Celibate life

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 2 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Celibate Life
Video: The Celibate Life


Celibacy is a way of life that a person adopts to maintain sexual abstinence or to remain single, or both. Whether you want to become a priest or remain celibate for personal reasons, it can be difficult to maintain. This vow or pledge is made by anyone who intends to live his or her life without sharing his or her body with anyone else. It is not necessarily that the reason is rooted in religion or any other connection. It can be a lifestyle choice for those who believe in it. With these instructions and the support of those around you (and perhaps a guide from above), you can live a celibate life. Making a vow to celibate life is a major challenge, and it is not an easy choice if those close to you do not support it. There are benefits to a celibate life. If you find interesting things to do, you may be able to resist the temptation to break your vow.

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  1. Experience celibacy. Make sure this is something you are very serious about. It can be great, if you do it for the right reasons. Celibacy is not embraced by a majority of people. It is done by those who have found meaning and satisfaction in being single. Those who see no pain or emptiness in being single seek celibacy. If you feel and believe that you don't need someone else to fulfill your desires and you feel happier and more comfortable with it, then you experience celibacy.
  2. Understand why you want to take this vow before you start it. There are many reasons why people take this vow. The most common is to avoid sexually transmitted diseases and also when you want to fully devote yourself to your studies, because celibacy gives you a tremendous amount of time. It will also save you some money, especially on a student budget.
  3. Meditate on this decision and don't rush into it. This is a long term appointment that you are about to enter into. You have to keep in mind that every choice in life is independent and those who choose other paths are no less. Each individual choice can be respected and allowed. Other lifestyles are just as human as yours. Therefore, there is no need to expect others to follow your way of life, any more than to view others as merely carnal.
  4. Tell everyone around you that you have taken a vow of celibacy. It is very important to tell those closest to you about your decision and convince them to support you every step of the way.
    • Find a friend or mentor who has been through this period in life and ask questions about the reason for his or her choice.
  5. Avoid temptation. You can avoid temptation, especially at the beginning of this lifestyle. Do not put yourself in situations that could lead to sexual activity, such as being in a small space with someone you are or may become physically attracted to. Don't spend time alone and in isolation together unless you have absolutely know that you can control yourself in that situation. You can still be intimate and close to the other person as long as you are in control (and it also helps that the other person is aware of your attitude towards this lifestyle).
    • Do not listen to other people's objections to your decision if they disagree with you. It is your choice and yours alone. Instead, talk to friends and people who won't judge you or the choice you've made.
  6. Practice. The fact is that after a certain amount of time, if you stop reminding yourself of what you miss sexually, you will stop feeling strong urges. However, this can be difficult if you regularly watch social entertainment such as movies, TV shows, and lots of ads and commercials that are constantly hormonal and / or sexually charged. Learn to ignore these; they are society's standards, not yours.
  7. Don't isolate yourself. Celibacy in no way implies or expects to distance yourself from others. You can involve yourself in activities with other people and be happy doing what you enjoy doing. You don't have to make other sacrifices or refrain from relationships or making good friends. Try to find people who you think understand you and your choices. This alone can be challenging. You can tell them you need some moral support.
  8. Take up different hobbies. Get started with your favorite hobby. You can avoid people you feel sexually attracted to. You can choose to connect with other spiritual or personal activities instead.
    • Avoid temptation and focus on other important things. Go back to school, start a new hobby, or buy a pet. Keep yourself as busy as possible.
    • For the most part, avoid anything about sexual romance or relationships where hormones play an obvious role. List everything you've always wanted to do. You don't have a partner to stop you, so take that trip or write that novel.
    • Celibacy is said to be a great way to improve mental strength and concentration.
  9. Make celibacy empower you. Doing things alone will help you grow and challenge yourself; that's why you wanted to be celibate in the first place. Self-realization is a powerful thing when used humbly. The joy of learning and focusing more on other activities in life will help keep your mind busy. It will also make you tired and make you sleep well.
  10. See your religion as the foundation for celibacy. Many take the vow of celibacy to be part of a religious group. Different religions have their own idea about it. Some wear a ring with their religious symbol bearing a sign of celibacy. Celibacy in a religion is expected to bring a deeper and more devoted connection to God.
    • If religion is part of your decision to be celibate, read the Bible or other religious books for guidance and strength. Turn to your priest or religious community during times of weakness and needs.
  11. Remain celibate until marriage. Some promise to remain virgins until they get married. This form of celibacy applies only until marriage. Hence, their life partner starts and shares their life with a virgin. This marks the honesty and commitment to a purer start to a married life. Some take the Vow of Virginity for the same reason (also called the Vow of Abstinence), some daughters attend a "Purity Ball" with their fathers, and some participate in the "Silver Ring Thing" program. A Purity Ring could also be worn by those seeking celibacy.
  12. Stay celibate in a relationship. Celibacy can also be practiced within a relationship, if both are in accordance with it. You can then both be each other's strength and learn something together, like an instrument, to occupy the mind.
  13. Stay celibate during a courtship. Celibacy allows a romantic relationship to grow and develop tenderness, maturity and self-fulfillment. True love takes a long time, and abstinence from sex makes the relationship more stable, not less. A man is impressed by a woman's sweet and soft "no" when he has insisted. It increases his respect and confidence in her. It makes him want to be a better man, even though he's been a hitman in the past. The delicious erotic tension is the beginning of legendary love stories that make for good marriages.
  14. Meditate and pray about what affects the mind. Some will try to take you away from celibacy. You can learn to control yourself in many ways, but the most important thing is to be aware of your moods and what affects them. Here are some tips:
  15. Practicing meditation or prayer as part of your routine can help a lot, alone or in a group. If you're not afraid of temptation, join a group. In some cases there is little interaction between the group members and you do not look at the others.
  16. Re-evaluate your vows. Review your vows every four to six months to make sure you want to keep doing this. If you've decided that you don't want to live this lifestyle anymore, then go ahead and do whatever you want.
  17. Choose celibacy. Celibacy is never effective if it is forced upon you. Humans are social beings and prefer to live with fellow humans who value and care for them. They love someone they belong to or with whom they can share their life. If someone wants to live alone, they will have the confidence to endure and enjoy this way of life. This is voluntary when the person is at peace with it and finds it normal.
    • If this condition is forced upon, the individual will experience frustration, depression, loneliness, incompleteness, hallucinations and much more. It is therefore best to leave it to the individual to choose his or her own lifestyle. However, if at some point one feels that one can no longer be part of this group, then one can choose a different way of life. It goes without saying that it is also a crime to force a person into celibacy.


