Getting closer to God as a Christian

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Getting Closer to God
Video: Getting Closer to God


If, as a Christian, you feel that you could get closer to God, here are some ideas and activities to honor and draw closer to God. God loves you more than any living thing. He made you and doing the things below will bring you closer to him.

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  1. Pray. Prayer may seem obvious, but do it at least twice a day. If you don't feel like you are praying: PRAY. Imagine standing in front of him and seeing him when you pray. Worship the Lord! He wants you best friend more than truth and love, Holy God, judge, he who is "perfect Love".
  2. Don't try to be proud / boastful or for luxury to pray: try to make everything in your life great - but nothing is too small to ask for help or wisdom.
  3. Confess your sins to him. Pray for all the problems in your life right now and for other things that are important to you. You can try one prayer diary if you feel unsure about your prayers or would like to keep track of your intentions and outcome.
  4. Ask your Christian friends about ways to pray if you are not very good at it yourself or read articles (eg on the internet) about it.
  5. Remember that God is always with you as a very good friend. When you do this, you will find yourself talking to God more and more. This automatically brings you closer to Him. You will absolutely benefit if you search carefully and ask for the Holy Ghost.
  6. Talk to your pastor, youth worker, religion teacher or someone from the youth ministry about the questions you have. In general, they will have studied the Bible and asked the same questions you have now. Ask the person anything you want to know about God: why does He give us the choice to sin; why does he allow or (perhaps) cause pain and suffering; how can there be problems if he wants to do "good"; why did He let his son suffer, bleed, and die on the cross for us humans (even for murderers); why did Christ have to return to the Father in Heaven; why did he send the Holy Spirit, etc. You will learn a lot about God that you did not know yet. This information will also help you explain God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit to your non-Christian friends.
  7. Read the Bible. The Bible is the written word of God. Try to read a portion of the Bible every day on a daily reading schedule. You can find tons of reading schedules online, try to find one that suits you.
  8. Watch in the church. You will learn much more as you tune in to God. Take notes during the service !!! This helps enormously and you can read and interpret them later on your own life.
  9. Join the Church. Singing along and doing what you are supposed to do (bow your head, sit down, stand, etc.) is not enough. Help where you can in the Church, help others, and receive His blessing.
  10. The best way is to be honest in your thoughts, feelings, actions. God is more pure than anyone, so the more pure you are, the closer you get to God and the more he will be in your heart and fulfill your deepest desires and desires.
  11. Refrain from violence and arguments. Be balanced and serene. Read the Bible for the Eternal Word
  12. If you are a Catholic, go to confession every 2 to 3 months. It will help you live a more Christian life and get closer to God.
  13. Whether you are a child, teenager, or adult, try to associate with people who have the same faith in God; your own confidence will grow when 2 or 3 people dare to trust His answer just like you. This does not mean that you should not associate with people who do not believe or believe differently, but when you pray, trust his answer, otherwise you will not get closer to God.


  • So I command you: be firm and steadfast, let nothing hold you back or discourage you, for wherever you go, the Lord your God is with you. "
  • Without faith it is impossible to give joy to God; For whoever wants to approach him must believe that he exists, and whoever seeks him will be rewarded by him. (Hebrews 11: 6).
  • Relax and trust God. If you feel like your problems have gotten too big, take a step back. Trust in God because he wants the best for you. Trust in the Lord and do what is right.
  • Be careful not to forget God. It's so easy to get lost, but stay focused on God. Always look for him. Find him because he wants to be found.
  • Try not to get angry. When people get angry, they lose faith in God. When you get angry, try to calm and reassure yourself.
  • Reading the Bible daily is essential to get closer to God. If you don't know what to read, start with John. Before you start reading, ask God to open your heart, soul, and mind to what he wants to show you. Read one or two chapters a day, (maybe one in the morning and one in the evening, whichever fits your schedule best) and really think about what the writer wanted to say. Pray as you read and talk to God about the meaning of these verses. This is a GREAT way to get closer to HIM, as long as you do this on a daily basis.
  • Don't be self-centered when you pray. Remember that God has his own reasons and sets the moment himself. Trust him in that.
  • If you sincerely bless others, you too will receive His blessing in abundance.
  • Join youth groups or adults who want to ignite a new fire in you.
  • Jesus said: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and mind;" and, "Love your neighbor as yourself."
  • You don't have to become a priest or pastor to get closer to God. You are already doing that through your personal prayers and by having a childlike trust in him!
  • Don't repeat prayers you don't mean. God wants to have a conversation with you, not just hear words that have no meaning to you. Think of him as your friend.
  • Always thank, honor and worship God (for all that he has done and will do for you) regardless of the good and bad things that are happening in your life.
  • This is not something to "just get through to heaven". He will only reward what is sincerely and honestly meant, but his reward will be great.
  • Remember that a certain outcome can be brought about by a 3rd person and opposite to your prayers and that God has no part in it. They, with free choice, do not follow Christ and God, drawing you into their actions. This may depend on (refusing) God's will.
  • Knowing that God is our intimate father who loves us infinitely and longs to bond with us, it is vital to be close to him.
  • When you are angry, be angry, but avoid sins such as fighting, causing injury, damage, etc. Do not let the sun set on your sins, so make up for it the same day.
  • If you have a problem, ask God to help you. He may not solve it the way you had in mind, but you will be satisfied with the result. Jesus said, "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you." (Luke 11: 9).
  • Find your happiness with the Lord, he will give what your heart desires. (Psalm 37: 2-5)


  • "Pride Leads to Fall, and Pride Comes to Destruction!" says the Bible. So think better of others, for example, by making it a habit to be ready, courteous, and considerate to share God's love with them.
  • "" Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you as a stranger and took you up, naked and clothed you? When did we see you sick or was in prison and did we come to you? ” And the king will answer them, "I tell you, all that you have done to one of the least of my brothers or sisters, you have done to me." This is how the King will speak on the day of judgment.
  • Children cannot stop adults if they have decided to separate (for example, in the event of a divorce).