Survive the first 10 days of the Atkins diet

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Atkins Induction Phase 1 Rules | How To Get Through The Atkins Diet Induction Phase 1
Video: Atkins Induction Phase 1 Rules | How To Get Through The Atkins Diet Induction Phase 1


The Atkins Diet is a popular diet plan based on eating low carbohydrates. How much weight you lose varies from person to person, but in general, you lose weight quickly if you eat little carbohydrates. There are a few phases of the Atkins diet, the initial phase of which is usually the most difficult. This initial phase can have some typical side effects because you eat very few carbohydrates. These include headaches, moodiness, bad breath, tiredness, changes in bowel habits and mental fatigue. While the first phase of the Atkins diet can be difficult, it is well worth it in the long run.

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Part 1 of 2: Coping with the side effects of the Atkins diet

  1. Drink coffee and tea. A typical side effect of following a low-carbohydrate diet such as the Atkins diet is that the body enters a state of ketosis. That means that your body will get energy from ketones instead of glucose (a carbohydrate), as it normally does. Headache is one of the most common side effects.
    • An easy and natural way to get rid of the headache is to drink something with caffeine in it. Research has shown that a little caffeine can relieve headaches.
    • Headaches often develop when the blood vessels in the brain dilate, pushing against the skull. Caffeine causes the vessels to contract so that they become thinner, reducing pain.
    • Caffeine works quickly, and you usually notice relief within 30 minutes. The effect lasts for three to five hours.
    • Both coffee and tea are sources of caffeine, but coffee contains more caffeine. A cup of coffee of 240 ml contains between 80 and 200 mg of caffeine. Drink one or two cups to relieve the headache.
    • Although caffeine can also be found in soda, sports drinks and energy drinks, these drinks are not on the list of approved drinks on the Atkins diet.
  2. Try over-the-counter remedies. In addition to a headache, ketosis and a low-carbohydrate diet can also make you feel a little nauseous and change your bowel habits. Taking over-the-counter remedies can reduce these side effects.
    • If a cup of hot coffee doesn't help with the headache, you can take a pain reliever. These are safe for most healthy people to use and provide pain relief. In addition, you can opt for a pain reliever with caffeine, so that the drug works faster and more effectively.
    • If you find yourself constipated or have diarrhea, you can also take an over-the-counter medication to relieve these side effects. If you can't go to the bathroom, take a mild laxative or fiber supplement. If you are constipated for too long, it will get worse and you will need a more aggressive treatment, such as an enema.
    • Nausea is another side effect that can make the first days or weeks of the Atkins diet more difficult. Drink ginger tea or ginger ale, but avoid dairy products as they can make you even more nauseous. You can also take an over-the-counter medicine for nausea.
  3. Stock up on mints and sugar-free gum. Another temporary side effect of the Atkins diet is bad breath. Again, this is often due to ketosis, but you can easily fix it.
    • A good way to avoid bad breath is to brush your teeth regularly. Consider bringing a travel toothbrush and a small tube of toothpaste. Brush more often than usual and brush the back of your tongue thoroughly as well.
    • There are also mouthwashes that contain antibacterial ingredients, which can help fight bad breath.
    • In addition to a strict oral care regimen, you can suck on mints or chew sugar-free gum. Make sure you pay attention to whether the amount of sugars fit into your diet.
  4. Don't overdo it. It is normal to feel a little tired or drowsy for the first few days or weeks of the Atkins diet. Limit your physical activity until these side effects have passed.
    • Since the Atkins diet restricts you a bit, especially in terms of carbohydrates, you shouldn't be physically exhausting yourself.
    • It is recommended that you do 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous cardio each week, as well as one to two days of strength training each week. This can be a bit too much at the beginning of your diet. Instead of doing moderate to vigorous cardio, try doing the same amount of moderate cardio. Activities such as walking or cycling may be easier and more fun if you stick to a strict diet.
    • Exercise can also create a positive mindset if your diet is difficult to maintain.
  5. Go to bed earlier. It is not surprising that you are a bit tired or even cranky during the first days of the Atkins diet. Get enough sleep to counteract these effects.
    • You need seven to nine hours of sleep every night. If you don't get to that now, you will find yourself getting really tired and drowsy if you eat little carbohydrates.
    • Try to go to bed a little earlier each day during the first phase of the Atkins diet. Also stay in bed a little longer if possible.
  6. Set up a support group. With any diet, it can be helpful to have a support group so that you can encourage each other and help you stick with it.
    • Many studies show that people who are supported by friends or family maintain a diet better and lose more weight than people without a support group.
    • Tell your friends or family that you will be on the Atkins diet and say how much weight you want to lose. Ask if they want to support you and if they want to join you.
    • In addition, the Atkins Diet website offers a variety of options for seeking support. Just check out their website for more information.
  7. Seek support. There will be challenges with any diet. Having a group of people who support you will give you more motivation and encouragement to stick to your new diet.
    • Ask friends, relatives, and colleagues to support you. Tell them about your new diet and your long-term goals. They may even want to participate.
    • A support group can also help you with the mental hardship of dieting. It can be challenging to stick to a strict diet like the Atkins diet day in and day out.
    • Research has shown that people who have a support group stick to a diet longer, stick to it better, and lose more weight than people who don't.
  8. Start a journal. Keeping a journal about your new diet and long-term goals can be a great way to deal with the difficulties associated with following such a diet. Sometimes just writing in a journal is enough to keep you on the right track.
    • Use a pen and notebook or an online app to start a journal. You don't have to write every day, but it does help to get your thoughts down on paper.
    • You can also use your diary to keep track of progress.

