Shutting down a computer from another PC

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Remotely Shutdown any Computer with CMD New 2018
Video: How to Remotely Shutdown any Computer with CMD New 2018


Shutting down a computer remotely can be very useful in some cases. It is not a difficult procedure once you have connected to the target computer via a local area network (LAN) and know which commands to use to properly shut down the computer. This can be particularly useful if you have multiple computers at home (or if you want to access or turn off your work computer at home). Keep in mind that you need full administrator access on the target computer (s) before attempting to shut it down. If you work from a home network, make sure that all computers are in the same workgroup and all have at least one administrator account with the same username and password.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Using the Command Prompt

  1. Enable remote login on the target computer. First, you will need to make sure that the computer you want to shut down from a distance is set up for remote access, and that both computers are part of the same local area network (LAN). Search for services.msc and click Enter to check and adjust these settings if necessary. Go to "Console" and right click on "External registry service" and then "Start".
    • If you need help setting up the LAN, or connecting the computers to the network, read articles on wikiHow about creating a LAN or configuring a PC for a LAN.
  2. Make sure you have local administrator rights. You need administrator access on the target computer to shut it down remotely. If you cannot access one of your computers, it is probably due to insufficient administrator rights. Read articles on wikiHow for more information on how to adjust these permissions on the target computer.
  3. Find the official name of your computer by right-clicking Computer and then Properties. The name this computer uses for local networks can be found under the "Computer name, domain and workgroup settings" tab.
    • You can also look up and note the IP address of your computer by reading articles on wikiHow on this topic.
  4. Open the command prompt.
    • Click on the "Start" button
    • Select "Run" to open the command prompt.
  5. Type in the code to shut down the computer. An example of the correct code is.shutdown -m computer name where you replace "computer name" with the name of the computer (or the IP address) you want to disable.
    • There are also other codes: for more info, type.shutdown /? at the command prompt.
    • For instance, .shutdown –m worklaptop –c "The computer will restart, don't forget to save all your work." –T 60 will cause the computer called "work laptop" to start a 60 second countdown before shutting down with the message "The computer is about to restart, don't forget to save all your work."

Method 2 of 3: Using Remote Access

  1. Open the Run window. If you find the command prompt a bit too intimidating, the remote access dialog is an alternative to remotely shutting down a computer on the network. In most versions of Windows, "Run" will be directly accessible from the Start menu. If you can't find this, type "Run" in the search field, use the shortcut ⊞ Win+R. to open it.
  2. Type.shutdown -iin the Run field. This small piece of code entered in "Run" displays the remote access dialog box.
  3. Enter the name of the computer or the IP address. The dialog box will appear and all you have to do is enter the correct information.
  4. Add a comment. In many versions of Windows, the dialog box asks that you display a notification on the target computer's screen. The notification can be anything.

Method 3 of 3: Create a batch file

  1. Create a batch file. A batch file consists of a series of simple commands that you can specify in advance to run them at a later time (or several times, depending on what you need). Open "Notepad" and type in the commands you would otherwise have entered in the command window, for example:
    .shutdown –m computername1 –r
    .shutdown –m computername2 –r
    .shutdown –m computername3 –ris a batch file intended for shutting down 3 computers.
    • Batch files are typically used to simplify a series of recurring tasks (such as shutting down a series of computers you manage remotely, or opening several different programs simultaneously).
    • The power of batch files is that they can execute a series of predetermined commands in the correct order with just one click.
    • For more detailed information on how to create a batch file, read the article on wikiHow.
  2. Save the batch file with a .BAT file extension. You will have to give this extension to the file by adding ".bat" after the file name. When saving the file, select the type "All files".
  3. Run the batch file. The batch file is now complete and can be started by double clicking on it or by calling it from the command prompt.
    • You can also run the batch file at a later time using Windows Task Manager.


  • You can also execute this shutdown command directly through the "Run" dialog box. Opening a command prompt is just for convenience, in case you enter the wrong computer or need to search for the name of the system you want to shut down.
  • Some other parameters to add to your command prompt shutdown code are "-r" (reset the computer), "-t XX" (delay shutdown by XX seconds), and "-c" comment "" ( shows a notification on the target computer screen).


  • Administrator access on the target computer (s)
  • The names or IP addresses of the target computer (s)
  • Internet connection


  • IT departments usually block such forms of access. And even if it isn't, taking such action could be grounds for disciplinary action or worse, depending on IT policy.
  • Only do this on your own network or where you have official permission.