Being single

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 21 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why It’s Better to be Single | 4 Reasons
Video: Why It’s Better to be Single | 4 Reasons


It can be difficult to be single when it seems like everyone around you is in a relationship. You may feel the pressure to find a new partner or you may just be lonely. Whether you plan on staying alone or not, it is important to learn how to take care of yourself and understand that it is entirely possible to live a fulfilling life as a single. Even if you are alone and live alone, you don't have to be lonely and isolated!

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Part 1 of 3: Leaving a relationship

  1. Stand up for yourself. Whether you're being abused or just unhappy with your relationship, there comes a time when you have to put your heels in the sand and do what's best for you.
    • People stay in unhealthy relationships for many reasons, such as feelings of guilt, financial stress, or children. It is important to realize that you are actually trapping yourself in the relationship by letting these fears guide you.
    • You can start by standing up for yourself in small ways, for example developing your own interests, making your own decisions, and spending more time without your partner.
  2. Overcome your fear of the unknown. Many people are reluctant to leave long-term relationships because they are not used to living alone and do not know what the future holds for them when they leave. To start over as a single, you have to be willing to take the plunge and accept that you don't know what's going to happen next.
    • If you're not quite ready to leave the relationship, try to focus on self-compassion. If you consciously work on things that make you happier, you will eventually develop the strength you need to leave a relationship that is holding you back.
    • Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't have the courage to leave the relationship right away. These negative thoughts towards yourself will only worsen your confidence, making it even more difficult to leave.
  3. Getting to know yourself. Some people are actually happier being single, and there's nothing wrong with that. If you find that you have no problem living alone and not having a partner, don't try to force yourself to change that. Even if you don't like being single, take this opportunity to find out what is really important to you in life.
    • It's easy for people to lose some of their identity in a relationship, so it can take time for someone to adjust to being alone. Whether you plan to be alone forever or just for a short period of time, learn to embrace your individual interests and preferences in either case.
    • Take the time to research all of your interests. If you had a hobby before your relationship that you no longer do, consider going back to it. If not, try out new hobbies until you find something you enjoy.
    • There is no need to stick to routines you created with a former partner. If you watch TV every night from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., think about whether there's anything you'd rather do now that you're single.

Part 2 of 3: Taking care of yourself

  1. Be independent. If you've been in a relationship for a long time, you've probably relied on your partner for at least some of the day-to-day tasks, be it mowing the lawn, cooking meals, or paying bills. As one person you should be able to arrange all these things on your own. Try to list all the tasks your partner did for you and learn to tackle them one by one.
    • Being independent can give you an incredible amount of power! Rather than feeling sorry for yourself, know that you are fully capable of taking care of yourself. Even if you choose to start a new relationship in the future, you will always know how to do things yourself.
    • Try not to be overwhelmed by everything you need to do, or be afraid to ask a friend, family member, or neighbor for help if you don't understand something.
    • Being on your own for your income can be a huge hurdle if you previously depended on your partner's income. Take a good look at your budget and try to find areas where you can cut back. For example, you might be able to move into a smaller apartment as a single, or learn how to cook instead of constantly eating out. You may also want to consider getting a roommate.
  2. Develop your other relationships. Just because you're single doesn't mean you're alone in the world. In fact, singles tend to have stronger relationships with friends, relatives, and neighbors than married people. To avoid becoming lonely and isolated, surround yourself with the people you love.
    • Don't fall prey to the belief that you must have attachment issues when you're single. Studies have shown that single people are just as capable of forming healthy relationships with the people around them.
    • If you've spent a lot of time with other couples before, you may no longer be invited to do things together now that you're single. They may be deliberately shutting you out or just trying to keep you from feeling uncomfortable. Either way, you have to decide if these former friends are important enough to talk to them about your friendship relationship.
    • You may need to make new friends after you are single. Try joining clubs, volunteering, or getting to know colleagues better. Having other single friends makes the transition much easier for you. Use sites like Meetup to find people who share your interests and meet some new people.
    • You can try joining single groups or going to single bars, but be aware that you will likely run into a lot of people looking for a relationship instead of wanting to enjoy being single.
  3. Shield yourself from negativity. There is a belief that people are single only because they cannot find a partner, when in fact many people are single because they prefer to live that way. If you've been single for a long time, some people will think there is something wrong with you. There isn't much you can do to change society's view of relationships, so try to ignore this kind of discrimination.
    • Research has shown that singles are no less happy, successful, or psychologically healthy than people in steady relationships. Take comfort in this information, and remind yourself that people who have different beliefs are not well informed.
    • If you experience this type of discrimination from close friends or family members, it may be worthwhile to have a conversation with them about your choice to stay single. If you can show them that you are happy that you are single and that you feel very hurt that they think negatively about it, then they may be able to empathize more.
    • In fact, if you feel lonely and isolated as a single, these feelings may be caused by discrimination, or how others talk about it, rather than the reality of your single life. This is why it is so important to stay away from people who make you feel bad about yourself for being single.
    • If people want to match you with someone, be very clear whether or not you are interested. It is entirely up to you whether you want to date or not at any given time. You don't owe anyone an explanation.

