Impress a girl as a boy and make her fall in love with you

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Do THIS To Impress Your Crush And Get Women To Notice You
Video: Do THIS To Impress Your Crush And Get Women To Notice You


It may seem like a daunting task to impress a girl, but it's not that bad. You can impress with your physical appearance, showing off your amazing personality and showcasing your unique skills or talents. Once you get the girl's attention, you can go a long way by smiling at her and making eye contact. You can also try taking her on an exciting outing, or you can ask her for a favor so that she can feel affectionate for you. Keep in mind that falling in love is kind of a mystery, and it's not possible to make every girl fall in love with you.

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Method 1 of 3: Impress a girl

  1. Show her that you have a great personality. Before you even ask her out, show the girl your amazing personality. By being positive, kind, funny, thoughtful, and well mannered, you can show her that you are a nice guy who could make an excellent boyfriend.
    • If you feel that your personality is lacking in certain areas, try to improve yourself. For example, if you tend to be pessimistic, try to discover three positive things about your life every day. After a while you will find that you can see the positive things in your daily life more easily and you will also gain confidence, sleep better and have more empathy.
    • Talk to her. Research has shown that people find a good personality attractive. But if you never talk to her, she may never find out what a great guy you are.
  2. Always look and feel good. Looking and feeling good will make you feel confident when you're around the girl, and that can be enough to win her heart. Take time every day to eat healthy, exercise, sleep and take care of yourself. When you feel good about yourself, you can convey that you are happy and confident, and that is always attractive.
    • Eat healthy and exercise regularly.
    • Rest and relax every day.
    • Make sure your hair looks good.
    • Wear clothes that express your personality.
    • Wear a nice perfume and deodorant.
  3. Find opportunities to showcase your unique talents. Some girls find certain things attractive about a boy, while others don't. But the only way you can tell if the girl you like finds your talents attractive is to find opportunities to show them off.
    • For example, if you can play the guitar very well, you can invite the girl to come and watch a rehearsal or a performance of your band. Or if you are very good at a particular sport, you can ask her to come to a game.
  4. Do things you enjoy doing. Some girls are impressed by guys who are passionate about a hobby and who make time for themselves. If you enjoy doing certain things, make sure you make time to do them. For example, if you are an avid reader, make sure you keep doing that, even if you are chasing a girl. Then you have more to talk about with her, and she might be impressed when she sees you sitting in a cafe with a book.

Method 2 of 3: Ask her out

  1. Plan your approach. Asking a girl to go on a date can be very scary, but if you plan it right, it's not that scary. Think about when, where, and how you are going to ask her out. Try to imagine how you want that moment to go, and then visualize a positive response.
  2. Make sure you look well-groomed and dressed. You have to look your best when you first ask her out. If you're wearing your dirtiest shirt and haven't showered for a few days, she won't really get a good impression of you. You don't have to put on a tuxedo or do a complete makeover before you ask her. But make sure you are clean, wear flattering clothes and your hair and beard are neat and tidy.
  3. Catch her gaze. Confidence is sexy, and one of the most confident things you can do is look her in the eye when you ask her out. It might feel more comfortable to look at the floor and mumble your question in her direction, but that won't impress you. Look her straight in the eye and hold your head up to show that you have confidence.
  4. Stand up straight and get tall. The way you stand shows how confident you are. If you hang with your shoulders down or your arms folded, she may see it as fear or nervousness. Instead, stand up straight with your arms loosely at your sides. Keep your shoulders back and your chest slightly forward. This way you show your full height and width to her, which will make a much more impression than a huddled figure.
  5. Keep it short and be direct. You don't have to talk to her for an hour first if you ask her out. If it takes too long, you may get too nervous. Rather, walk up to her, compliment her, and then say you'd like to meet her up. If you'd rather call her, that's fine too, but don't ask her via Facebook or text because she might think you're too nervous to talk to her.
    • Try saying something like, "Hi, you seem like a really nice girl. Look, I'm in a bit of a hurry, but would you like to hang out together? Can I have your phone number?"
  6. Let it slide if she says no. Sometimes a girl will say no when you ask her out no matter how hard you tried. You will occasionally hear "no" when you ask someone out, you will have to learn to deal with that. If she says no, don't get upset. Let it slide and try not to appear very disappointed.
    • Try saying something like, "Okay, okay. You just seem like a lot of fun, so I thought I'd just ask. Have a great day!"

Method 3 of 3: Increase her affection for you

  1. Make the date go great. If the girl says yes and you make an appointment with her, make sure you do everything you can to make it go perfectly so that she wants to go out with you one more time. Little gestures like holding a door open, helping her put on her coat, or paying for dinner can make a big impression on a girl. If you really want to amaze her, bring a bunch of flowers when you pick her up from home, take her to a good restaurant, and impress by recommending her tasty dishes.
    • If you want to impress her even more on your first date, find out what she likes when you talk to her and then schedule a date that incorporates these things. For example, if she likes horror movies, take her to the latest movie. If she likes Chinese food, take her to a Chinese restaurant. If she likes to play mini golf, go to a mini golf course!
  2. Compliment her. When you first pick her up or see her at the meeting place, give her a heartfelt, specific compliment. You can say something simple like, "You look so beautiful in that dress!" or "Your hair is nice". Whatever you say, do it right away and look her in the eye as you say it.
    • During the next dates, and after you know each other a little better, keep complimenting. But don't just compliment her on her looks. Also appreciate her intelligence, sense of humor, and talents. For example, you can say: "I think it's really great how well you can ride a horse".
  3. Talk about safe topics first. When you get to know a girl you like, you have to be careful not to get very personal too quickly. Stick to topics where she doesn't feel uncomfortable or vulnerable. For example, you can ask her about her favorite music, movies or hobbies.
    • Avoid topics that might be uncomfortable for her, such as ex-boyfriends, family arguments, or religion. Rather focus on questions that will help you get to know her better. Ask about what she likes and dislikes, her friends and family, her interests, etc.
  4. Ask more questions to get to know her even better. It's important to have fun when you meet a girl, so be sure to ask questions that reveal her personality. Now you should know a little better what she likes and dislikes, so you can broach some more in-depth topics.
    • For example, if she told you what her favorite movie was on the previous date, ask her what she likes and dislikes about that movie, how many times she's seen it, who her favorite character is, etc. She will be impressed. are that you have remembered what she said and that you are genuinely interested in something she likes.
  5. Keep seeing her and be patient. It can take a long time for you to really get to know someone, and even longer for her to fall in love with you. But don't get discouraged or get impatient. Just do your best to do fun things with her and get to know her. See each time you go out or spend time together as an opportunity to learn more about her and show her that you are worthy of her love.


  • If the girl doesn't like you, don't try to persuade her to. This only worsens the situation. You can't tell people how to feel.
  • Don't ignore her when you're with your friends. Your friends will always be there, and if you ignore her when you're with them, she may think you don't like her.
  • Don't show yourself if you like a girl.