Write a letter to Queen Elizabeth II

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5-year-old California girl writes letter to Queen Elizabeth, gets unexpected reply
Video: 5-year-old California girl writes letter to Queen Elizabeth, gets unexpected reply


Queen Elizabeth II has been an important figure in the world for more than half a century. Whether you live in the UK or any other country, a letter can be a great way to show your respect to her. Be respectful and polite in the letter. If you want to write to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, make sure you follow all known protocols, even if some rules are not necessarily mandatory.

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Method 1 of 3: Reach Her Majesty and write a salutation

  1. Schedule your ideas. Make an exact overview of the topics you want to mention in the letter in order to organize them better. Also include an order of what you want to achieve so that you stay focused on your approach. Make underlying points for each point to further clarify each point.
    • Organize your ideas with different bullets, including Roman numerals, lowercase letters, and numbers.
  2. Address Queen Elizabeth appropriately.Your Majesty or May it please Your Majesty are preferred. While it may be more appropriate to address your letter to Her Majesty's Private Secretary or Lady-in-Waiting, you can also address the correspondence to The Queen.
    • The royal family also accepts the less formal Madam as replacement.
    • If your correspondence is with an assistant, please adhere to the following rules:
      • The first salutation is Her Majesty The Queen
      • In all other cases this will be The Queen
      • Pronouns in the third person are replaced with Her Majesty
  3. Contact The Queen online. Although Her Majesty has an email address, it is not directly public. Undoubtedly, there would be a deluge of emails in that case. However, if you'd like to pass on a quick message, the official Royal Family Twitter account is https://twitter.com/RoyalFamily (@RoyalFamily). Looks like she's using that in place of her now-defunct individual account.
  4. Temper your expectations. The Queen receives a large amount of mail, and it is polite to consider the amount of mail she is constantly receiving. It is not inappropriate to ask for an answer or a response, even if it is unlikely. However, do not expect an answer from Her Majesty. If you're lucky enough to get an answer, it will likely have been signed by the lady-in-waiting or one of the Queen's official scribes.

Method 2 of 3: Write the body of the letter

  1. Make the first draft of the body of your letter. State your goal in a polite, formal tone, clearly and succinctly. It is polite to briefly inform the reader of the overall purpose of your letter, followed by a detailed explanation, and then conclude with a summary or final plea. However, be careful what you write. The queen is a constitutional monarch, so it is unwise to send her a letter requesting personal or political support of any kind.
    • A correct tone: "I wish to inform you of an important occurrence I believe deserves your attention."
    • An inappropriate tone: "I demand that my local football association get recognition!"
  2. Write a test version of the letter. It is wise to write a first draft of your letter and to look closely at the structure, the flow of the text and whether it really conveys what you mean. Once done, read the unclear parts of the letter aloud to make sure the text sounds right.
    • Have your trial version of the letter read by a friend or family member. Another set of eyes may find mistakes or have a better way of presenting your idea.
    • A possible salutation: I wish to inform you of an important occurrence I believe deserves your attention. An amazing service to our nation has taken place recently, and I believe Your Majesty will bestow recognition upon the very deserving citizen "."
  3. Make sure the letter is legible. Legibility is important in making letters and words understandable, making their sound and meaning easier to understand. In addition, the Queen is more likely to read your letter if the handwriting is neat. Really put time into your handwriting to make it look like you wrote the letter with care. Here are a few general guidelines:
    • Don't use extravagant or hard-to-read fonts. Avoid overly narrow fonts.
    • Black or blue ink is better. Lighter colors may be difficult to read.
    • Use standard punctuation, grammar, and uppercase and lowercase letters. Stay away from practices specific to the web (for example: all capital letters and internet acronyms, such as "lol" and emoticons).
  4. Proofread your letter. You must be sure that there are no typos, grammar or stylistic errors in the letter. After the initial writing, take a moment before proofreading, as you may miss problems as the original content is still fresh in your mind. Read one line at a time. Cover the next line so that your eyes can really focus on possible mistakes. You can check for errors by reading your letter from end to beginning, one word at a time.
    • If you typed the letter instead of writing it, use the spelling / grammar checker.

Method 3 of 3: Close and send your letter

  1. Close the letter correctly. Briefly summarize your question (for example: Thank you for considering the recognition request for such a deserving citizen). If you are a citizen of the United Kingdom, you must close the letter with: I have the honor to remain, Madam, Your Majesty's most humble and obedient servant. You can speak servant is replaced by subject. If you are not a citizen of the United Kingdom, please choose a respectful closing sentence, such as one of the following:
    • Yours Truly works perfectly because it is often used when sending a letter to an important person.
    • Met vriendelijke groeten is also an acceptable closing sentence.
  2. Address the envelope. Write your name and address in the top left corner. You may receive a letter of reply directly from The Queen, or you may receive a letter from Her Majesty's Lady-in-Waiting. The destination address is as follows:
    • Her Majesty The Queen
      Buckingham Palace
      London SW1A 1AA
  3. Post the letter. Fold the letter into three equal parts. For such an important letter, it can even be useful to measure the folding lines before folding the letter. Use the envelope as a guide for the first one-third measurement. Once the paper is folded, put it in an envelope and send it to the queen.
    • Make sure you frank the letter correctly. Depending on your location and the weight of the letter, it can be quite expensive to send the letter to London.
    • If you include anything other than the letter, keep in mind the list of various restrictions on mail to Great Britain.


  • Even if you typed the letter, you still have to sign it by hand.
  • Make sure to write in a straight line.
  • Make sure your handwriting is beautiful; otherwise you better type the letter.
  • Make sure the envelope and paper are the same color.


  • Remember, the queen gets a lot of mail every day and won't read yours personally. However, she appreciates the effort of anyone who takes the time and effort to write a letter to her.