Dating a Cancer

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
DATING A CANCER | Benito Skinner (2019)
Video: DATING A CANCER | Benito Skinner (2019)


If you are interested in a Cancer, then get ready. An interesting ride awaits you. As the most loyal and caring of all zodiac signs, Cancer is a combination of dynamism and complexity. Those born between June 22 and July 22 are a great fit. Are you up for the challenge?

To step

Part 1 of 3: Breaking the ice

  1. If you want someone to fall hopelessly in love with you, this is the zodiac sign for you. The Cancer woman is waiting for her knight in shining armor. She loves romance, intimacy and openly expressing love. Cancer men are romantic and courteous, showering you with gifts and understated admiration. Although reluctant, their hearts are filled with romance.
    • Cancer will need to be made clear that you are the one. To get the ball rolling, you first need a push. So hop on your white horse and start trotting. Cancer, in all its dynamic glory, is well worth it.
  2. Get to know the other. Because Cancer is such a cautious sign, it will most benefit your relationship to get to know this zodiac sign first before your commitment to a higher level of romance or intimacy. By becoming friends first, you give the other person the opportunity to slowly fall for you.
    • Cancer is a very physical sign when it comes to affection. Fill in your relationship with light touches, hugs, and subtle - but clear - tokens of affection. Let the other person warm up to your touch. He or she will be happy to answer this.
  3. Go for it. If you're a girl, you may have to take the first step instead of waiting for him. If you are a boy, realize that she may need more time before she is ready to kiss you. This doesn't mean they don't like you, it just means they have to come out of their shells!
    • Never ask them out in public, because it makes them nervous. Ask them out when you are alone. Invite them to a regular, but fun date. Nothing with too much pressure or too many stigmas.
      • Just because someone's zodiac sign is Cancer doesn't mean they can't have fun. Take them to the beach or pool, it's a water sign after all.
  4. Don't play games. Cancers are incredibly intuitive when it comes to people and their motivations, so don't waste your time pretending to be cold, cat and mouse games or any other variation on these types of social games. They see right through you and know that you are not yourself.
    • Cancerians, when they feel comfortable, will be very direct with you. They want you to do this too! If you pretend to be another person, or try to be mysterious, they won't fall for that. They're really good at reading other people, so don't get into hiding your feelings!
  5. Make them feel at home. Cancer find family and being able to feel at home somewhere very important. They prefer to stay at home, but if you can make them feel at home anywhere, then you've made it. Let them know that you are a part of what you consider home and allow them to explore freely.
    • Talk to them about your family. Let him or her know that you think your family is very important and that you are a family man / woman. They will feel very comfortable thinking that you feel the same way. Family is very important to them and nothing will ever change that.

Part 2 of 3: Know what to expect

  1. Accept that your Cancer is old-fashioned, traditional, and loyal. Those are not bad qualities! In fact, they can be very positive. When you catch a Cancer, he will be loyal to the moon and back again. They expect you to be the definition of romance: loving, kind, maybe a little reserved, and just as loyal as they are. Nothing wrong with that at all!
    • When it comes to bedroom habits, they are sometimes a bit like vanilla. More romantic and sensual than exciting and exotic. But if they start to trust you, they are willing to open their world to you. As long as you show them it's safe!
  2. Know that they are not likely to trust anyone. Although this is very human, it usually plays a very prominent role in Cancer. They want like to trust others but just find it difficult. Mainly because they have a great memory and easily hold grudges because of that memory. But they really like to love other people, so it's mostly give and take.
    • This is probably the main negative about a Cancer. It can be difficult to tear down their walls. But if you're willing to put in the time, it can be totally worth it. You will then find a soft, sensitive core that will elevate you above everything and everyone.
  3. Realize that Cancer needs to be found. If this constellation should be labeled, it is "caretaker." This is their foundation - the only way they can behave. So lean on them! They love it. Over there thrive them on. Be open about what you need and they will make an effort to provide it to you. It makes them happy!
    • Let them take care of you when you are sick. Talk to them about issues when they arise. Ask them for advice about a problem at work or with your friends. Damn, just let them cook for you too! A good deal, isn't it?
  4. Get ready to be pampered. Cancer are the most caring of all zodiac signs. If you want a more troubled, avoidant relationship, Cancer is not for you. They love to show you romance and affection. Hopefully you can answer that!
    • This does not mean that they are sticky. While you can, it is so sincere that you can hardly blame them. They just want to be around you and show you how much they love you. It's almost admirable. If only everyone could be as loving as a Cancer!

Part 3 of 3: Strengthening the relationship

  1. Don't make the other person insecure. Don't make it difficult for them - Cancer will probably think that you are not interested and don't care about them. If they seem a bit insecure about themselves or the relationship, don't hesitate to put them at ease. They will do the same for you!
    • They will not tolerate a temper on your part. If you get angry or upset about small things, they will feel that you are not rational and lose sight of the big picture. If you get too angry with them, they will think you don't care about them. They can be very sensitive when they feel vulnerable.
  2. Mean what you say. Cancerians value words. If you declare your love to them, then they also consider this a true declaration of love. So mean what you say. If you want to get a Cancer into bed, don't tell them you love them when you don't mean it.Don't sell sweet breads, it won't get you anywhere!
    • If you not means what you say, they will see through it anyway and consider you a liar. While you may not consider it a lie yourself, they will. So choose your words with care. A lobster shall remember what you said!
  3. Be direct. A Cancer may not be very open at first, but if you manage to get them out of their shell, they'll show their inner selves and expect honesty that rivals theirs. So be direct! Let them know how you feel. You would appreciate it if they behaved the same way, wouldn't you?
  4. Try to untangle their tangle of complexity. Lobster is a crab. They have a hard shell that is very difficult to open, but underneath is a sensitive and emotional person. Sometimes they can appear very weak, but they are always strong and independent. In short, it is a very dynamic and unpredictable sign. Can you keep up?
    • They are very complex and can be very fragile. Upset a Cancer and he'll be upset for days. When they feel safe and loved, they are incredibly successful, wonderful people. When they feel vulnerable, they close the door and shut themselves off. It's up to you to bring out their amazing qualities.


  • Always be there for them.
  • Try not to get carried away by their moodiness.
  • Show that you are consistent and trustworthy, and Cancer will be the best partner you've ever had!
  • Don't get into a relationship with a Cancer when both of you are very young, unless the other is mature enough to understand that love can sometimes hurt.
  • If you are an Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn), realize that while you think with your head, feel a Cancer with his or her heart.


  • Cancer is one of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac, so be extra careful not to hurt their feelings.