How to get rid of a too big belly

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Lose Your Gut (Pot Belly) with these Strategies
Video: Lose Your Gut (Pot Belly) with these Strategies


Too much belly fat is a big problem for many people today, especially when they reach middle age. Aside from looking, belly fat is the most dangerous type of body fat to carry with you, as it indicates a higher level of visceral fat stored in the abdominal cavity and also around the internal organs. Therefore, it is necessary to take serious action to get rid of this body fat and thus maintain a healthy lifestyle and feel happy in your body.

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Part 1 of 4: Changing your diet

  1. Limit your intake of calories. If you want to lose weight, you will need to consume fewer calories - it's that simple. Fortunately, the stomach is one of the first places you lose fat during weight loss, so it is easier to correct than stubborn fat on the buttocks, thighs or arms.
    • One pound of fat equals 3,500 calories. In other words, to lose one pound of fat per week you will have to cut 3,500 calories per week.
    • Don't lie to yourself about the amount of calories. Keep track of everything you eat / drink in a food diary or an online calorie tracker.
    • Eating a healthy diet and cutting back on calories accounts for 80% of your weight loss, so don't think you can eat whatever you want as long as you exercise.
    • A healthy goal is to lose between 1 and 2 pounds per week - more is called a crash diet and is nearly impossible to sustain.
    • Depending on the obesity you start with, women should eat between 1,500 and 2,000 calories a day to lose weight safely and men between 2,000 and 1,500.
  2. Eat more fiber. More soluble fiber is essential for healthy weight loss. It helps to reduce visceral fat, the potentially dangerous fat that is stored around vital organs such as the heart, lungs and liver. People who suffer from excess belly fat are more likely to have a higher percentage of visceral fat than others.
    • Breakfast is one of the easiest meals to absorb more fiber. Switch to whole grain cereal or oatmeal. Eat whole wheat bread and bake wheat bran muffins.
    • Do not peel fruits and vegetables (such as apples, carrots and potatoes) as far as possible, because the peel contains the most fiber (and most vitamins and minerals).
    • Introduce more split peas, beans (black, kidney, pinto) and nuts (almonds, peanuts) into your diet, as these are all high in fiber.
  3. Forget about sugar. Sugar is the biggest enemy when it comes to reducing belly fat, because it is full of empty calories and has no nutritional value whatsoever.
    • When too much sugar is consumed, the body will not be able to process this, so that it is converted into fat and stored on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and breasts.
    • Natural sugars like those found in fruit are okay (in moderation), so pay particular attention to the added sugars. You will find these in most packaged and processed foods, such as ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, sweets and soft drinks.
    • Also watch out for many of the so-called fat-free or low-fat products, which often contain a lot of sugar. This is the case with many types of yogurt, cheeses and sauces.
    • Read the labels of the products you buy and pay particular attention to ingredients such as maltose, dextrose, ribose, xylose, lactose and sucrose - these are just different names for sugar.
    • Also, beware of anything that has a lot of fructose malt syrup in it - this is an artificial sweetener and just as, if not more, thickening than actual sugar.
  4. Eat more vegetables. Remember, losing weight doesn't mean starving yourself - you can eat as many fruits and vegetables as you want. In fact, the majority of any meal should consist of vegetables.
    • All the protein you eat together shouldn't exceed a deck of cards, while servings of carbohydrates should fit in the palm of your hand. The rest of your plate should be filled with vegetables.
    • Loading your plate with vegetables fools your brain into making it seem like you're gulping down a lot of food. As a result, you will be less likely to load your plate with rice, potatoes or meat.
    • In particular, eat vegetables with a low glycemic index, as they are high in fiber and protein, and help your body slowly release energy throughout the day. These are vegetables such as asparagus, artichokes, cauliflower, broccoli, celery, eggplant, mushrooms, gourd, zucchini, peppers, etc.
  5. Eat more healthy fats. Surprisingly, eating more fat can actually make you lose weight - but only if you eat the right fat.
    • Foods containing monounsaturated fatty acids are good for you and can help reduce your tummy. To get more of these fats, you can use more olive oil in cooking, eat avocados and snack on nuts such as walnuts and pine nuts.
    • Also eat more oily fish because of the Omega-3 fatty acids. Think of salmon, mackerel, herring, trout and tuna.
    • Stay away from the trans fats found in margarine and most refined foods, as they are very bad for your health and contribute to the typical tummy.
  6. Drink more water. Drinking water is very important when trying to get rid of belly fat. First, water will cleanse your system, removing toxins and making you feel less bloated.
    • Second, the water will regulate your metabolism, allowing you to burn fat more efficiently. Third, drinking water will make you feel less hungry, so you will overeat less often at mealtimes. If you feel the urge to eat something unhealthy, try drinking a glass of water first and see what the effect is!
    • It is recommended to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day, but this can be more if you exercise a lot. Instead of your morning coffee, try what you think about a glass of hot water (or herbal tea) with lemon.
    • You can also start drinking green tea, which has the advantage of being high in antioxidants, also known as catechin, which can help burn fat cells.

