Induce labor naturally

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Tips on How to INDUCE LABOR ON YOUR OWN | NATURAL Ways to INDUCE Labor | Birth Doula | Lamaze
Video: 10 Tips on How to INDUCE LABOR ON YOUR OWN | NATURAL Ways to INDUCE Labor | Birth Doula | Lamaze


Most expectant mothers cannot wait until their due date when they enter their ninth month of pregnancy. The truth is, a baby is born when it is ready, period. Still, it's the mother's job to encourage the little one, so if you're in your 40th week, you may want to try the advice below to encourage your baby to come into the world a little earlier.

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Method 1 of 2: Scientifically proven methods

  1. Give acupuncture a try. Acupuncture has long been an accepted way of inducing labor in Asia, and its effectiveness is currently being studied in the United States. In a small study from the University of North Carolina focusing on women who were 39.5 to 41 weeks pregnant, it was found that 70% of women who underwent just 3 acupuncture sessions had their labor on their own, as opposed to 50% of women who did not receive treatment.
  2. Make love. Intercourse releases substances that resemble hormones and the drugs used to initiate labor. The key is that the man ejaculates in the vagina; the seed contains the prostaglandin, which is the hormone-like substance you need. Prostaglandin stimulates the cervix to soften (and soften) and to open. Having an orgasm is also believed to play a role because the hormone oxytocin is produced during an orgasm. This hormone is also responsible for triggering the digestive contractions.
  3. Try stimulating your nipples. Stimulating the nipples also produces oxytocin, the hormone that stimulates uterine contraction. Try to stimulate your nipples with your fingers one at a time, just like a baby would do when feeding on your breast. Massage them for about five minutes and then wait 15 minutes to see if the contractions start. If not, try again. Another option - if you are still breastfeeding a toddler at that time, is that you put it on and see if you get results. Once the contractions have started, you can stop stimulating your nipples.

Method 2 of 2: Non-scientifically proven methods

  1. Get acupressure treatment. Acupressure can be used to initiate uterine contraction and to stimulate the opening of the cervix. If the pregnancy is already so far advanced that you have a medical indication, an acupressure treatment three days before the initiation can help. Labor can then start spontaneously and, even if it does not, according to many midwives, the treatments help women initiate so that no intervention is required.
    • Try to apply pressure with your finger yourself. Press firmly on the part of your hand between your thumb and forefinger for about a minute and release. Press or rub on the large muscle that sits between your neck and shoulders. Another pressure point to try: the area above your buttocks and lower back. Finally, find the pressure point inside your leg above your ankle or on the outside just behind the protrusion of the bone.
    • Acupressure does not work for everyone and some women find it uncomfortable. If this technique hurts, stop immediately.
  2. Take black cohosh. There are two types of black cohosh, blue and black, and both are used by pregnant women to induce labor. Blue cohosh is known to have been used for hundreds of years. Black cohosh is mainly applied to menopausal symptoms. The herb contains substances that have similar properties to estrogen, so only take the herbs on the advice of a doctor or naturopath.
  3. Eat spicy foods and scoop up generously. It can initiate labor or just lead to poor digestion. While no medical research has been done to confirm this, many women swear that eating pungent foods (think chicken vindaloo, salsa with jalapeno peppers, or a bowl of red hot chili con carne) kick-started labor. Other foods that women claim to have helped their labor include herbs such as oregano and basil, hot peppers, pineapple, and licorice.
  4. Evening primrose oil. Various anecdotes have shown that this oil can induce labor because it contains substances that the body converts into prostaglandin, which softens the cervix and prepares it for delivery. Yet there is no hard evidence to support this claim; detractors believe that its use by pregnant women can range from ineffective to even dangerous.
  5. Go for a walk. When your body is ready to give birth, walking for a while can induce labor or induce stronger, more regular contractions after labor has already begun. When walking, gravity pulls the baby down and a gentle pressure is exerted on the cervix, which stimulates dilation. And walking makes it easier for the baby to lie in the correct position for birth. The nurses at the midwifery or birth center will likely encourage you to walk a lot to speed up the delivery.
  6. Consider the pros and cons of castor oil. Castor oil does not affect the uterus; instead, it stimulates the intestines that rest on the uterus. While it may just be the push to initiate labor, it can also cause severe diarrhea, which in turn can lead to dehydration and can be dangerous for an expectant mother.
    • The taste of castor oil is not pleasant, so it might be a good idea to mix it with a soft drink, orange juice or warm apple juice, or mix it with two or three eggs for a scrambled egg. If you take it in capsule form, the recommended dose is 500 mg. capsules.
  7. Get a massage. A massage is very relaxing, and for a woman waiting for labor to begin, a relaxed body, deep breathing and an open diaphragm, all of which are created by the massage, can provide a sense of security and be the right state for labor. can start spontaneously.