Part 3 of 3: Reaping the benefits of single life

  1. Live a healthy life. Singles have been shown to exercise more than married people. This could be because they have more free time or because they consider their appearance more important. Either way, take advantage of your single status to get healthy and enjoy life to the fullest.
  2. Be proud of your strength. Because they are more self-dependent and deal with society's negative views on their relationship status, singles are often stronger and more resilient than couples. The next time you feel bad about not having a partner, remind yourself that being single can make you stronger.
  3. Do whatever you want. There is a tremendous amount of freedom that comes with being single. If you've been in a relationship for a long time, you may have forgotten how liberating it can be to make all of your own decisions without worrying about another person's opinion. Now that you're single, you can enjoy your freedom in these simple ways:
    • Travel where and when you want
    • Set your own time
    • Decorate your apartment or house the way you want it
    • Eat whatever you want
    • Go out, stay in or invite people - whatever you want
  4. Dedicate yourself to your passions. Singles tend to appreciate more meaningful work than people who are in a relationship. If you want to be happy while single, it can help to devote more of your time to something you really care about, be it your job or volunteering.
    • Being single can make it much easier for you to truly immerse yourself in your work because you don't have to worry about the demands your relationship places on you. If you plan on staying single for a long time, find a job that will keep you satisfied and make you want to get out of bed every morning. If your life is so fulfilling, being single isn't going to feel like a void at all.
    • Being single can make you more creative and help you see the world from a different perspective. Take advantage of your own time to pursue your creative passions, whether you're writing, painting, or just taking the time to admire the clouds in the sky.
    • Trying new things is one of the best ways to avoid loneliness when you're single. Take advantage of your ability to do what you want when you want and discover new interests and passions to keep your life exciting.
  5. Look for healthy relationships if you want to. Once you learn how to survive without a relationship, you can decide whether to stay single or find a partner. Both choices are perfectly acceptable, so don't let others pressure you.
    • Don't rush into a relationship that isn't right. The relationship should be reciprocal and you shouldn't have to give up your personal identity.


  • Don't be pressured by friends or family members to go out. You should only start going out if you really want to.
  • Being single can be particularly difficult around holidays such as Christmas and Valentine's Day, so it is very normal to feel a little depressed at that time.
  • If you're invited to a party and you can bring a guest, it's okay to go alone or bring a girlfriend, rather than a date. Do whatever you like best.
  • Always remember that just being single doesn't mean you have to be alone. You can choose to live with other people and spend a lot of time with other people. It's also entirely possible to be lonely when you're in a relationship, so don't just get into it just because you don't want to be alone.
  • Just remember that you are important. If you feel like you are alone, accept that feeling, but without feeling sorry for yourself. Surround yourself with people who love you. Take up a new hobby and be your happiest self.