Being a bad boy

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
WHY Girls LIKE BAD BOYS ... EXPLAINED! | How to be a Bad Boy & Why Nice Guys Finish Last
Video: WHY Girls LIKE BAD BOYS ... EXPLAINED! | How to be a Bad Boy & Why Nice Guys Finish Last


Do you ever ask yourself why? That women just can't seem to resist "bad boys"? It's not because they're jerks - no one likes anyone else because they're jerks. It's because bad boys are confident and assertive - in other words, sexy. Use these tips to boost your masculine confidence, and the world (and all the women in that world) who's wearing the pants!

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Part 1 of 3: Bad boy behavior and habits

  1. Most of all, be a guy. You have your own time, your own dreams, and your own plans. In these matters, you should never make concessions to make someone else happy (romantic interest or not). For example, if you don't like something, don't pretend you like it. Be confident about what you like and dislike - this will attract people who feel the same way you do.
    • Discover your values. What do you like? What do you hate? What is unique about you? What makes you happy? Know yourself, otherwise you may "fake" certain values ​​to "fit in". Can you really be happy knowing that you are pretending to be someone else?
  2. Let the world revolve around you. You exist mainly to make yourself happy - others are subordinate to that. Put yourself and your life first. If you treat yourself as if you are important, then others - including women - will see you as important as well. Most people are automatically drawn to important people - being important is cool!
    • With very rare exceptions, never give up your self-image in the search for a loved one. Do you like a girl who doesn't seem interested in you? Forget about her. You are too valuable to waste your time trying to please her.
    • Women will appreciate your self-interest. It shows that you know what you want and that you are not afraid to go for it.
  3. Stop caring about everything. There is nothing less sexy than someone who is constantly stressed about every little detail in their life. Bad boys don't worry about the little things because they are sure to have everything under control. For example, if you find yourself in a certain situation where you find a few women attractive, then of course you do not want to act like a slobber. But try to be as relaxed as when you are watching television at home. By doing this, you are sending the signals that you are cool, confident, and in control. For bad boys this is downright sexy.
    • It is quite difficult to suddenly change from a nervous, worried boy into a confident, smooth player. If you're working to be more relaxed, try to tolerate your movements and actions a little - this is a good first step that will instantly make you look (and feel) a lot calmer. Walk with slow, sure steps. Speak calmly but confidently. Do not try to stretch a muscle.
    • Even for bad boys, not everything goes according to plan. In case something does go wrong, try not to stress. Rather settle the situation with a little joke. If you spill a drink on yourself, don't worry about how to wash the stain out when you get home. Rather say that you are actually happy with your new tie-dyed hippie shirt. It may be a bit corny, but it shows that you don't let small problems put you off.
  4. Stop asking for permission or approval. The so-called "dear boys" are always waiting for a sign that it is safe or okay to perform an action. However, that sign does not always come, so the boys appear indecisive. Be decisive (especially if there are women) and deal with the objections if necessary. Do not look at others to determine if your actions are "correct". Do what you think is right. You will be amazed at all the things you have had permission to do all along.
    • Kiss a woman rather than ask her if you can kiss her. The same is true if you want to ask someone out. Don't ask her if she wants to go on a date with you. Go talk to her and tell her to go out. Ask her directly if Friday or Saturday suits her better. Even if you are rejected, your decisiveness is a lot more attractive than if you had to ask for her attention.
    • Try to have an opinion about everything. From the restaurants where you eat, to how you will spend your free time. Know what you want and take action to achieve it. Not only will it make you look more attractive, it will also make you happier.
    • Disclaimer: Real men are not creepy or perverted. Be confident, but also be aware of your partner's needs. Never force someone to kiss if she doesn't want to. Just as you are well aware of your desires, so are they. Respect other people's decisions.
  5. Lead. As a man you should always lead. Don't wait for someone to tell you where you are going or what you are going to do. If your group can't make a decision, then you make that decision. Acting like a leader will become natural when you stop worrying about others and go where you want to go. You don't act selfishly. On the contrary. You arrange your own life, because you do not assume that someone else is doing that for you.
    • Be the leader everywhere in life. If you want to talk to that one girl, if you want to get that one job, do it.
    • Be a leader with your friends too. If your friend is too scared to talk to a girl, you can tease him a little bit. At least if you do that to motivate him and give him new impetus. Not if you really want to bully him. Your friends will appreciate your help, and the women will be like wax in your hands.
  6. Be honest with everyone, especially yourself. One reason girls like bad boys is because they are honest. "Dear boys" are often not. If a bad boy likes a girl, he will let her know. A sweet boy tends to hide his interest, or beat around the bush. A sweet boy tries to make friends with the girl, and from there try to start a relationship. At the end of the song, they are usually just friends. Most girls know when a guy sees it in them. A bad boy knows this, and has no problem showing this to the girl. To be a bad boy, you have to be honest about your intentions. Most girls will appreciate your honesty. Nobody likes to tear through the wrapped cloth of nonsense in their search for a potential mate.
    • Women can even appreciate a fairly crude show of interest. Both sweet boys and bad boys will look at a woman's breasts. A bad boy just doesn't care if he's caught. This is much more attractive than someone trying to take a look but getting caught. The bad boy will be honest about what he wants, and we that there is no reason to be ashamed of this.
  7. Be independent. Never try to need someone else. Other people are nice to have, but are not necessary for your happiness. Learn to appreciate yourself and your own company. You will notice that the less you need other people, the more others need you. Always have your own fun and entertainment. Have a strong passion, and find hobbies and interests that you would like to spend your life with.
    • Never set up a relationship the first records, and make sure a relationship never ends your only source of happiness is becoming. Don't look for others, especially women, to make you happy - you don't need them. Men worldwide are wasting time seeking happiness in everything but themselves. If you can be happy on your own, then naturally others will want to hang out with you.
    • Have a hobby. Whatever you can spend your time with and that makes you happy. If it's something that puts you in touch with new, young, sexy people, all the better. It should be something you are passionate about, something you enjoy, and something you can build on. If you don't want or don't have a hobby, at least volunteer. Use your time to improve the world. You are then one bad boy, but you are not bad person.
  8. Appreciate yourself - love yourself in a balanced and respectable way. A bad boy is bad because he knows he is more valuable than others are. He cares about himself. A bay boy knows he knows himself better than anyone. His own opinion of himself is thus held higher than the opinion of others. It's about having self-esteem. And you have to earn your own self-respect before you can expect others, especially girls, to respect you.
    • How do you earn self-esteem? Create a standard of what you will and will not accept from other people. The most important part of self-esteem is not getting involved with people (both men and women) who respect you or people who are important to you.
    • One problem with the "sweet guys" is that they are nice to everyone - even people who don't act nice in return. We are all taught to turn the other cheek. In some cases this invites jerks to treat you unfairly. Remember that Being nice to someone who is mean doesn't necessarily make them like you. Surround yourself with good people who have earned your trust and respect.
  9. Be physically strong, but even stronger emotionally. As a man, you should be the rock that your family, friends, and especially women, can hold on to. Let go of the need to whine. Realize that no matter how hard or much you complain, it will not change your circumstances. Better to swallow your worries and start doing something about it. Eternal victims are unattractive and unable to improve themselves.
    • If something goes wrong, do your best to sit through the day. It's easy to get caught up in the moment of failure, but remember that you are a man who solves his problems on his own. You will also be able to trade this.
    • Make sure you have taken care of the people in your life. You don't have to be anyone's sugar daddy-you are the most important person in your life - but you will be appreciated and desired if you are helpful, strong and reliable.
    • Exercise every day, or at least exercise. Regular exercise helps improve mood, fitness, and general unhealthiness. This is a crucial part of helping you improve your emotional control. It ensures that you maintain your daily stress level. Exercise also improves your self-confidence and your physical attraction. There is no reason not to!

