Restore friendship with your best friend

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 12 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
ੈ friendship restoration (forced subliminal)
Video: ੈ friendship restoration (forced subliminal)


Getting your best friend back may seem impossible, but keep in mind that the things that connect two people don't just disappear. If you want to reestablish your friendship with your best friend, such as after an argument or after someone new has appeared on the scene (a new boyfriend or girlfriend), try using one of the methods below.

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Method 1 of 3: Repair the friendship after an argument

  1. Don't let gossip and rumors drive you crazy. When friends argue, other friends will take sides and gossip. This will only make the situation worse. If someone says bad things about the other person, ask them to stop and say you're not interested. You, too, shouldn't say anything about your boyfriend / girlfriend behind his or her back, as that won't help the situation.
  2. Sincerely apologize. If you've done something wrong, a simple “sorry” is often not enough. You must be detailed and specific. Even if you think the fight wasn't your cause, you may still need to be the first to apologize if you want to save the friendship. Keep the following things in mind:
    • Don't say something like, "I'm sorry you feel that way." This is not a real apology. You should be sorry for what you did, not how the other person responded. If you didn't start arguing, apologize for the way you responded. For example, say, "I'm sorry I got so mad at you" or "I'm sorry I didn't take you seriously" or whatever needs to be said.
    • Do not try to pinpoint guilty parties. Even if the boyfriend / girlfriend was wrong, that's something you can work on later. You must first make sure that you talk to each other again.
    • Save an elaborate statement for later. Saying "I'm sorry, but ..." and then coming up with a laundry list of points to justify yourself is not a good idea. Only come up with a statement if it is “valid”. “I'm sorry I said that to you. I had a bad day and took my frustrations out on you ”is a valid statement and can undoubtedly count on the sympathy of your best friend.
    • Don't take responsibility for something you haven't done. If your boyfriend / girlfriend is responsible for this mess, there's no reason to take the blame. (Even if this would provide a solution in the short term, you will likely regret it later.) Instead, apologize for the things you did, but don't mention the things the other person did. . Have your boyfriend / girlfriend think about the situation. Then it is up to him or her to make excuses as well.
    • If the friend doesn't want to talk to you, write them an email. If you suspect he or she will delete the email, write a note and put it in his or her locker, car, etc.
  3. Share your feelings using personal pronouns such as "I" and "we". The best way to confront a friend about what he or she has done is to tell him / her how it impacted you. Practice explaining the entire situation, using only words like “I” and “we”, never “you”. Never tell your boyfriend / girlfriend what he or she has done to you. This will make the person feel defensive, which will make them less likely to listen to you (especially if you have misunderstood the situation).
    • Incorrect: “You really hurt me. You attacked me, didn't give me the ability to defend myself, and didn't want to listen to me when I wanted to talk about it later. I get the feeling that you no longer take this friendship seriously. ”
    • Correct: “Our fight hurt me a lot.I got the feeling that you were attacking me and I didn't get a chance to defend myself even when I tried to explain things later. Our friendship means a lot to me and I would like to bury the hatchet. ”
  4. Give your boyfriend / girlfriend space if he or she needs it. If your boyfriend / girlfriend is still angry with you despite your efforts, he or she may need time to give it a place, think about it, and recover. Constantly calling, messaging, emailing and reaching out to him or her will be your best friend not suddenly make forgiving. In addition, it is difficult to miss someone if they are constantly present.
    • Don't confuse this with ignoring your boyfriend / girlfriend. Playing games is not something that belongs in a friendship. Leave them alone for a while, and if you happen to bump into them, stay friendly.
  5. Don't neglect a hurt boyfriend / girlfriend. Okay, so you've ignored the gossip and rumors, apologized, explained your side of the story, and gave him or her some space. Why is he / she still angry? If the person is an introvert, you may not have given them enough time to talk about it yet. If so, ask him or her what you did wrong and how to make it right. Do not wait until it blows over, because then it may be too late to restore the friendship.
  6. Sincerely try to forgive and forgive. Once the fight is over, stop being angry, ignore the boyfriend / girlfriend, or pull old cows out of the ditch during other arguments. Let it go and look ahead.

