Pulling the interest of a girl who is already in love with someone else

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: Jaded


Suppose there is a girl you like. She is sweet, smart and beautiful. You see her in class every day, and you may even be part of the same circle of friends. There is only one problem: she has a crush on someone else. Fortunately, showing her that you like her is easy. All you have to do is be nice, be yourself and show her that you are worth getting to know.

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Part 1 of 3: Find out what she likes

  1. Think about who she is in love with. If you know the boy she likes, take a moment to take stock of the traits he has. Is he of the athletic type? Does he have a special talent, such as art or music? Is he intelligent and does he all get tens? By learning more about her crush, you can learn a lot about what she is looking for in a man. Think about what your competitor is like and whether there is a possibility that she might like you for the same reasons, without having to change your personality entirely.
    • Find out what other people know about the guy she's in love with. If you are in the same school, ask people who know him what kind of person he is, what they like about him, etc. She may like nice guys, or she may be more attracted to a 'dangerous' type .
  2. Talk to her friends. Meet the people she hangs with and see what they are like. Probably the qualities she looks for when choosing friends are the same qualities that determine which guys she likes. Find out what you have in common with her clique. If things go well, your crush's friends can become friends with you too, which means you can spend more time with her.
    • When talking to her friends, casually ask questions about what kind of guys she normally likes and how she feels about you. If they like you, they will be willing to give you helpful advice on how to win her over.
    • Don't try to question them. You try to learn more about her by talking to her friends. If they feel like you have ulterior motives or that you are being dishonest, you may be doing more harm than good.
  3. Study her habits. Pay attention to the things she likes to do. Is she eager to learn or social? Where does she like to hang out and who does she hang out with? What kind of music does she listen to? You're looking for clues that tell you more about what she likes so you can find ways to interact with her. Notice what gets her excited about or what she finds uninteresting. This will help you decide what kinds of topics to talk to her next time.
    • Be vigilant, but not a stalker. There is a difference between noticing details about her personality and spying on her.
  4. View your own characteristics. Use your newfound knowledge of the kind of guys she likes and what she looks for in a friend to get a feel for how to present yourself to her in the future. If you want her to like you, the first thing you need to do is get her attention and make her feel like you are someone she wants to get to know. This doesn't require you to change who you are, but it can allow you to emphasize an aspect of yourself that you think she finds attractive.
    • Don't try to be someone you are not. There is no point in changing yourself to get someone you like because even if you succeed, you may not be happy with yourself anymore. Instead, look for any existing similarities between the two of you and show her what you already have in common.
    • Take this time to think about what you like and don't like about yourself. If there is an area where you feel you need improvement, this is a good opportunity to change it. Also, if there is a quality of yourself that you are particularly proud of, show it to her. You want to emphasize the positive and minimize or downplay the negative.

