How to get rid of a dry cough with home remedies

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dry Cough Treatment | Dry Cough Home Remedy
Video: Dry Cough Treatment | Dry Cough Home Remedy


Coughing is one way for your body to expel mucus, but a dry cough is one that does not produce mucus. This type of cough can be frustrating, but there are several natural remedies that can help get rid of a dry cough. You can make your own honey lemon cough syrup, try a natural home remedy, or just take good care of yourself to get rid of your dry cough. Be sure to talk to your doctor if your cough does not go away within two weeks, if it is severe, or if it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, fatigue, weight loss, or coughing up blood. If it is accompanied by the latter complaints, it is important to seek medical advice as soon as possible.

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Method 1 of 3: Make your own cough syrup with honey and lemon

  1. Gather the supplies you need. Honey has been found to be more effective than cough medicines for some people, so your own honey cough syrup can help relieve your dry cough. Making it is easy and you may already have everything you need in your kitchen. To make a honey / lemon cough syrup you will need:
    • 1 cup of honey
    • 3 - 4 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
    • Two to three cloves of garlic (optional)
    • A 3-4 cm ginger (optional)
    • 1/4 cup of water
    • Small saucepan
    • Wooden spoon
    • Weck jar with a lid
  2. Mix honey and lemon. Warm up a cup of honey. Then add three to four tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the warm honey. If you only have lemon juice in a carton or bottle, use four to five tablespoons.
    • If you just want honey and lemon in your natural cough syrup, you can add one cup of water to the honey-lemon mixture and stir it over a low heat for about 10 minutes.
    • If you want to keep the medicinal properties of your honey lemon cough syrup, stop adding the water and heating the mixture. There are some other ingredients you can add, such as garlic and ginger.
  3. Add garlic. Garlic has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic, and anti-fungal properties, so it can help fight the cause of your dry cough. Peel two to three cloves of garlic and chop them as finely as possible. Add the garlic to the honey-lemon mixture.
  4. Add some ginger. Ginger is often used to improve digestion and as a remedy for nausea and vomiting, but it can also dissolve mucus and counteract your cough reflex.
    • Cut and peel about 3-4 cm of fresh ginger root. Grate the ginger and add it to the honey-lemon mixture.
  5. Pour in a quarter cup of water and heat the mixture. Measure out a quarter cup of water and add it to the honey-lemon mixture. Then heat the mixture on low heat for about 10 minutes. Stir the mixture as it heats to make sure the ingredients are well combined, and keep heating the mixture all the time.
  6. Transfer the mixture to a preserving jar. After you have finished heating the mixture, put it in a preserving jar. Slowly pour it in and scrape out the pan with your spoon to make sure all the ingredients go into the pot. Then put the lid on the jar.
  7. Place the honey lemon syrup in the refrigerator. You need to keep this mixture in the refrigerator to prevent it from spoiling. Discard any leftover syrup after a month. Take one or two tablespoons of the honey lemon cough syrup, depending on your needs.
    • Never give honey to a child under one year old.

