Folding a boat out of paper

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make a Paper Boat | Origami Boat | Origami Step by Step Tutorial
Video: How to Make a Paper Boat | Origami Boat | Origami Step by Step Tutorial


Paper boats are fun to play with and since paper was invented they have been made by many children. They are easy to make and can be floated on a small water surface such as a bath, a pool, a pond or even a stream. Paper boats are not exactly strong, but once you know how to make them you can easily fold new boats.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Folding the boat

  1. Fold a sheet of paper in half. Take a rectangular piece of paper and place it on the table in front of you so that the long sides are on the sides. Fold the paper in half lengthwise from top to bottom so that the folding edge is at the top of the sheet.
  2. Watch your craft. Your paper boat is now ready. You can now go sailing on a stormy sea, or rather in the inflatable pool in the backyard.

Method 2 of 2: Strengthen the boat

  1. Reinforce your boat. There are several ways to make your paper boat last longer. A good way to make the boat more resistant to water is to stick adhesive tape on the entire bottom part.
    • Make two boats and put one boat in the other boat. The boat then becomes sturdier and is more resistant to water.
    • Color the ship with wax crayons. The wax helps to protect the paper from water.
    • Instead of using adhesive tape, you can also stick plastic cling film on the bottom of the boat to protect it well against the water.
    • If you want to use the boat again, let it dry after use. Then wrap plastic around it to protect it.
  2. Use the correct paper. It is best to use thin and light paper, such as a simple rectangular sheet of printer paper. Firmer paper like craft cardboard is also suitable, but it is more difficult to make neat, tight folds.
    • Remember, this is basically an origami technique. Origami traditionally uses light but strong paper. Printer and copy paper is suitable paper for a relatively simple craft project such as a paper boat.
    • You can also use origami paper or kami buy, a product developed in Japan in the early twentieth century. This paper often has decorations and can be bought at hobby stores. It's a bit thinner, but weighs about the same as copy paper.
    • You can also use newspaper, which is slightly weaker and tears more easily.
  3. Make sure the boat is more stable in the water. By assembling two boats, the boat will float better and the paper is more resistant to water. Try to place small stones around the edge of the triangular middle part of the boat. The stones are ballast and help to keep the boat upright. You can also distribute the weight so that the ship moves in a straight line.


  • It is recommended to use a rectangular sheet of paper instead of a square sheet of paper to fold a boat.
  • Do not try to add masts and sails to make the boat look more real. The weight will only make the boat unstable.
  • If you are using loose paper (from a notebook or lecture pad), make sure the holes are not where they can get wet. Seal the holes or cut them off the paper beforehand.
  • You can also draw faces on marbles and smooth stones to represent the passengers and crew.
  • With this craft project it is useful if you know something about origami.
  • This folding technique is based on that for making a paper hat.


  • Don't just leave your boat in nature. If you play outside with your paper boat in water, take it with you again after playing.
  • Be careful when playing near water. Do not play with your boats in deep, fast flowing or dirty water.
  • Don't play near fast-flowing rivers. If you fall into it you can easily be carried by the current.


  • Copy paper, newspaper or another type of paper (A4 paper is great for making a small boat)
  • Wax crayons or markers to decorate the boat