Doing a boneless on a skateboard

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


A boneless is a street trick where you grab the center of your board by hand, put one foot on the ground to push off your board, and then land on the ground with both feet on your board. To do a boneless you need to have some momentum and master a few tricks of the trade. If you want to learn how to perform a boneless, skip to step 1 quickly.

To step

  1. Put your feet on the board. Put your front foot just in front of the front trucks, and your back a little more back than usual: a little more towards the screws. Ideally, you should have some momentum before attempting the boneless as it will be easier to get your board into the air and land on it. It is difficult to get your board up when you are completely still.
  2. Grab the board right behind your front trucks. Bend slightly and use your back hand, so the hand on the same side as your foot on the tail, to grip the board. You pick up the board just behind your front trucks, and slightly behind your front foot. Make sure you have a firm grip on the board otherwise you will not get it in the air properly.
  3. Move your front foot away from the board. Put your foot on the floor and use your back foot and your hand to pop the tail, just like an ollie. Make sure you catch the board with your hand. Your board should be in mid-air before lifting your front foot off the ground. It takes some work: you use the power in your front foot as well as the power in your hand to pop your board up. To let your front foot slide off your board quickly, you need to practice well.
  4. Jump up with the board. Move your body up with the board, and use your free hand to reach a good height. Use your other hand to hold your board firmly in the center. Your back foot should stay firmly on your board while you are in the air. If you are just starting to practice it can be difficult to keep your whole foot on your board. At the very least, make sure your toes and the ball of your foot are on the board.
  5. Use your back hand to straighten your board. If your board hits out of the direction of your front foot, use your hand to get it back in the right direction. You need to make sure your board is fairly straight so that your front foot can get on it more easily.
  6. Put your front foot on your board when it is horizontally in the air. Once your board is completely horizontal in the air, put your front foot back on it, and release your hand from the board. This way you can make a clean landing. Once you have put your foot on the board, it is important to crouch slightly, with your knees bent, to absorb the impact of the landing.
  7. Drive away clean. Once you have landed, you can get out of your squatting position and stand up straight with your arms at your sides. Make sure you keep your balance. As soon as you are firmly on your board again, you can try another boneless!
  8. Try some other boneless tricks. If you have boneless under control you can extend the trick. You can try it off a ramp, or apply variations on the standard boneless. Here are some examples:
    • The 180 boneless
    • The 360 ​​boneless
    • The boneless flip
    • The boneless 180 finger flip to indie


  • Don't just pull with your hand. Use your back foot to get some more air.
  • Bending your knees will make you boneless higher.
  • Try it while standing still. In the grass, or on gravel, for example.
  • Try to put your foot down and jump quickly. This will look fatter and tighter.
  • Try to land on the trucks or your board may break.


  • Always wear protection.
  • Incorrect landing can cause you to fall and / or break your board.