Part 2 of 3: Building a bad boy's confidence

  1. Know yourself. Much of the advice above requires you to have a lot of confidence and good self-esteem. If you lack these fundamentals, it is difficult or impossible to be a real bad boy. Check with yourself if there are any situations where you get nervous, and if you are the best version of yourself you could possibly be.If you are not satisfied with the answers, you can use the following tips to build a healthy dose of self-confidence. You'll be gaining "badness" in no time.
  2. Get in shape. You don't have to be a bodybuilder to be a bad boy, but you do need to be healthy. Scientific research has shown that exercise has a positive effect on self-esteem and that it can help prevent depression. The effects in both the short (through the emission of stress-reducing endorphins) and the long (through the improvement of self-image and general fitness). Don't put it off. Hit the gym today, not tomorrow.
    • A study has shown that moderate intensity cardio training can provide the greatest, immediate psychological boost. However, any form of training can make your physical condition more attractive to yourself and others.
  3. Start winning. Work continuously to achieve your personal goals for yourself and your career. You don't have to be rich to be confident, but you do need to be proud of yourself.
    • Everyone (bad boys too) sometimes has to deal with personal setbacks. If you are experiencing difficulty in your career or your personal life, put everything into perspective for a moment. Overcoming your difficulties will help you build a stronger personality. Never give up!
  4. Treat yourself with dignity. Allow yourself to do things that you enjoy. You don't have to spend a lot of money to feel valuable - prepare the dishes you like, enjoy your favorite drink in moderation, and set aside some time to devote to your hobbies. If you do things you enjoy doing, you will be happier. And when you are happier, you will be more confident.
  5. Address any personal, psychological problems. Sometimes low self-esteem can have deep rooted causes. Child abuse and other traumatic experiences can underlie psychological problems that can have lifelong effects on your self-esteem. Try to seek treatment for issues that affect you mentally or emotionally. Today, a variety of treatments are available, including therapy, biofeedback, and drug use.
    • Remember, seeking help for psychological concerns is strength, not weakness. Real men don't ignore their personal problems; real men fix their problems. Sometimes this may require the help of someone else. Never feel embarrassed to call in a therapist or doctor. More than a quarter of all adults in the United States have received some form of mental health care.

