Read pH test strips

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Read pH Test Strips For Liquids
Video: How To Read pH Test Strips For Liquids


If you want to know the acidity of a liquid, you can use pH test strips to determine the pH value. If you've never used a pH strip before, you may find them look like a regular strip of paper, and the colorful chart like something you might encounter in an art class. Fortunately, reading a pH test strip is very easy once you understand how the color coding works!

To step

Part 1 of 2: Using the pH test strips

  1. Make sure the strips test the range you need. The pH scale covers a range of 14 numbers, with 7 being neutral. The lower numbers are more acidic, while the higher numbers are more alkaline. Some strips only test part of that spectrum, so make sure the strips you buy cover the pH levels you want to test for.
  2. Read the box to find out how long to leave the strips in it. Some test strips only need to be in the test liquid for about a second, while others take about 20 seconds to produce a reading. Make sure to read the instructions to make sure the measurement is accurate.
  3. Dip one end of the test strip into the fabric you want to test. You do not have to submerge the entire strip in the test substance. Hold the strip on one side and dip the other side in the liquid, then take it out again after the appropriate time.
    • You can test all types of liquid with the pH test strips.
  4. Compare the color of the strip with the supplied table. The pH test strips come with a pH color table. When the test strip has finished reacting, hold it against the table and compare the color of the strip with the color table. If you read the number corresponding to the color on the strip, then you have your pH reading.
    • Acids are represented by warm colors, such as red and orange, while alkalis are represented by cooler colors, such as blue and green.
  5. If you don't have one, look for a generic table online. If you lose the table that came with the strips, or if the strips did not come with a table, you can always search online for a general table. Even if the color doesn't match exactly, you should still get a good approximation of the pH level.

Part 2 of 2: Knowing what to test

  1. Test the tap water to see if it is acid neutral. Water is neutral, which means it must have a pH level of 7. Most drinking water falls between 6.5 and 8.5. Test your drinking water to see if it falls within this range. If not, there may be contamination in your water pipe.
  2. Balance the water in your pool by testing the pH level. The water in a swimming pool must remain at a pH level between 7.4 and 7.6. Add a product containing sodium carbonate if the content is less than 7.4 and hydrochloric acid if it is greater than 7.6.
  3. Test the pH level in your tank if you have one. The pH level in your tank is critical to keeping your fish healthy. Since the pH levels of natural water vary, it makes sense that different fish require different pH levels. Know the best pH range for your fish and test your water to make sure it falls within that range.
    • There are a number of products available at pet stores to raise or lower the pH of your tank.
  4. Measure the pH of your saliva to test your oral health. The average pH of saliva is around 6.7, but a normal range is between 6.2 and 7.6. If you measure your saliva and it's drastically different, your teeth are at greater risk for cavities or gum disease.
    • Make sure you don't eat or drink anything for about 30 minutes before testing your saliva as this can interfere with the reading.


  • Universal pH test strip
  • pH table on the box
  • Something to test out