Method 2 of 3: Using natural home remedies

  1. Sip on a cup of peppermint tea. Peppermint tea can soothe a dry cough and can also help clear the nasal passages and thin mucus. Try to drink a few cups during the day to soothe a dry cough. You can find peppermint tea in health food stores and health food stores.
    • To make a cup of peppermint tea, place a tea bag in a mug and pour 240ml of boiling water over it. Then let the tea steep for about five minutes. Wait for it to cool to a comfortable drinking temperature before drinking the tea.
  2. Take marshmallow root. The scientific name of marshmallow is Althaea officinalis and it is a traditional cough medicine. It produces a film that covers the throat and seems to help suppress a dry cough. You can find marshmallow root tea, drops, and capsules at health food stores.
    • You can drink several cups of marshmallow root tea per day, take 30 to 40 drops of marshmallow root tincture per day in a glass of water, or take up to six grams of marshmallow root powder capsules per day.
    • For every product you use, read and follow the manufacturer's directions for use.
    • Make sure to check with your doctor first, especially if you are on medication.
  3. Try slippery elm. Slippery elm soothes a dry cough by increasing mucus production and covering your throat. You can take slippery elm in a few different forms, but make sure to check with your doctor first and follow the manufacturer's instructions for use.
    • You can drink a few cups of slippery elm tea every day, take five ml of tincture three times a day or take a 400 to 500 mg slippery elm capsule three times a day for up to eight weeks, or suck on pastilles of it throughout the day.
    • If you are pregnant or on medication, talk to your doctor before using slippery elm.
  4. Brew some thyme tea. Thyme is another traditional medicine for dry coughs. You can brew thyme tea to use it as a cough reliever. To make a cup of thyme tea, place one teaspoon of dried thyme in a cup and pour boiling water over it. Then let the herbs steep for about five minutes, strain the herbs out of the water and drink the tea after it has cooled down a bit.
    • Thyme oil is poisonous when ingested. Do not take thyme oil by mouth.
    • Thyme can interact with some medications, including blood thinners and hormone medications. Talk to your doctor before using thyme if you are on medication or if you are pregnant.
  5. Chew a piece of ginger root. Ginger helps asthmatics because it has a bronchodilating effect (it opens the airways). Since ginger helps to relax the muscles and open the airways, it can also be helpful with a dry cough. Chew on a piece of peeled ginger about 2-3 cm to see if it helps with your cough.
    • You can also make a ginger root tea. To make ginger tea, put a teaspoon of ground ginger in a cup and pour 1 cup (240 ml) of boiling water over the ginger. Then let the ginger steep for about five to ten minutes. Drink the tea after it has cooled down a bit.
  6. Mix turmeric and milk. Turmeric milk is a traditional cough treatment and studies have shown that turmeric can help relieve a cough. Put some turmeric in a cup of warm milk to soothe a dry cough.
    • Stir half a teaspoon of turmeric into a glass of warm cow's milk. If you don't like cow's milk, try goat's milk, soy milk, coconut milk, or almond milk.
  7. Gargle with warm salt water. Warm salt water can be helpful for a sore throat or dry cough, or when your throat is swollen or irritated. Add 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt to about 1 cup (240 ml) of water. Stir the mixture to dissolve the salt and then gargle with it.
    • Repeat this every few hours of the day.
  8. Use the steam to soothe your cough. Keeping the air in your environment moist can also help soothe your cough. Use a spray bottle or take hot, steamy showers to moisten your throat and soothe a dry cough.
    • If you have a spray, add a few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil to it to help ease your dry cough. These scents can help open your airways and can also soothe a dry cough.

Method 3 of 3: Take care of yourself

  1. Drink enough water. Staying hydrated is essential for good health and can be even more important when you are sick. Drinking water can also help soothe your dry cough by moisturizing your throat. Drink eight glasses of water (about two liters) a day to get enough fluids.
    • Drinking warmly can also help you stay hydrated. Drink tea, broth, and clear soups to soothe your cough and stay hydrated.
  2. Get plenty of rest. Plenty of rest will also support your body in healing. Make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep every night. If you have a cold or other contagious illness, take a day off from work to rest and recover.
  3. Eat nutritious foods. Adequate nutrition is also essential for recovery from illness, so be sure to eat a healthy diet. Stay away from junk food. Instead, opt for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and lean protein sources.
    • Eat chicken soup as one of your main meals. In fact, this traditional home remedy has been shown to reduce inflammation and dissolve mucus.
  4. Stop smoking. Sometimes a dry cough can be due to smoking or made worse by smoking. If you smoke, do what you can to quit. Talk to your doctor about medications and programs that can make it easier for you to quit smoking.
    • If you have stopped smoking, you can also get a dry cough. This indicates that your body is trying to heal itself and will need to improve over time.
  5. Suck on cough candies or hard candies. Sucking on a throat lozenge or even a hard candy can help soothe your dry cough. The lozenges or hard candies increase saliva production and help to moisten a dry throat. Other ingredients in medicated cough drops can also help suppress a cough.
  6. See a doctor if you have a persistent or severe cough. In many situations, a dry cough will go away within a week or two. If your cough doesn't improve or gets worse, call your doctor. Call your doctor right away if you notice the following:
    • Thick and / or greenish-yellow mucus
    • Wheezing
    • A whistling sound at the beginning or end of your breath
    • Difficult breathing or shortness of breath
    • Fever of more than 38 degrees Celsius
    • Blood in mucus that you cough up
    • A swollen stomach
    • Suddenly having to cough violently