Feeding baby rabbits

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to bottle feed baby rabbits: 3 days old.
Video: How to bottle feed baby rabbits: 3 days old.


Baby rabbits - also called kittens - are small, sweet and fluffy animals that need a lot of care. Whether you have found a nest of orphaned babies or if your rabbit has rejected her little ones at home, know that you will have to feed the bunnies if you want them to survive. By feeding at the right times and giving the right amount and type of food, you can help give the baby rabbits a good start in life.

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Part 1 of 2: Giving replacement milk to baby rabbits

  1. Make sure the mother is not feeding her little ones. Before taking a baby bunny away from its mother or assuming it to be an orphan, make sure the mother is not feeding or that she is a danger to the kitten. Mother rabbits feed their little ones about twice a day for five minutes. The little ones also need the mother to keep warm. If the kittens don't seem anxious then the mother is probably just taking a break and it is better not to intervene, even if the mother leaves them alone a lot.
    • Neglected baby rabbits are cold, cry for more than a few minutes when it is time to eat, are blue, or have skin shriveled from dehydration.
    • Some mothers can shed their little ones and in these cases you should take the kittens away from the mother so that she does not harm them.
    • Do not assume that a nest of wild rabbits has been left without a mother. Check regularly before taking them for feeding. If they seem satisfied then it is very unlikely that they have been neglected.
    • Only 10% of hand-fed rabbits survive, so if possible it is better to leave them in the wild.
  2. Buy baby rabbit replacement milk. If you will be feeding the kittens, you will need to purchase replacement milk for them. Rabbit milk contains the most calories of all mammals, so you will need to provide a suitable substitute in the right amount.
    • Buy kitten replacement milk (VMK) or goat milk to feed the kittens. You can buy this at pet stores or sometimes from a local vet's office.
    • You can add a tablespoon of 100% non-sugar heavy whipping cream to each can of VMK to boost the calorie content and mimic the mother's rich milk.
    • You can also add a little acidophilus to the VMK. This can help baby rabbits develop healthy gut flora. Acidophilus can be purchased at most health food stores.
  3. Buy syringes or eye drops for feeding. Baby rabbits usually won't drink from a bottle, so have some sterile oral syringes or eye dropper ready to feed them. This will help control the amount the kittens are eating and mimic the size of a mother's nipple.
    • You can buy oral syringes or eye drops from most pharmacies. Pet stores and vet offices may also have special options for pets.
  4. Mix the replacement milk. Baby rabbits will drink milk from birth until they are about 6 weeks old. In addition, you will need to mix enough milk to feed them at different ages. Dividing the milk into two equal portions per day can ensure that the kitten is getting enough nutrients.
    • Don't forget to add a tablespoon of 100% heavy, non-sugar whipping cream to each can of kitten replacement milk. You can also add a little bit of acidophilus at the same time.
    • Newborn rabbits up to one week of age are given 4-5 ml of replacement milk.
    • Rabbits between 1 - 2 weeks old are given 10 - 15 ml of replacement milk.
    • Rabbits 2 - 3 weeks old are given 15 - 30 ml of replacement milk.
    • Rabbits between 3 - 6 weeks old (or until weaned) are given 30 ml of replacement milk.
  5. Give the replacement milk to the baby rabbit. Once you have mixed the replacement milk, you can give it to the kitten twice a day. It is important that you feed them in a similar way to their mother so that they stay healthy and grow well.
    • Mother rabbits usually feed their kittens twice a day - around sunrise and around sunset.
  6. Let the kitten eat at its own pace. It is crucial that you do not rush the kitten to eat. After all, this can suffocate or even kill the animal.
    • The kitten may suck on the syringe and you can gently squeeze out a small amount of replacement milk.
    • If the kitten doesn't suck the syringe on its own, give it some time to adjust. You may be able to encourage the animal by briefly pressing the syringe to release some milk.
    • For the comfort of the animal, you may also pet it while you feed.
  7. Encourage defecation and urination. It is crucial for the kitten to defecate and urinate before or after feeding. This helps to keep the digestive and urinary tract healthy and in shape.
    • You should only stimulate defecation and urination during the first 10 days of a baby bunny's life or until the eyes are open.
    • Using a cotton swab moistened with warm water, gently rub the animal's anal and genital areas until it begins to defecate and urinate. Keep doing this until the kitten is ready.
    • Don't worry about doing something wrong; this mimics the same behavior that the mother would do.
  8. Wean your baby rabbits. Continue to give the kitten replacement milk or solid food until the animal is ready to wean. Depending on the type of rabbit you have, the animal will be ready to wean after 3 - 4 weeks and 9 weeks.
    • Domestic rabbits are ready to be weaned after about 6 weeks.
    • Wild rabbits such as "cottontails" wean after 3 - 4 weeks, while white "jackrabbits" are ready to be weaned after about 9 weeks.

Part 2 of 2: Feeding baby rabbits solid food

  1. Wait for the kitten's eyes to open. Baby rabbits are allowed to start on solid food once their eyes are open, approximately 10 days after birth. You can slowly add solid foods to their diet until they can be weaned when they are about 6 weeks old. Do not give kittens solid food before their eyes are open, as their digestive system cannot handle this yet.
  2. Start with solid foods. Once the rabbit's eyes are open, you can add solid food to the diet. However, domestic and wild rabbits eat different solid foods, so you need to know exactly what you are giving. Both can eat oats, alfalfa hay and timothy hay; domesticated also eat pellets; also wanted to eat vegetables.
    • Domestic rabbits: oats; timothy hay; alfalfa hay; pellets. DO NOT give them vegetables.
    • Wild rabbits: oats; timothy hay; alfalfa hay; fresh vegetables such as dark leafy greens, the tops of carrots, parsley. DO NOT give them pellets.
    • Leave the solid foods in the corner of their cage for easy access.
    • Make sure to change hay, pellets, and vegetables regularly so they don't go bad and attract bacteria. The vegetables should be fresh and moist.
    • You can buy hay and pellets at most pet stores or your vet's office. You can find vegetables and carrots in groceries and supermarkets.
  3. Provide the baby rabbits with water. In addition to replacement milk and solid food, you should also give the kittens water to keep them hydrated and well nourished.
    • Do not leave a deep dish in the cage. Baby rabbits can drown in deep bowls full of water.
    • Find a shallow bowl with a small amount of water and place it in one corner of the cage.
    • Clean and fill the water bowl regularly with fresh water. This not only keeps the rabbit hydrated, but also prevents bacteria from developing.


  • Only handle a wild rabbit for feeding or you could cause a potentially fatal shock.
  • Find a syringe that flows well to give the kitten rabbit food or water.
  • Slowly put the food in the mouth thanks to the syringe to prevent the animal from choking.
  • When feeding, wrap the rabbit in a towel to soothe it.
  • Consult your vet if you are unsure of how to feed the baby bunny.


  • Never give the rabbit liquid food with a syringe too quickly.
  • Do not overfeed or underfeed your rabbit.


  • Syringe or eye dropper
  • Food for baby rabbits from your vet
  • Replacement milk for kittens or goat milk
  • Fresh cream (optional)