  • Stay healthy and fit. Exercise or exercise with your partner, friends or alone.
  • The longer you are celibate, the older you are and the fuller your life is, the easier it is to channel your sexual energy (and frustration) into healthy distraction. Your libido also tends to decline with age (which helps).
  • Get active. Become a volunteer. Help the community, help your friends, visit your parents. In addition to occupying you, it will clear your mind of unwanted thoughts.
  • Diet: Certain foods such as meat, chocolate, coffee and tea reinforce animal instincts while fruits, vegetables, nuts, rice, dairy products are easy to digest and keep the mind and body focused. In his autobiography, Gandhi argued that diet strongly influenced his vow of celibacy.
  • If you fail, fear failure, or find it difficult, don't be discouraged. Learn to forgive yourself. You are an aspirant, a student. You can fail as often as necessary, as long as you don't give up what you think is right for you. If you believe in God, he will forgive you if you are not strong enough, as long as you keep your faith.
  • Practicing celibacy takes time and concentration. It makes you feel great afterwards.
  • Just because you're not going out doesn't mean you shouldn't have to look good. Keep taking care of yourself and choose nicely coordinated clothes, and you will feel good.
  • If you have enough experience, you can interact more freely with people to whom you were sexually attracted. You don't have to live up to a standard that tightly when you are in their company and as a result your nervousness or anxiety can be greatly reduced.
  • Always remember that life is all about relating, and every healthy relationship and contact needs a dose of empathy and attention.
  • If you're not sure what to choose for yourself, take your time and think about the past. Ask yourself when you were most calm and content while you were with someone or when you were alone. Are you able to stay alone and feel comfortable with other couples?


  • Avoid associating with people who are looking for an intimate relationship with you.
  • Don't risk an innocent hug or hug until you've adjusted to celibacy.
  • Be sure of who you are so that your willpower can triumph. Your choice will be tested - by yourself or by others - and you will need the courage to resist temptation.
  • While you will make new friends, you may experience the loss of old, married friends that make you feel like a third wheel. As you hear more and more stories of the misery of men and women who sacrificed their careers for a husband, faced chronic cheating, nasty divorces, or heartbreaking custody battles, you may become more and more grateful for the celibate life you have chosen. .
  • Choosing to remain single and celibate is not without risks and costs, which tend to peak leading up to and during middle age, as explained below.
  • The biggest risk of living a celibate life if you are not asexual is that your sexual desires will eventually triumph, and may manifest in ways you did not foresee.
  • Traveling, living in a conscious community or joint household, and / or living in a medium to large city can help you meet other people who live alone or are single, easing the pain of social alienation from your married friends . People who are single or living alone are more socially active and volunteer for a reason!
  • You may find yourself dealing with false rumors circulating about why you never got married. Some may exclude you socially because you are different, because they fear you have covert desires for their partner, or maybe just because you remind them of the compromises to get married and stay married to their spouse that they are ashamed of, such as turning a blind eye to chronic cheating.
  • If you are a man, the temptation to stop being celibate may increase with age, because as each year passes, the ratio of unmarried women to unmarried men increases, and women actively seek out a romantic relationship with you, even if you haven't stimulated that kind of attention.
  • If you change your mind later in life and decide that you no longer want to remain celibate, you may not have as many options for dating or dating a suitable partner as you did when you were younger - especially if you are a woman - because men are often more likely to die (resulting in more women than men), and will date younger women with age.