Method 2 of 3: Maintain the friendship after a new person arrives

  1. You should realize that the dynamics in a friendship often change when someone enters into a love affair, gets married, or gets very busy in business. This could mean that your best friend is running out of time for you. Often times this change is temporary and over time things will be as before, but in the meantime, follow the suggestions below.
  2. Continue to act like friends. Talk to him or her a lot, be friendly and polite, and share a laugh. However, don't try to force the topic, create unnecessary drama, or give the other person more reasons not to spend time with you. Don't shift your focus completely, as this may give your best friend the impression that you have found better friends.
  3. Don't be clingy. Friendship is like a rubber band: one minute the person is there for you and then he or she seems very far away, then after a while it shoots back in your direction. If you give your best friend the idea that he or she shouldn't be around other people, this person will distance themselves even more from you and your intentions to influence his or her life.
  4. Make new friends yourself. First of all, making new friendships will boost your confidence. You will undoubtedly benefit from this and you will think less about the other person. Moreover, you show your best friend that you have a life of your own and that if he or she wants to maintain the friendship, you have to work on it. Finally, it will remind your other boyfriend / girlfriend that you are a fun person who has a lot to offer.
    • Make sure you do this with the correct setting. If you “just” do this to get revenge on your old boyfriend / girlfriend, it will be obvious. You'll look sad in the other's eyes, which will make him or her distance even further, and worse, your new friends will feel like you've used them. If you want to get revenge on an old boyfriend / girlfriend by making new friendships, you will feel just as bad about it as him or her. Perhaps it is good that the friendship has ended.
  5. Contact the new person. You may have reacted badly because you are jealous of the other person, but he or she may actually be a nice person. Be open-minded and try to get to know this person by inviting them both. (If you're worried you'll be the third wheel on the wheel, consider inviting more people.) When it comes to your best friend's new boyfriend / girlfriend, be happy for them and show that you can be trusted.
  6. Let it blow over by itself. Let's face it: new relationships come and go. And you and your best friend have known each other for a long time, the change is probably only temporary, mostly when it comes to a boyfriend or girlfriend. In reality, you are probably the person your best friend will fall back on when the relationship is over, so try to have fun and make new friendships in the meantime. When it's actually over, hopefully your best friend will see that you are here to stay.

Method 3 of 3: The three do's and don'ts


  1. Apologize. If you've done something wrong, such as saying something mean to the other person, apologize sincerely. Don't just say "I'm sorry." Say something like, “Sorry for calling you names. I didn't mean it like that. I wanted to be funny, but in reality I was very stupid. I promise I won't do it again. ”
  2. Talk to him or her. If you haven't spent a lot of time with your best friend recently, talk to him or her, ask them how they are, and be polite.
  3. Spend time with him or her. If you have the same hobby, try doing this together. You will have the opportunity to reconnect with each other and spend time together.


  1. Don't be clingy. If you are always with the other person, the person may become faint of you, making him or her more likely to interact with others.
  2. Don't try to bribe him or her. If you give the person something nice, he or she will think that you are trying to buy friendship or forgiveness. Your best friend will not appreciate this.
  3. Don't be mean. If he or she is deliberately bothering you, then you probably want to get even. However, this will only damage the friendship and probably end it.


  • Let your best friend know that you really care about him or her and that, as long as it remains reasonable, you will do anything to restore the friendship.
  • When talking to your best friend, make sure you are calm. Be completely calm before confronting him or her with the subject.
  • Stay in touch with him or her and let the person know that he or she is your best friend. Your best friend will feel bad about letting the contact water down and then do his / her best to re-establish contact.
  • Let your best friend know that you are still thinking about him or her, despite giving him or her more space.
  • If you suspect that your best friend is angry with you, ask him or her once if he or she is. Proceed based on the information obtained. You may both need a short rest.
  • Try to work it out. The person in question is your best friend, right? Nothing should be able to irreparably damage your friendship.
  • Tell your best friend how much he or she means to you. Say that you will never forget him or her and will always be there.
  • Watch how your best friend responds to your kind side. Show this side more often. You may get him or her back with this.
  • Never abandon your best friend. He or she may have problems at home, at school, or at work. Do your best and try to help him or her.
  • If you've talked to a friend about your best friend behind his or her back, you're going to hurt him or her.


  • Never sound grumpy or jealous when talking to your best friend.
  • If you are still in school, do not enlist the help of an adult. This will only make your best friend even more angry.
  • Being very mean to your best friend's new boyfriend or girlfriend will only add tension. Your best friend will always take sides with his or her new friend.
  • Don't apologize and then ignore your boyfriend or girlfriend. You will not restore friendship with such action.
  • Never try to make your best friend jealous on purpose. Supposedly having fun with a new group of friends and then throwing your best friend / girlfriend a fake smile will not restore your friendship. It will only worsen your relationship.