Part 3 of 3: Dating like a bad boy

  1. Know what you want. A bad boy knows what to look for in a partner and is honest about it (see Step 6 in the first section). You may want to look for relationships based solely on sex, as long as you are honest about them. If you have a serious girlfriend, this does not mean that you should become less bad boy. Below you will find some tips on how to treat the ladies like a real bad boy.
  2. Live your own life. The purpose of a relationship is not to dedicate your entire life to your partner. Even if you are married, make your own plans. Reserve time for yourself. Spend time with your friends. If you consider yourself a valuable commodity, your partner will crave time with you all the more. If you dance to the tune of your partner, your time will become less valuable. Keep your spine when you are in a relationship. Don't commit yourself so much to your partner that you forget about yourself.
  3. Be a little cocky. When you enter into a relationship with someone, you don't have to worship them all over. Tease them a little! If you keep each other on your toes, the relationship will remain fiery and passionate. It is also a good sign that you are a confident "alpha". You show that you are not afraid of engaging in a verbal sword fight. Think about it: would you really want to be in a relationship with someone you have to be nice to all the time?
    • Don't be too cruel with your teasing. Avoid topics that your partner is a little sensitive to - such as her appearance or her career. Keep it light.
    • Be prepared to be a little teased too. Do not hand out if you cannot collect!
    • If you accidentally hurt your partner, make sincere apologies. Remember, bad boys are fair. If you really feel guilty, say it. Don't think you can withhold a heartfelt apology for being a bad boy. That is not "bad"; that's something an asshole would do.
  4. Wear the pants in your relationship. This does not mean that you should be in charge or that you keep her from making decisions. It means that you should strive to make decisions when they need to. Make sure you always have a plan. When you go out, pick a spot and make a reservation well in advance. Take her hand to guide her through a rush without her having to ask. Kiss her when the moment feels right for you. Show her that you are confident about what you want for yourself and for her.
  5. Be surprising. In the case of a long-term relationship, it can sometimes be difficult not to get into a rut. Nevertheless, do your best to be spontaneous at times. Plan a romantic weekend away if you both have the time. Surprise her in the morning with tickets to a concert that will take place tonight. Breaking the rut of a relationship keeps the relationship fresh and exciting.
    • It may sound paradoxical to schedule spontaneity. Yet it is necessary. There is nothing worse than going to the ice rink unprepared to find out that it is closed. Moreover, skating rinks are not very bad boy anyway, but that aside.
    • Remember, the purpose of spontaneity is not to overload her with presents. Maintain your self-esteem. If you have no idea what you could be doing, plan something you like. You will feel like it, and your way will reflect on your partner.
  6. Give her space, and make sure she gives you space too. Bad boys and their partners are not dependent on each other. They maintain their own lives, friendships, and hobbies. This makes the time they do spend together becomes more valuable.
    • Finding a good balance between the time you spend with your girlfriend and the time you spend with friends can be tricky. Fortunately, this is a common problem. It is therefore the subject of many online articles. Consider scouring the internet for good advice.


  • Being a bad boy is about trusting yourself more than others. It's about acknowledging your insecurities and doubts and trying to overcome them. If you let go of the need to get everyone's permission, you'll soon be a bad boy.
  • It takes time to be a bad boy. Follow the advice in this article step-by-step. One day you will be the man you want. This isn't about fake it, it's about being the best version of yourself. Give yourself time to really grow.
  • Practice visualization techniques. Picture yourself every day how you want to be as a man. Try to imagine how you would like to walk, talk, and think. It will help you achieve your goals faster.
  • Movies You Should Watch: Fight Club, 300, The Last Samurai, Yes Man, and Hitch. Of the Superior Man, Psycho-Cybernetics, Iron John.


  • Women will sometimes test you to see if you are real or just an actor. Follow these steps until you are a real bad boy.
  • It's not easy to change yourself. Sometimes it takes years before you can perceive the complete change. However, you can always improve yourself. In order to achieve the most efficient results, you should not try to change yourself completely. Instead, focus your time and effort on areas where there is the most room for improvement.
  • Remember, a bad boy is not the same as a jerk. Bad boys are confident, but not arrogant or cruel. They know they are valuable, but they never pretend to be better than they are.
  • Being a bad boy frees you from your old needy habits and your old needy friends.