Part 2 of 4: Sports

  1. Focus on cardio. Compared to countless crunches and push-ups, cardiovascular exercise is the best way to burn calories and belly fat.
    • However, it is important to do interval training instead of just shuffling on the treadmill. Interval training is an alternation of short bursts of activity and less intense training.
    • Sprint at 30-second intervals during your run, or set the elliptical / treadmill to interval mode.
    • To lose belly fat, work up to 30 minutes of high-intensity cardio at least 4 times a week.
  2. Introduce more activity into your daily life. In addition to regular exercise, it's a good idea to make your whole life more active - that way you burn more calories without taking too much extra effort.
    • Make simple changes, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or simply cycling to work. If you do a sedentary job, try to do your work standing for some of the time. Just standing instead of sitting will burn more calories.
    • Take the opportunity to do spring cleaning, paint the house, or work in the garden - having a project you can work on will make you more active without even noticing!
    • Also, try to do active things just for fun - play soccer with your kids after school, take dance lessons, or spend the day at the beach.
  3. Do strength training. It's a great idea to do some strength training as well. Think of squats, deadlifts, bicep curls and leg presses.
    • Although these exercises don't burn as many calories as cardio, they will help you in the long run. They help to make you stronger and you grow muscles with them, which accelerates your metabolism and you burn fat more easily, even when you are not exercising.
    • Exercises like squats and deadlifts also increase muscle around your waist and keep you slim. However, it is very important to do these exercises correctly, so if you have never done them before, consider doing this under supervision first.
  4. Don't spend too much time on crunches or sit-ups. Many people think that doing hundreds of crunches can help you get rid of belly fat and get tight, visible abs.
    • But it is not possible to burn fat in one area by exercising, so the muscles you build will be hidden by the layer of fat and may even make you look fatter.
    • That's why it's a good idea to put those crunches and sit-ups on hold until you've gotten rid of the excess belly fat. Then you can start working on the muscle definition of your abdomen.
    • Instead of crunches and sit-ups, you can do exercises that target multiple muscle groups (not just your core) and work on your cardiovascular system at the same time. The plank is great for that, as are walkouts (from the push-up position) and alligator drags.

Part 3 of 4: Changing your lifestyle

  1. Get plenty of sleep. You might not have expected that, but getting enough sleep is essential to get rid of belly fat.
    • When you get tired, your body produces more ghrelin, a hormone that makes you hungry and crave sugar and fat.
    • In addition, a lack of sleep can disrupt the production of other hormones, leading to an increase in cortisol and insulin sensitivity - both of which are linked to belly fat.
    • Therefore, it is important that you try to get at least 7 or 8 hours of sleep for a good night's sleep. If you can't sleep, cut down on caffeine and avoid watching television and working on your laptop before going to bed - read a book or take a relaxing bath, that's better.
  2. Reduce stress. Studies have shown that increased levels of cortisol (a hormone caused by stress) can be linked to excess belly fat.
    • In addition, you are more likely to choose the wrong food when you are tense, especially if you are very busy or have a tendency to eat comfort food.
    • That's why it's important to feel less stressed about getting rid of belly fat. Sport can make a great contribution to this and ensure a better night's sleep.
    • Also take the time to do things for yourself. Read a book, go to the movies, or spend more time with family and friends. Activities such as meditation and yoga can also be very helpful in reducing stress.
  3. Make sure you consume less alcohol. Heavy or moderate drinking is not helpful if you want to get a flat stomach. This is true for several reasons:
    • First, alcoholic drinks (especially beer and cocktails) are high in calories. That beer with colleagues after work can give you a lot more calories per day than you thought.
    • Second, excessive alcohol consumption will put a lot of strain on your liver, which has to work heavy overtime to work all the toxins out of your system. This requires energy that is required for other important body processes such as fat burning and muscle growth.
    • There is no need to become a teetotaler, but try to limit it to the weekends and never go boozing.

Part 4 of 4: Staying motivated

  1. Don't forget why it is important to lose belly fat. If you're having a hard time staying motivated, remind yourself why this is so important to your health.
    • People with a lot of belly fat are also more likely to have more fat around the organs, such as the heart, lungs and liver.
    • Although this fat is not bad at all (it protects the organs), too much of it can produce harmful substances in the body and lead to an increased risk of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, fatty liver and certain types cancer.
    • That is why losing weight is not only important for your appearance - it is also better for your overall health. To get a healthy level of visceral fat, your waist should be no more than 90 cm in women and 100 cm in men.
  2. Always weigh yourself around the same time of day. If you're in the habit of stepping on the scale every day, it can be discouraging not to see any progress.
    • But weight fluctuates from day to day and even hour to hour depending on when you eat and when you last went to the bathroom. That's why it's important to always weigh yourself around the same time to get a more accurate indication of your progress.
    • Don't weigh yourself every day, but every other week, because you can't lose weight so quickly that you can see it the next day.
  3. Measure your progress. It's also a good idea to keep an eye on your measurements in addition to measuring weight. You may not see a difference on the scale, but you can see on the tape measure.
    • Calculate your waist-hip ratio by measuring your waist (at the height of your navel) and your hips (the widest part).
    • Divide the circumference of your waist by that of your hips to get the waist-to-hip ratio.
    • A healthy waist-to-hip ratio for women is 0.8 or lower and 0.9 or lower for men.
  4. Take pictures. Another great way to track your progress is to take pictures of yourself. This gives you a more visual indication of your progress and can help you stay motivated.
    • Take pictures of yourself at the start of your weight loss journey and at a number of chosen milestones. Take a photo from the front, back and side - so it's helpful if someone can help you with that.
    • Take pictures of yourself in underwear or tight-fitting clothes so that you can clearly see the body shape.Stand up straight, but try not to pull in your stomach as this will give a false impression. Just let it hang.
    • Compare every photo you take with the original - you will be amazed at your progress.
  5. Lose weight with a friend. Staying motivated while losing weight can be very difficult, especially if everyone around you eats what they want and hangs in front of the TV in the evenings instead of going to the gym.
    • Try to get a friend or family member to start losing weight together. A little competition can be just enough to whip yourself up a bit.
    • Organize it so that you go to the gym or go for a walk together. Get both on the scale every week - this way you can encourage each other if you have failed to achieve your personal goals!


  • Eat a hearty breakfast, an average lunch, and a light evening meal, instead of the other way around. Definitely don't snack before going to bed.


  • You should never try to follow a crash diet because it is unhealthy and cannot be sustained in the long run.