal surgery and shows good results. Using an ultrasound, a sclerotic agent is injected, 84% of the men who took part in the study showed no symptoms after 6 months. The sclerotic agent reduces the size and symptoms of a cyst in the testicles. This procedure has significantly less physical risks and there is also less risk of cyst reforming.


  • Most types of cysts cannot be prevented and are not cancerous growths. In many cases, your doctor will take a wait and see approach before recommending a medical or surgical approach.


  • Never pick, squeeze, or attempt to pop a cyst. This increases the risk of infection and scar tissue formation.
  • Most skin cysts go away on their own. If you want to get rid of them quickly, see a doctor to discuss treatment options based on the size, location, and type of your cyst.
  • Always wash your hands before and after treating a cyst or other skin infection.