Make dry Play Doh supple again

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make Playdoh Soft Again! | MayMommy2011
Video: How to Make Playdoh Soft Again! | MayMommy2011


Playing with Play-Doh is a fun and easy activity that will keep kids of all ages entertained. You can also play with it alone or during a party. However, the clay is not always disposed of in time and Play-Doh left outside of the package dries out quickly, hardens and cracks, so you can no longer knead the clay and play with it. Fortunately, there are some techniques you can use to restore dried-out Play-Doh, so that the clay becomes moist, soft, and supple again. When the children feel like modeling and making shapes again, they can start playing with them again.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Knead with water

  1. Collect the dried Play-Doh in a bowl. Keep pieces of clay of the same colors together to prevent the dyes from mixing and the clay turning a brownish color. Play-Doh consists mostly of flour, water and salt, so to make the hardened clay supple again, you may only need to add the water that has evaporated from it.
    • If your Play-Doh has been left out of the package for a long time (more than a few months) and has hardened completely, it may not be possible to make the clay supple again.
  2. Pour water on the clay. Massage the wet ball into your hands and knead the water into the clay. Continue to pour water on the clay ball and massage it into the clay.
  3. Knead the ball. When the clay has absorbed enough water and has become moist and malleable again, knead the Play-Doh on the counter for a few minutes. Do this until the clay has returned to its original shape. Add some more water while kneading.
    • Try kneading half a teaspoon of glycerin through the Play-Doh to help moisten the clay even further.
  4. Use the Play-Doh immediately or properly dispose of the clay. Play-Doh dries out when exposed to the air, so store the clay in an airtight container. Consider wrapping the clay in a resealable plastic bag first.

Method 2 of 4: Steaming the Play-Doh

  1. Flatten the Play-Doh. Flatten the ball of clay with your hands or on the counter so that the clay has a larger surface and can absorb more moisture. Keep in mind that you will be putting the clay in a steamer, so don't make the surface too big.
  2. Put the steamer on the stove or prepare your steamer. Place the flat Play-Doh in the steamer or steamer and steam the clay for five to ten minutes.
  3. Remove the clay from the steamer. Knead the clay on the counter for five to ten minutes. If the Play-Doh has not returned to its original consistency, steam and knead the clay again.

Method 3 of 4: Restore the Play-Doh overnight

  1. Divide the Play-Doh into pea-sized pieces. The smaller the pieces are, the easier it will be to get them moist and smooth again. Place the pieces in a colander and pour water over them so that all pieces are wet. Let the clay sit for a minute to let the excess water wash away.
  2. Place the pieces in a resealable plastic bag. Make sure all pieces of Play-Doh are damp (but not soaking wet) and put them in the bag. Let the pieces of clay sit for about an hour.
  3. Remove the pieces from the bag. When the clay has had time to rest and absorb the water, place the pieces in a bowl and press them together to make a single ball of clay. Wrap a wet cloth or paper towel around the ball and return the clay to the bag. Seal the bag and leave it overnight.
  4. Knead the clay. In the morning, remove the recovered Play-Doh from the bag and knead the clay for a few minutes to return it to a soft, supple ball.

Method 4 of 4: Make replacement Play-Doh

  1. Get all the ingredients. Sometimes the Play-Doh is too dried out to make smooth again, but making your own clay is a fun and inexpensive way to replace the old Play-Doh. It's so easy that even the kids can help. To make Play-Doh you will need:
    • 600 ml of water
    • 250 grams of salt
    • 1½ tablespoons of tartar powder
    • 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil
    • 500 grams of flour
    • Food coloring
  2. Mix the ingredients in a saucepan. Heat the mixture over low heat and stir regularly. Keep stirring and cooking until the ingredients form a ball of clay in the center of the pan. You will know when the clay is ready because it will have the consistency of regular Play-Doh.
  3. Remove the pan from the heat. If the clay is too hot to handle, set the clay aside and let it cool. In the meantime, you decide how many pieces you want to divide the clay into and which colors you want to make.
  4. Divide the clay into several pieces to give them a color. Make as many smaller balls of clay as you need, depending on how many different colors of clay you want to make.
  5. Knead the different colors through the different balls of clay. Knead all the balls of clay on a cutting board or non-porous countertop. Knead a single color through the clay at a time. Add food coloring until the clay is the desired color. Repeat this process for each color of clay you want to make.
  6. Store the clay in the same way as regular Play-Doh. Keep the clay in an airtight container and don't just leave it anywhere if you don't do anything with it. If you don't do this, the clay will harden and be impossible to use.