Recognizing a bed bug

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Signs of Bed Bug Bites - Health Checks
Video: Signs of Bed Bug Bites - Health Checks


Bed bugs are small insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. Despite their name, bed bugs don't just live in beds; they can also hide in your luggage, sofas and other objects. Buildings with many residents, such as hotels and nursing homes, are especially susceptible to bed bug infestations. If you know how to recognize a bed bug, you can better prevent or tackle a pest.

To step

  1. Know what the bug looks like. Bed bugs are small, oval, brown insects. They have no wings and a flat six-legged body. Although they are small, you can see them with the naked eye; most grow to about half a centimeter.
  2. Check for bites. Bed bugs are mainly active at night, they bite people in their sleep. If you wake up with red, itchy patches that you didn't have before going to bed, you may have an infestation in your home.
    • The bed bug bite is usually painless, but causes a lot of itching during the day.
    • Bed bug bites can be anywhere on the body, especially in areas that have not been covered at night.
    • Many people think that the bites are from other insects, such as mosquitoes or fleas. To see if you have a bed bug infestation you will have to find the bugs yourself.
  3. Find their hiding places. Bed bugs usually hide in mattresses at first, as they have easy access to human blood there. However, they normally spread to furniture all over your house and other items such as clothes, towels, sleeping bags, bags and so on.
    • If you think you have bed bugs, remove your bedding from your bed and examine your mattress and box spring for bed bugs or feces from them.
    • Check both your bed and the area surrounding your bed. Check out clothes, books, phones, carpets, etc. Things in your closet can also be contaminated.
    • Bed bugs don't make nests, but usually gather in large numbers and spread all over the house.
  4. Note the following signs. If you have trouble finding or identifying the beasts, look for the following signs that indicate that there may be bed bugs:
    • Blood stains on your pillows or sheets.
    • A strong, musty odor from the bed bug's scent glands.
    • Dark / brown stains on sheets, clothes, walls, these can be bed bug droppings.


  • A certified company must be called in for control. This can be done through the Animal Pests Knowledge Center (KAD Wageningen). Discard seriously contaminated items such as blankets or pillows if necessary.
  • It takes at least a week for the bites to heal. You can use a cream to relieve the itching.
  • Bed bugs are attracted to blood; it doesn't mean a house is dirty.
  • Although annoying, bed bugs do not spread contagious diseases.


  • Bed bugs can enter your home through luggage or other contaminated items. Make sure to inspect all upholstered items before bringing them into your home, especially if they are second-hand.
  • Adult bed bugs can survive without blood for several months, so vacant houses can also be infected.