Part 2 of 3: Make her stand out

  1. Be more like her flame. You don't have to imitate him directly, but you can try to be more like him in the ways she will respond. If she's attracted to sports enthusiasts, get into a sport or try to join a school team. If she likes guys in bands, see if you can find an instrument you like. Not only will you gain an edge with her, it will also give you an opportunity to acquire new skills and interests.
    • Instead of trying to beat him in his own field, think about ways you and her crush are alike, as well as the qualities you have and he doesn't. Prevent it from becoming a direct competition and make yourself the obvious choice by being a more complete person.
    • Girls are sometimes drawn to nasty glands because they think a guy must be really successful in treating others with disrespect. This is not the case, and it is certainly not a way of wanting to resemble her flame.
  2. Take care of your body. Like it or not, physical attraction is about how you look. If you want to look good for the girl you're trying to impress, you have to put in some effort to eat right, exercise, and work on your physique.Start with a few simple exercises throughout the week, opting for a healthier diet over junk. You look and feel better, and your hard work won't go unnoticed.
    • Basic exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, dips, and squats can help you build muscle mass and are convenient to perform because they don't require any training equipment. Also, do a few calisthenics exercises in your daily exercise routine. You can also go jogging or swimming a few times a week to stay in good shape.
    • Don't eat pizza, chips and soda too often and eat more whole foods with a good balance of protein, carbohydrates, fiber and fat.
  3. Wear clothes that make you feel good. When you look good, you feel good. Think a little extra about your clothing choices every morning. Choose clothes that are comfortable, stylish and look good. Clothes are often the first thing people notice about you when they see you often, so make sure you look smart when the girl you like is around.
    • Combine any outfit with the right belt, shoes, watch and / or hat. People who know how to dress well always stand out.
  4. Show confidence. It's a fact of life that confident people are loved. To increase your confidence, put your best foot forward and show people what makes you unique. Be proud of your appearance. Concentrate on showing the best parts of your personality, such as your sense of humor or intellect. If you have a special talent, show it. You should make it a point to always feel comfortable with yourself in any situation. If you come across as confident, fun, and inviting, others will be naturally drawn to you.
    • One of the most effective tricks for staying confident is to constantly reaffirm yourself. Remind yourself of your best qualities and strengthen them in your mind as you learn not to fixate on your shortcomings.
    • Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself if you make a mistake. People like when someone doesn't take themselves too seriously.
  5. Be outgoing around her. Show your most social side. Talk to the people around you, make new friends, and have fun. Make sure you're with your friends when she's around and always be there with a kind word or helping hand. She will see that you are a popular guy that people like and will love to be with you herself.
    • You don't have to be an extrovert to be a human person. Just be nice to everyone you meet and smile. The people around you will be attracted to your charm.
    • Actually try to be a likeable person. Don't just pretend you're nice to impress her.

Part 3 of 3: Being more close to her

  1. Participate in the activities she is involved in. Try to participate in things she likes to do. There are all kinds of clubs and teams at the school that you could join, or it could be as simple as finding out what her hobbies are and meeting her at the right time and place. The more you turn out to have in common, the easier it will be for the two of you to become friends.
    • Another benefit of finding ways to be around her is that you'll be more present in her mind than the guy she likes, increasing the likelihood that she'll like you.
    • People who share passions tend to form strong bonds. Find out what's especially important to her and see how your passions and interests align. You may find that you have much more in common than you originally thought.
  2. Combine your groups of friends. One of the best ways to spend more time with the girl you like is to create circumstances where the two of you interact with the same people. Meet her friends and introduce them to your friends. Combine your social circles so that you spend more time with her and her friends. Once she's part of your group, you can start to get her undivided attention.
    • Avoid social situations where her crush or his friends happen to be around.
  3. Talk to her privately. Make an effort to talk to her on a more personal level. Say goodbye if you pass her in the hallway or see her talking to someone you know to take the first step towards directing a conversation. Try to get to the point where she feels comfortable hanging out with you without other people around.
    • If the boy she's in love with doesn't yet know she likes him, he may not have acted on it yet. By taking the first step, it can happen that her attention shifts to you.
    • When the time is right, ask her about her personal life. If she doesn't mention that she has a crush on someone else, it's probably a sign that she likes you.
  4. Give her your attention. Don't try to hide the fact that you like her. Show your interest in her and gradually reveal your feelings. As your relationship develops, she will appreciate talking to someone who cares about what she has to say. Be your best self around her and give her a reason to forget about that other guy.
    • Be careful not to overwhelm her with your attention. In the beginning, stick to the fact that you're just friends, and let her long for more.
    • Giving her your attention is also about holding hers. The goal is for her to forget her crush and realize how she feels about you.


  • Always be yourself.
  • Don't take things too seriously. If you like her, just enjoy spending time with her.
  • Making healthy decisions and looking your best should be about what it gets to you and your life, not just to impress girls.
  • Resist the urge to bring down her flame. This will only make you appear resentful.


  • Be confident and courageous, but don't put others down to appear better yourself.
  • Make an effort to learn more about her and the things that interest her, but don't be creepy. If you watch her from a distance too much, or wherever she is, it can send the wrong signal.
  • Love triangles are complicated things. If it seems serious with the guy she likes, be respectful and know when to back off.
  • Don't try to create drama by competing with her flame.