Part 2 of 2: Starting the Atkins diet

  1. See which foods and recipes are allowed. When you start a new diet, you first need to understand exactly what it entails and what you can and cannot eat. Then the transition to the diet is a lot easier.
    • The Atkins diet is a very specific type of low-carb diet. It is divided into four stages with a separate list of foods and portion sizes allowed within each stage.
    • In phase 1 you are allowed to eat full-fat cheese, fats and oils, fish and shellfish, poultry, eggs, meat, herbs, vegetables that do not contain starch and green leafy vegetables (the so-called base vegetables).
    • Stock up on these foods so that you have everything that is allowed at your fingertips to prepare meals and snacks.
  2. Eat every two to three hours. Eating every few hours will keep you from getting hungry, but it's especially recommended during the first phase of the Atkins diet.
    • With this diet, it is recommended that you eat three meals plus two snacks a day, or eat five to six small meals a day. Never wait more than three hours before eating.
    • Leaving more than three hours between meals or snacks will make you too hungry and more likely to eat something you shouldn't eat because you are starving.
    • Always bring a meal or snack with you when you go out. Then you avoid eating something that is not on the allowed list when you get hungry.
  3. Eat the right amount of carbohydrates. You will find that a very specific amount of carbohydrates per day is recommended during each phase of the Atkins diet. It is important to follow this guideline very carefully.
    • During the first phase of the diet you are allowed 20 grams of carbohydrates per day. It is advisable not to exceed that amount, but also to ensure that you eat at least 18 grams of carbohydrates.
    • If you eat less than 18 grams of carbohydrates, you will not lose weight sooner, but you are probably not eating enough basic vegetables.
    • Divide the 20 grams of carbohydrates over the entire day. This will make you feel more even throughout the day. If you take all 20 grams of carbohydrates with breakfast, you will experience more side effects in the afternoon.
  4. Drink enough. The Atkins diet, as with most other diets, recommends that you drink plenty of fluids.
    • Water is essential for your overall health, even if you are not on a diet. In addition, sufficient drinking can prevent nausea and constipation, as mentioned earlier.
    • The Atkins diet recommends drinking a minimum of eight large glasses of water per day. In fact, general guidelines suggest that you should drink up to 13 glasses of water a day. This depends on your age, gender and activity level.
    • You shouldn't be thirsty all day, and your urine should be clear at the end of the day, if you've had enough to drink.
  5. Consider taking supplements. The Atkins Diet recommends sticking to Phase 1 for at least two weeks, or until you are 5-7 pounds off your goal weight. If you want to lose a lot of weight, you may need to take nutritional supplements.
    • The first phase of the Atkins diet is very limited and cuts several food groups (such as fruits, starchy vegetables and grains) from your diet. If you plan to maintain this phase for a longer period of time, it is a good idea to take nutritional supplements to avoid becoming deficient in certain nutrients.
    • A multivitamin is a good "backup". Take one a day to make sure you get all the necessary nutrients on a daily basis.
    • You may also want to consider taking 500-1000 mg of calcium per day since you are not eating dairy.


  • Don't forget to get 12 to 15 grams of carbohydrates per day from your base vegetables. The fiber in these vegetables ensures that you are full for longer.
  • It's normal to feel tired, cranky, and shaky for the first few days when you start on the Atkins diet. You can counteract this by drinking plenty of water, taking multivitamins and taking vitamin B12 for more energy and against the side effects of the diet.
  • Always talk to your doctor before starting a new diet. Also talk to your doctor if there are any symptoms that don't go away, or if you continue to feel sick or unwell.